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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)基础英语在线作业 4、B 一、单选题共50题,100分1、The drought has () several provinces.AaffectedBinfluencedCdamaged正确答案是:A2、Mr and Mrs Jones have () sine June.Abeen marriedBgot marriedCbeen marryingDmarried正确答案是:A3、Joan ran () an old friend of hers when she was shopping the other day.AoverBup

2、onCinto正确答案是:C4、Schubert is one of her () composers.AfavourableBfavourite正确答案是:B5、There is () information on how to get the cheap fares.Aa littleBa fewClittle正确答案是:C6、He refused the gifts as a matter of ().AcauseBcourse正确答案是:B7、If (), well stay at home.Aitll rainBits no rainCit rainsDitll be raining

3、正确答案是:C8、John () the party if hed gone to London.Awould have missedBhad missedCwould missDmissed正确答案是:A9、A flying stone () him on the head and knocked him out.AbeatBhitCstrikeDflog正确答案是:B10、He hasnt behaved () a college student should.AasBas ifCasDwhen正确答案是:A11、The company would not consider raising

4、 the age limit of its employeesAliftingBraising正确答案是:B12、() he was in Japan, he made many friends.AwhileBwhenCbeforeDas soon as正确答案是:A13、We must go now. Its time we () home.Awill goBwentCare goingDgo正确答案是:B14、I suggest () again.Aus tryBus tryingCwe tryDus to try正确答案是:C15、Prepare thoroughly () you st

5、art the work.AbeforeBas soon asCasDwhen正确答案是:A16、() we heard the news, we held a dicussion.AsinceBafterCasDwhen正确答案是:B17、What he said was so shocking that many () their eyebrowsAliftedBraised正确答案是:B18、That tree is killing the grass. You () cut it down.AwouldBshouldCmustDwill正确答案是:B19、()everyone is h

6、ere, I will call the meeting to order now.AasBbecauseCforDwhen正确答案是:A20、They thought they could easily () the plan ahead of the schedule.AcompleteBfulfilCfinish off正确答案是:B21、We live () the two roads cross.AwhereBwhereverCasDwhen正确答案是:A22、Thats a very good dictionary. I wish I () one like it.Acan hav

7、eBhaveCwould haveDhad正确答案是:D23、We were about to start fro the Fragrant Hill () he came.AbeforeBas soon asCasDwhen正确答案是:D24、He was so busy that he did not () to us.Astop to talkBstop talking正确答案是:A25、They suggested that we should follow the natural () of events.AcourseBcauseClaw正确答案是:A26、You () see a

8、 doctor if you still feel sick tomorrow.AwouldBought toCneedDwill正确答案是:B27、He thought it was very () of her to ask such a question.AchildlikeBchildishCnaiveDjunvenile正确答案是:B28、A lot of people have tried, but () have succeeded.Athe fewBfewCsome fewDa few正确答案是:B29、She complained that the prices of fre

9、sh vegetables had () quite a bit since last spring.Arisen upBraisedCrisen正确答案是:C30、I wish I () left earlier than I did yesterday.AhaveBhadCwereDhad been正确答案是:B31、He did quite well in the exam () he missed some lessons.AasBin spite ofCeven thoughDthough正确答案是:D32、Food is a(n) () problem in the world t

10、oday. Millions of people are on the verge of starvation.AbigBlargeChugeDgigantic正确答案是:A33、I wonder if you can () a couple of short stories for me to read on the train?AintroduceBrecommend正确答案是:B34、You () come if you dont want to.AdontBmustntCneedntDwont正确答案是:C35、Mary keeps talking about the party. S

11、he had a very good time, () she?AhadntBhadCdidntDwerent正确答案是:C36、His brothers death came as a () to him.AshockBsurprise正确答案是:A37、Did you tell John where () gone?Ashe hasBhad sheCshe hadDhas she正确答案是:C38、By the time the course ends, we () a lot about Britains.Awill learnBare learningChave learntDwill

12、 have learnt正确答案是:D39、It is aleady six months () we came to Beijing.AafterBwhenCsinceDas正确答案是:C40、I could hardly make () what it was in the dark.AoutBupCinto正确答案是:A41、You think thats a good bicycle? Whats good () it?AaboutBwithCofDin正确答案是:A42、They had to give () their plan because of lack of funds.A

13、inBoutCup正确答案是:C43、They will discuss the question at the meeting () they have time.AunlessBifCasDuntil正确答案是:B44、Be sure to write to us () you get home.AwhileBwhenCbeforeDas soon as正确答案是:B45、Please tell Comarade Wang to come to my office () you see him.AasBwhenCbeforeDas soon as正确答案是:B46、He is soft-s

14、poken person and never () his voice whatever happensAliftsBraises正确答案是:B47、We () the play from beginning to end.AlikeBenjoy正确答案是:B48、You will find fewer and fewer ()families in China.AbigBlargeCenormousDgigantic正确答案是:A49、He looks sleepy. He must () to bed very late last night.AbeBhave goneCbe goingDgo正确答案是:B50、The fighting went on () the enemy finally fled the city.AbeforeBas soon asCuntilDwhen正确答案是:C



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