module 10 a holiday journey《unit 3 language in use》教案 (外研版七年级下)

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《module 10 a holiday journey《unit 3 language in use》教案 (外研版七年级下)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《module 10 a holiday journey《unit 3 language in use》教案 (外研版七年级下)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Module 10 A holiday journeyUnit 3 Language in use教案 (外研版七年级下)教学目标Knowledge:To summarize and consolidate the irregular verbs in past simple tenseTo Wh-questions should be emphasizedAbility: Writing skill: Write about ones holiday journey. Improve the students writing ability.Moral Education: Enjoyin

2、g our lives and nature.教学重点To check and practice new words; to practice the sentence structures; To apply skills in communicating about holiday journey.教学难点(1)、Past simple irregular verbs.(2)、To learn about the sentences about describing a holiday journey.教学方法Formal and interactive practice教学用具Multi

3、-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教学过程Step 1 Revision To fill in the blank with the correct forms of the verbsFor example: My grandma was (be) born 70 years ago.1. My grandpa was (be ) born a year later.2. They started (start) school when they were (be) five.3. They went (go) to school in different town

4、s.4. My grandpa met (meet) my grandma when they were (be) young.5. He married (marry) her two years later. 6. They had (have) two children .7. The family came (come) to this town in the summer of 1970 because my grandpa got (get) a job here.8. They bought (buy) a house one year later.设计意图:通过头脑风暴的形式,

5、让学生复习课文中所学的动词过去式的变化。在练习中复习,使学习更有意义,同时为下面的Writing 做好准备。Step 2 Writing sentences e.g: On my last holiday, I bought some presents for my friends.1._2. _ 设计意图:通过对句子的仿写和造句,加强对目标语的操练,提高目标语运用的正确性,为后面的书面表达做铺垫。Step 3 Work in pairs. 1.Last summer, you were on holiday, now answer some questions about your holi

6、days.e.g. where / go A: Where did you go? B: I went to 1). who / go with 2). what / do 3). when / go 4). how long / stay2. Work with a new partner. Ask and answer about your first partner. e.g. where / go A: Where did he / she go? B: He / She went to 1). who / go with 2). what / do 3). when / go 4).

7、 how long / stay设计意图:围绕中心话题,用两人对话的形式,就个人的假期旅行经历作进一步的描述,列举尽可能多的假期旅行内容,提高目标语运用的熟练程度。Step 4 Match the words about a holiday journey. buy presents go swimming do some sightseeing have a good time meet at the airport read the newspaper see a friend send emails swim in the sea take photos write a postcard

8、设计意图:通过词语的匹配,了解更多的描述旅行生活的语句,为书面表达积累语言基础。Step 5 Around the world 1. Look at the picture and say what they can see.2. Read the text and answer any questions the students have. 3. Explain the important and difficult points1. buy for 给买相当于 buy sb. sth. e.g.: My father bought a new watch for me . = My fa

9、ther bought me a new watch . 我爸爸给我买了一辆新自行车 。2. have a holiday 度假 Where did they have a holiday ? 他们在哪度的假。设计意图:通过对希腊旅行的描述,使学生了解描述旅行生活应从哪些方面进行。Step 6 Additional practice 1. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1). I took (take) a taxi to school yesterday.2). I went (go) for a walk but my mother didnt come with me.3). Lucy wr

10、ote (write) a letter to her friend three days ago.4). Last Sunday, Peter saw (see) Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. 2. 按要求改句子。1). We visited Beijing last summer. (对画线部分提问) Where did you visit last summer?2). She did her homework at home yesterday evening. (改为否定句) She didnt do her homework at home yest

11、erday evening.3). He had to stay here for two hours. (对画线部分提问) How long did he have to stay here? 3. 翻译下列句子1). 6月3号下午4点,他们到了那儿。 They got there at 4:00 in the afternoon on June 4. 2). 昨天上午你购物了吗? Did you do some shopping yesterday morning? 3). 上周六我给朋友买了些了礼物。 I bought some presents for my friends last

12、Saturday. 4). 你什么时候去的机场? When did you go to the airport? 5). 他去哪里了。 Where did he go? 4. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 It snowed (snow) yesterday. Tony and his friends went (go) to the park. They saw (see) the white trees, white houses and white road. They began (begin) to make (make) a big snowman on the road. They

13、 put (put) a carrot in the snowmans head. That was (is) the snowmans nose. They put (put) two small black balls in his face. They were (are) the snowmans eyes. They began (begin) to sing (sing) and dance (dance) near the snowman. They felt (feel) very happy.设计意图:利用附加练习,使学生能在一定的情景中操练目标语,并提高目标语使用的正确率,

14、再由句子与语篇,层层递进,使不同程度的学生都能较好的掌握目标语。Step 7 Writing To write an email to your friends about your holiday (Module Task)Dear:I was on holiday in, I went there with, I got there by, I did lots of things there, I .设计意图: 在提供句式的基础上供学生仿写,发挥学生的自主性,也保证了正确性。Homework 1. Finish off workbook exercises.2. Write an email to your friend about your holiday .



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