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1、 2017年辽阳市中考英语试卷含答案解析2017年辽宁省辽阳市中考英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVIVII总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. Thesingingcompetitiongivesusa toshowourtalent()A. chanceB. changeC. choiceD. check2. -ComeonBen!Let seeyourprogress -OK,Iwill()A. nobodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. everybody3. 一Thefishsoup sogoodMayIhavesome? -Sure()A. fee

2、lsB. soundsC. smellsD. tastes4. Jim goestoseemoviesbecausehestoobusy()A. oftenB. alwaysC. usuallyD. seldom5. Toomanycarsare_tobeenvironment,sowedbettertakethebusmore()A. usefulB. harmfulC. helpfulD. meaningful6. Larry,_thecakeintosixpiecesandsharethemwithyourfriends()A. mixB. turnC. makeD. divide7.

3、Themoreknowledgeyouget,the_youwillbe()A. braverB. poorerC. strangerD. smarter8. IcantfindmybagMaybesomeonetookit_()A. infactB. bymistakeC. byaccidentD. inperson9. 一Imlookingforwardtothepicnictomorrow 一Imsorrytotellyouthatwehave_thepicnictillnextweekend()A. goneonB. putoffC. givenupD. preparedfor10.

4、ItsgoingtorainWellbewet_wegethome()A. ifB. afterC. whenD. unless11. Fewerpeoplesmokenow-Thenumberofsmokersis()A. fallingB. risingC. growingD. increasing12. -Whosenotebookisthis? -It_beAlansItlookslikehis()A. mustB. cantC. mightD. mustnt13. -AuntSally,thenoodlesyoucookedarereallydelicious -_()A. Than

5、kyouB. GoodideaC. NotatallD. Haveagoodtime14. -Haveyousetout? 一Yes,wehaveWe_intwohours()A. arriveB. arrivedC. willarriveD. havearrived15. -Couldyoutellme_? -IusuallygobikeridingalongTaiziRiver()A. whenyoudosportsB. whatyoudoinyoursparelimeC. whereyouoftenpaintD. howyouspentyourlastweekend二、完形填空(本大题共

6、10小题,共15.0分)A world-class violinist always kept silent when he guided his students to playAfter one student (16) a song,he always played it again so that hit student got the guidance (指导)from listeningTweedle (琴声) is the best (17) he said Once,he go a new student.On the courtesy ceremony(拜师典礼),this

7、student played a short songThe student was so talented that he performed the song (18) After the song ended,the master took the violin and walked on the stage (舞台)as usualThis time,he put the violin on the shoulder (19) didnt play,He was silent for a long lime,and then look the violin down from his

8、shoulder,and walked (20) the stage The listeners were (21) and didnt know what happenedHe said with a smile,Do you know? He played so well that I am not( 27) _ enough to guide himAt least,for the song he just played,my playing is only a kind of misleading(误导) for him The listeners fell silent for a

9、momentand then a big applause broke outIt had three (22):the first was for be students talented art; the second for the teachers (23)to the student;and the third and most important was that the well-know performer did not fear that his honest action would make himself (24) his prestige(威信) Just for

10、this point,he was enough to be called a muterThe spirit is valuable as gold16. A. sangB. wroteC. heardD. finished17. A. educationB. conditionC. examinationD. competition18. A. badlyB. politelyC. silentlyD. perfectly19. A. soB. orC. butD. and20. A onto Boff Calong Dtowards21. A. excitedB. movedC. int

11、erestedD. surprised22. A. patientB. strictC. excellentD. serious23. A. thoughtsB. examplesC. meaningsD. suggestions24. A. praiseB. prideC. helpD. hope25. A. getB. loseC. showD. raise三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AMrRobinson works at an officeEvery day,he drives a long my to get to workIn order to avoid hea

12、vy traffic,he has to get up early and go to work without having breakfastHe bought some bottles of milk and put them in a big box in his office so that he can drink the milk whenever he gets hungry One dayafter arriving at his office as usual,he wanted to have some milkBut he found that two bottles

13、of milk were missingHe thought it someone who works in the same office must have taken the milkSo at noon,he said to all his colleaguesI wish the person who stole my milk would return it and say sorry to me in the afternoonIn fact,anyone who touched the box left his or her fingerprints on itso I can find out who did this by checking the fingerprints:After saying thishe went out for lunch During lunch,he was thinking about what he should say to the person who would say sorry in the afternoonBut when he got back to the office,no one said anything to himTo his surp



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