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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)前厅运营与管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-2 4、B 一、单选题共20题,40分dele called the front desk to complain that the air conditioning in her guestroom was not working. This is an example of a(n) complaint. ( )Aservice-relatedBattitudinalCmechanicalDunusual正确答案是:C2、Which of the following allows emp

2、loyees to vary the times they start and end work? ( )Acompressed work scheduleBflextimeCjob sharingDreasonable accommodation正确答案是:B3、Whats the meaning for room service?A房间服务B送餐服务C清扫客房D整理房间正确答案是:B4、在饭店任何一个对其商品和服务收取营收的部门被认为是一个( )中心,也就是销售点。A支出B收入C转账D以上都不对正确答案是:B5、Which of the following is a front offic

3、e procedure that occurs during the departure stage of the guest cycle? ( )Achecking for mail and messagesBupdating the account aging scheduleCposting outstanding chargesDA and C正确答案是:D6、Joe Goman, the sales manager of a mid-service suburban hotel, regularly visits competing hotels in the area to dis

4、cover which groups they are hosting and what functions are being held at them. Joe would be able to unobtrusively gather this information from each hotels: ( )Areader boardBinformation directoryClog bookDgroup rsum book正确答案是:A7、When a guest checks out and settles his or her account, the rooms status

5、 changes from occupied to: ( )AstayoverBon-changeCdue outDready for sale正确答案是:B8、每位住店客人产生的效益的计算方法 是 ( )A每位住店客人产生的效益=实际客房收入客人人数B每位住店客人产生的效益=预计客房收入客人人数C每位住店客人产生的效益=(预计实际客房收入)客人人数D以上都不对正确答案是:A9、Cash disbursed by the hotel on behalf of a guest and charged to the guests account is called a(n): ( )Acharge

6、 purchaseBpaid-outCallowanceDdue back正确答案是:B10、The Bocker Hotel has three types of single rooms. There are 80 type A rooms with a rack rate of $75; 90 type B rooms with a rack rate of $80; and 100 type C rooms with a rack rate of $90. What is the potential average single rate for the hotel? ( )A79.8

7、B81.5C82.22D83.9正确答案是:C11、Mr. Dubois departed the Metro Hotel without settling his account. Responsibility for collecting the account would fall to the: ( )Afront desk agent on duty when Mr. Dubois departed.Bfront office manager.Cfraud department.Daccounting department正确答案是:D12、前厅部经理们要做的最重要的短期计划工作当数

8、预测将来任意一天的( )房间数。A没有卖出的B可销售C需要维修的D以上都不对正确答案是:B13、Which of the following statistics is most helpful to managers when estimating expenses for front office operations? ( )Aaverage daily rateBaverage cost per guestCaverage rate per guestDcost per occupied room正确答案是:D14、饭店的日平均房价的计算公式应该是( )A日平均房价=客房收入饭店总客房

9、数B日平均房价=客房收入可销售客房数C日平均房价=客房收入未售出客房数D日平均房价=客房收入售出客房数正确答案是:D15、The owner/manager of the Dew Drop Inn has a great deal of flexibility in responding to changes in local market conditions but cannot afford broad advertising exposure and pays relatively high prices for supplies. The Dew Drop Inn is probab

10、ly a(n) property. ( )Achain propertyBfranchiseeCcorporateDindependent正确答案是:B16、Which of the following reports does the executive use to schedule rooms for cleaning? ( )Athe current days occupancy reportBthe previous nights occupancy reportCthe current housekeeping status reportDthe previous days hou

11、sekeeping status report正确答案是:B17、Which of the following is a function of the front office audit? ( )Aensuring the separation of front office job functionsBbalancing all front office accountsCresolving room status discrepanciesDB and C正确答案是:D18、Judy works in the rooms division of a large hotel. Her p

12、rimary responsibilities are to sell guestrooms, register guests, and maintain guest accounts. Judy works in the department. ( )Afront officeBreservationsCsalesDF&B正确答案是:A19、Which of the followwing results from a communication problem between housekeeping and the front office? ( )Alock-out situations

13、Blate check-outsCon-change roomsDroom status discrepancise正确答案是:D20、Establishing an accounts receivable billing policy and procedure includes determining the: ( )Anumber of days between billings.Bamount of anticipated room sales.Cestimated occupancy for the next 30 days.Dnature of pre-settlement ver

14、ification activities.正确答案是:A二、多选题共10题,20分1、当今饭店通过很多先进的途径接受预定问询,包括( )A面对面预定B通过电话C信函D邮件或传真E中心预定系统F全球分销系统正确答案是:ABDEF2、酒店中的“前台”包括( )A前厅部B客房部C餐饮部D工程部E保安部正确答案是:AC3、前厅部如果要计算房间的基本出租比例的话,需要收集哪些资料?( )A可销售房数量B已销售房数量C客人数量D每间客房客人数量E净客房收入正确答案是:ABCDE4、饭店使用的电话设备和系统包括( )A总机B饭店电话计费系统C客房内电话机D付费电话机E寻呼电话机正确答案是:ABCDE5、饭店

15、的营收中心包括( )A前厅部B客房部C餐饮部D工程部正确答案是:AC6、账户用于计算交易的( )以货币表现的最终结果为账户余额。A增加B减少C新建D取消正确答案是:AB7、前厅账务处理的方法和要求( )A账户清楚B延迟办理C转账迅速D记账准确正确答案是:ACD8、账户可以想象成一种用来存放各种交易结果的( )或( )。A篮子B容器C盒子D箱子正确答案是:BD9、宾客投诉可以分成( )以及异常事件。A酒店设备B员工的态度C服务的质量D酒店的星级正确答案是:ABC10、下列哪些条件属于宾客入住提出的特殊要求范畴?( )A房间的位置B房间的景色C吹风机D无烟房E柔软的毛巾正确答案是:ABD三、判断题共20题,40分1、某客人12月1日入住至6日,并在6日中午12p.m.前结账,其在饭店共住5个夜晚,应收六天房费。A对B错正确答案是:B2、前厅部(Front offic


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