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1、海南琼中中学2014-2015学年度高二第二学期期中考试题高二英语(A卷)注意事项:1. 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷两部分,请将答案写在答题卷上,写在试题卷上无效。2. 本试卷共三大部分(选择题,非选择题和答题卷),共 5 页,其中选择题和非选择题 4 页,答题卷 1 页。3. 本试卷满分为120分,考试时间100分钟。第卷(选择题,共70分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(A) I find some of the ways in which Chinese parent

2、s show love for their children rather surprising. Obviously there are some pretty big differences between our behaviors and theirs in this respect. Most Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention from the adults around them. Is this a sort

3、of spoiling or love? I wonder. Most westerners would think it is a sort of spoiling rather than love. We think love means educating your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life. That includes learning to accept the fact that he cant get everything he wants. As an adult, he will not

4、 always get the quite expensive car he hunts for; she will not always manage to acquire the beautiful dress she longs for. So we try to teach our children early to cope with the disappointment of not getting what they want. I find too much such kind of love for the children can actually spoil them.

5、To my surprise, it seems that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard. Without doubt, the child is the very center of a whole circle of adults, but on the other hand he or she is also expected to start studying according to adults wishes. Many children of my sons age take piano lessons, painting

6、classes and even English lessons. It looks as if Chinese adults think that just playing without learning anything is a waste of time. So in this respect our children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play. But without this sort of play how can western children develop such free and ri

7、ch imaginations? In fact the connection between this imagination and the creativity is so important in the childrens future life.1. In which way do most Chinese children seem to be spoiled?A. They can be supported by their parents.B. They can play whenever they want.C. They need not behave themselve

8、s.D. Their demands can always be satisfied.2. In the authors opinion, the life of a Chinese child is .A. rather hard B. rather easy C. independent D. colorful3. The author thinks Western children appear spoiled because .A. they can manage time by themselvesB. they can have the freedom to playC. they

9、 can take piano lessonsD. they may have expensive toys4. The best title of the passage could be .A. Chinese childrens early educationB. How to develop kids imaginationC. What is the real love for childrenD. The imagination and creativity (B) The White Tower was started in 1076 and completed in 1079.

10、 It was the oldest of the 20 towers which used to stand here. The white tower of London was first built by William, the conqueror to protect and control the city. Today it is the most popular tourists sight and attracts over three million visitors a year. It was sometimes used as a palace for the ki

11、ngs and queens of English until the time of James I, but it is best known as a prison and execution place. Within the walls of the Tower, princes have been murdered, spies shot and Queens killed. One of the most famous executions was that of Ann Boleyn in 1536. She was killed because she couldnt giv

12、e Henry III a son. The tower was also the scene of one of Londons most famous mysteries, known as the mystery of the princes in the Tower. Their uncle announced he himself was the new king and asked the people to call him Richard III. After that the two boys disappeared. It was the two sons that wer

13、e murdered by the order of their uncle.5. The Tower of London _.A. was started in the tenth century and finished in the eleventh centuryB. was built to protect and control LondonC. was first put up by James ID. is the oldest tower in the world6. The tower was used as a palace_. A. till the time Jame

14、s IB. until the time of William, the conquerorC. after James I came to powerD. when James I came to power7. Anne Boleyn was put to death because she_.A. didnt get on well with Henry IIIB. couldnt give birthC. couldnt give Henry III a sonD. turned against her husband8. They say who killed two sons of

15、 Edward IV?A. Edward IV B. Richard III C. Anne Boleyn D. James I(C) Being a fashion model is a more challenging career than many people think, because you have lots of things to be aware of like maintaining your perfect figure and competing with many beautiful and attractive models. A famous company would probably choose the perfect model for its products and if you get chosen then maybe you can consider yourself a super model. Some super models are as popular as famous actors and actresses. Lets talk about qualifications to become a fashion model. You shou


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