module 1 unit 1 whose bag is this 学案4(外研版七年级下册)

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《module 1 unit 1 whose bag is this 学案4(外研版七年级下册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《module 1 unit 1 whose bag is this 学案4(外研版七年级下册)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学生自主预习:一、预习本课生词,听录音跟读三遍,对不会读的做标记,查单词表注上音标,然后自读这些生词五遍。二、浏览Welcome to the unit所给信息,了解本课大意,填写空格部分。My name is _(黄药师).I am _ old.(十三岁)来源:Zxxk.ComI live in _.(连云港)I have _ (黑色)hair and _(黑色)eyes.来源:学_科_网I love _.(踢足球)I go to the _ to play football.(足球场)On Sunday, I have my new _.(足球)I can play football ve

2、ry well.三、预习本课内容,翻译下列短语或句子。1.来自 _ 2.擅长 _3.努力学习_ 4.出生于_5.听音乐_ 6.打羽毛球_7.在游泳池_ 8.有礼貌又乐于助人_9.喜欢玩电脑游戏_ 10.短发和蓝眼睛_四、仔细听录音两遍,区别在相应的时间,用适当的问候语。五、用完整的句子,参照课文互致问候。我的困惑:通过预习,你一定有不少困惑吧?不要忘了把你的困惑写下来与大家一起分享哦!巩固案:来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K课堂训练或检测:一、完成句子1.Amy 擅长游泳吗? _ Amy _ swimming?2. Simon 来自上海。 Simon _ Shanghai .3.Millie的表

3、兄擅长数学。Millies cousin _ Maths.4.鲍勃的表哥在校篮球队Bobs is the school basketball team.5.他的同桌是从哪里来的?她从云南来.Where his desk mate ?(Where his desk mate come from? )She /comes from Yunnan.6.格蕾丝的双胞胎兄弟很有趣, 乐于助人.Graces twin brother _ _ _ _.7.Mike 出生在加拿大。Mike Canada.8.我妈妈留着短短的黄发。My mother .二、根据所给所字母及句意完成单词。1. We are no

4、w studying Chinese, English and M_.2. I like listening to m_ very much.3. Our teacher is h_. He always helps us with our studies(学习).4. My sister likes w_ yellow skirts.5. My football team is the b_ in my school . 三、选用所给的词组的适当形式填空。be born, be good at, come from, a member of, work hard1. The tall boy

5、 isnt Chinese. He _ England.2. Kitty _ on May 23, 1989.3. His English is good because he _.4. Wendy is a tennis player. She _tennis.5. I like reading and Im _the Reading Club.四、按要求改写句子。1He is a student in No.4 Secondary School.(改为否定句)He _ a student in No.4 Secondary School.2. There are a lot of book

6、s on the desk. (改为同义句)There are _ _books on the desk.3. Mr Green is from the USA. (改为同义句)Mr Green _ _ the USA.4. I watch CCTV news every day. (改为否定句)I _ watch CCTV news every day.5. I have a blue bike. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ you _ a blue bike? Yes, _ _.来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K课外延伸训练:阅读理解。 I am a Chinese .My name

7、is Zhang Li. Im at school. Look , this is my school. It is No.3 Middle School. I am in Class 2 Grade 7.I am in Row 3.I am in Team 5.I am N0.12.At school I have a good friend. She is a girl. Her name is Ann Read. She is American(美国人).She is 12.She is in Class 2,Grade 7,too.She is not at school today.

8、 I think she is at home. My English teacher is Miss Liu. She is a very good teacher. She looks young. ( )1. I am _girl. A. am American B. a Chinese C. a nice D. an English ( )2. Ann Read is _. A. thirteen B. eleven C. twelve D. ten ( )3. The two children are in Class_,Grade_. A.3;5 B.5;3 C.7;2 D.2;7 ( )4. How old is the teacher? A. She is 20. B. She is young. C. She is old D. Sorry, I dont know. ( )5. Zhang Lis friend_ a boy. A. isnt B. is C. not D. arent



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