module 7 computers 易混词语精练与点拨 文本素材(外研版七年级上册)

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module 7 computers 易混词语精练与点拨 文本素材(外研版七年级上册)_第1页
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module 7 computers 易混词语精练与点拨 文本素材(外研版七年级上册)_第2页
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1、Module 10易混词语精练与点拨一、 sometime; sometimes; some time 1. _ (有时) he gets up early in the morning. 2. He often stays at his grandpas home for _ (一段时间).3. I can give you the book _ (某时) next week. 4. Sometime he plays computer games at home. A B C D 【答案】1. Sometimes 2. sometime 3. sometime 4. A. Sometime

2、 Sometimes 【点拨】sometime是副词,意为“某个时候”,表示某段不确切的时间,如:He goes home sometime this week. 他今周某个时候回家。sometimes也是副词,表示“有时候”,它可以放在句首,句尾或句中,如:Sometimes he gets up very early。有时他起床很早。some time表示“一段时间”,它是名词短语或副词短语,如:It takes me some time to water the flowers. 我花了一些时间来浇花。二、always; usually; often 1. My father _ (通常

3、) watches TV at night.2.Tom is _ (经常) late for school in the morning.3. I _ (总是) go to bed late in the evening.【答案】1. usually 2. often 3. always 【点拨】always表示“总是”,它表示的频率最高,如:He always goes to school by bike.他总是骑自行车去上学。usually意为“总是”,它表示的频率略比always低,表示一般有规律性,如:They usually play basket ball after school

4、. 放学后他们总是打篮球。often表示“经常”,它表示的频率比usually少,如:He often goes to the zoo at the weekend. 他经常周末去动物园。三、 kind of; a kind of; all kinds of1. The boy is _ (有点) heavy.2. This is _ (一种) new food in the shop.3. I want to _ (各种各样的) new books at home. 4. The maths problem is a kind of difficult. A B C D【答案】 1. kin

5、d of 2. a kind of 3.all kinds of 4. D. a kind of kind of 【点拨】kind作名词讲时,指“种类”,它可以构成以上三个短语。kind of意为“有点”,如:The girl is kind of shy.这个女孩有点害羞。a kind of表示“一种”,如:I find a kind of beautiful flowers in the garden.我在花园里发现了一种美丽的花。all kinds of意为“各种各样的”,如:There are all kinds of fruits in the market. 市场上有各种各样的水果

6、。四、 use; with; in 1. Can you sing the song _ (用) English?2. May I _ (使用) your bike?3. We speak _ (用) our mouths.4. We cut things in a knife. A B C D5. Whats this with English? A B C D【答案】1. in 2. use 3. with 4. C. in with 5. C. with in【点拨】use和with和in都有“用”的意思,但它们的用法却不相同。use是动词,意为“使用”,在句子中用作谓语。如:We use our eyes to see.我们用眼看。另外use还可用作名词,意为“用法”,如:Whats the use of it? 它有什么用途?use的形容词是useful“有用的”。with是介词,表示“用”,后面接工具类名词,表示用某工具干某事,如:We write with our pens. 我们用钢笔写字。in语言(方法、颜料等),也指“用”,如:Can you sing in English? 你能用英语唱歌吗?Lets write in black ink. 让我们用黑墨水写。



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