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1、东北财经大学2009届本科毕业论文财经大学本科毕业论文电子商务环境下的退货逆向物流研究以淘宝网为例作 者 学 院经济管理学院专 业物流管理年 级 学 号 指导教师答辩日期成 绩1摘要摘 要随着互联网的普及,电子商务的飞速发展,通过电子商务,买家不用走出房门,即可挑选出最实惠、最合心意的商品,卖家以更低的销售成本经营店铺,并能及时取得客户需求信息,了解市场动向,随时补给货物,给买卖双方都带来了前所未有的购物体验,网络购物一度引领我国购物浪潮,成为了购物的新导向。但在网络购物规模不断壮大的同时,网络购物退货事件同样引起了人们的关注。由于信息的不对称性,顾客只凭借网商所传递的商品信息作出购买决策,使


3、渠道,加强对网购逆向物流的管理监督。关键字:电子商务 逆向物流 退货 顾客 ABSTRACTWith the popularity of the Internet, the rapid development of electronic commerce, the electronic commerce, buyers do not walk out the door, you can pick out the most affordable, the most desirable goods, the seller to lower the cost of sales operation o

4、f the shop, and can timely access to customer information, understand the market to supply goods, at any time, to both buyers and sellers bring hitherto unknown shopping experience, network shopping once lead shopping tide in China, has become a new shopping guide. But in the network shopping has gr

5、own in size at the same time, the network shopping return event also attracted the attention of the people. Because of information asymmetry, the customer only by virtue of the transfer network commercial information to make a buying decision, make a part of customer dissatisfaction to buy commoditi

6、es, led to the return logistics. This paper introduces the electronic commerce environment return reverse logistics meaning, causes, problems, management mode and optimized prospect, and as an example, listing the return reverse logistics management, through the questionnaire, to understand consume

7、r return logistics service status on s satisfaction and expectation, seek the way improve the return of service quality. Through the study, efforts should be made to improve the network shopping platform, communication and coordination between the strengthening and logistics enterprises, consumers,

8、strengthen audit strictly, to business product quality control; enhance the network shopping reverse logistics service level; to establish more reasonable return policy and process; the selection of reverse logistics and proper treatment, economic considerations, commodity factors, customers, market

9、 competition factors and internal factors; establishment of return logistics management information system, develop reverse logistics service feedback channels, strengthen the online shopping of reverse logistics management supervision.Key words: E-commerce;reverse logistics; returns; customers 21目

10、录目 录一、绪论1(一)研究背景及意义1(二)研究主要内容及方法4二、电子商务环境下的逆向物流分析5(一)国内外逆向物流研究分析6(二)电子商务环境下的逆向物流9三、电子商务环境下的退货逆向物流分析11(一)产生原因11(二)存在问题12(三)退货逆向物流的管理13四、淘宝网的退货逆向物流分析14(一)淘宝网退货管理14(二)问卷调查及数据分析17(三)结论及建议19五、电子商务环境下的退货逆向物流发展前景19(一)政府管制与政策激励19(二)战略分析20六、结论与展望21(一)论文的主要研究结果21(二)局限性和展望21附 录22主要参考文献24后 记27电子商务环境下的退货逆向物流研究以淘

11、宝网为例电子商务环境下的退货逆向物流研究以淘宝网为例一、绪论(一)研究背景及意义1.研究背景Internet时代是一个带领全世界人民走向网络经济化发展道路的时代。随着互联网在整体经济社会地位中日趋重要,互联网与传统经济结合愈加紧密,电子商务(Electronic Commerce即EC)成为了新兴的重要贸易活动,备受各界人士关注。由CNNIC发布的2014年第33次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告显示,截至2013年12月,中国网民规模达6.18亿,全年共计新增网民5358万人,互联网普及率为45.8%,较2012年底提升3.7个百分点。截至2013年12月,中国手机网民规模达5亿,较2012年底增加8009万人,年增长率为19.1%,网民中使用手机上网的人群占比提升至81.0%。中国互联网的发展主题已经从“普及率提升”转换到“使用程度加深”,近几年的政策和环境变化也对使用深度提供了有力的支持 数据来源:中国互联网络信息中心,http:/ 2006-2012年12月中国网购用户数量及渗透率 数据来源:中商情报网,http:/



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