module6 教案3(外研版九年级上)

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1、Module 6 Save our worldUnit 1 Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal.课型:听说课【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法waste, wasteful, energy, pollution, recycle, reader, environmental, reusable,hopeless等。2. 能力目标:理解和掌握前缀、后缀构词法的知识点,并能准确运用。能基本听懂有关环保的日常对话;自如的谈论环保问题。3. 情感目标:通过对世界环境问题的深入了解,让学生增强环保意识,号召学生从身边的小事做起

2、,为维护世界美丽和谐的环境出一份力。【教学重难点】: 1.重点:理解和掌握本单元的核心语法点-前缀、后缀构词法。2.难点:准确、熟练地运用本单元所学的词汇等进行听、说、读的训练。【教学过程】课前朗读: 朗读P42单词,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。检查词汇预习:a.采取学生结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。b.朗读单词,注意发音。一、情境导入教师可问学生:Hello, everyone. Now look at the pictures, please talk about which words we can use to describe them这样

3、会调动学生用英语思维的积极性, 引出课题Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal.二、小听力(自主完成,合作释疑) 听Activity 2, 补全下列句子。1. Its a _, and its causing a lot of _.2. It goes into the _ and into the ocean. We need to protect them.3. Its a place where you can _ waste products, such as glass and _ and paper, and things like t

4、hat.三、大听力 多层听1. Listen to Activity 3,do activity 4 2. Listen again and choose the right answers.1) Whose email have they got? _A. Zhao Mings B. Bettys C. Linglings D. Damings2) What are they going to write about? _A. a wonder of the world B. sporting lifeC. their favorite magazine D. environmental e

5、ducation3) The students and teachers of a green school _.A. pollute the environment B. destroy the environmentC. are careful about the environment D. throw away glass and metal4). What can we do to protect the environment? _A. protect the air and the oceans B. throw away litterC. drive a car to work

6、 D. waste energy四、小组间合作解决Activity 3中不懂的句子,教师适时点拨。五、突破重点与难点对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1Everyone agrees we must be careful about the environment. 每个人都认为我们必须谨慎地对待环境。be careful about“小心,谨慎对待”相当于 。例如:在山里时我们必须当心野兽。We when were in mountains.2Its wasteful to throw away glass ,paper and metal.扔掉玻璃、纸片和金属是很浪费的行为。1)本句是

7、Its 的固定句型。2)throw away 意思是 ,若代词作宾语,必须放在 。例如:I dont need that-you can .(扔掉它)3、We should stop the factories from polluting the river.我们应当阻止工厂污染河流。stop sb./sth. from doting sth. 意思是 。from 可省略。例如:如果我们想这样做的话,没有什么能阻止我们。 Nothing can if we want to.4. If we dont, the future is hopeless.hopeless用了形容词后缀_表示反义。T

8、om writes so _(care) that he makes some mistakes in his homework.六、诵读积累(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟对话(三)读烂短语(四)读烂下列重点句子1. Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal. 2. Everyone agrees we must be careful about the environment.3. There are thousands of green schools in 4. Every class collects reusable wa

9、ste, sells it for recycling.5. If we dont, the future is hopeless.6. I saw your enjoyable online magazine while I was doing my homework on favorite books.7. But its not just at school, its also at home that we save energy and recycle.8. We should stop the factories from polluting the river.七、说的训练: W

10、ork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 9.八. 当堂检测1.昨天,我收到了朋友的一封来信。(get a letter from) 2.我们应当阻止工厂污染河流。(stopfrom doing) 3.为了让我们的城市更漂亮,垃圾禁止被扔进河里。(throw into) 4.这是些塑料袋,不要把它们扔掉。(throw away) 5. 每个人都应该关心自己的健康。Everyone should _ _ _ his health.6. 来自该市的成千上万的人参与到迎奥运圣火活动中来。_ _ people from the cit

11、y took part in the activity of welcoming the Olympic flame.7. 迈克喜欢奶茶和可乐之类的饮料。Mike likes drinks _ _ milk tea and Cola.8. 事实上,我们都需要一个有益健康的环境。_ _, we all need a healthy environment. 9.我觉得这事有点儿奇怪。 feel _ _ _ strange about the thing九、Homework: 分层次作业:要求95%的学生会读对话。要求70%的学生能疯狂背诵对话。预习任务1) 读熟第二单元单词2) 预习第二单元课文

12、,完成activity1,2. Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.课型:读写课 【学习目标】1.知识目标:熟练掌握并运用下列单词短语: waste, wasteful, throw away, metal, energy, pollution, recycle, reader, environmental, reusable, hopeless.2.能力目标:能在阅读短文时迅速把握文章概要和答题要点,完成练习。3.情感目标:树立正确的环保意识,积极投入到绿色环保的行动中。【重点】:词汇、短语的掌握及用法: if pos

13、sible, as long as possible, so that, its better to ,changeinto, something else.【难点】:1)阅读中不同阅读方法的灵活使用;2)短语句型的学以致用;do harm to, instead of, make a difference to课前准备小组派代表将课前归纳的短语写在黑板上。【教学过程】(一)复习检测检查单词朗读的预习情况(二)情景导入 Look at the pictures. (将Activity 1中的图片以幻灯片的形式展现)Say which things are better for the environment. Can you think of any other ways to protect the environment and save energy? 从而导入本单元的中心话题减少、重新利用和再生(三)多层阅读(1)Before reading: check the things you should do wit


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