9.3 学案4(外研版九年级上)

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1、Type of lessonRevision and applicationPeriod2TeachingAimsLanguage goals:To summarize and consolidate the language knowledge in this module.Emotional experience:To learn something about cartoons, to complete a task involving making a cartoon storyLearning abilities & strategies:1. Review the passive

2、voices that students have learned.2. To train students ability of words and speaking.Realization of culture:Learn how to describe cartoon heroes, how to make a cartoon.Teaching aidFormal and interactive practice, task-based activitiesStrategiesforteaching difficulties&key pointsTeaching difficulties

3、 & key pointsSpecial StrategiesPersonal adjustmentTo train students ability of words and speaking.To be able to help each other in communication.Exercise method.Writing and Oral practicing method.Teaching procedureStep 1. Greeting and revision1.Review the text of Unit 22.Complete the sentences with

4、which, who or that.1) The man_we met was a cartoonist.2) He drew a dog_had six legs.3) The cartoon and the cartoonist _youre talking about is very famous.4) I know a teacher_is also a cartoonist.5) The picture_I like best is the first one.6) Did the children watch a cartoon_was drawn by Alice last F

5、riday 3.Join the sentences with who, which or that.Theres a Chinese artist. You must meet him.Theres a Chinese artist (who) you must meet.Step 2 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.2. Ask them what language point is demonstrated. Attributive Clauses

6、 (引导词的省略)Step4. Vocabulary1).Complete the passage with the correct words in activity 8.2). Complete the passage with the correct phrases in the box in activity 9.Step5. Grammar1. Attributive ClausesThe cartoons (which / that) I like have lots of jokes.在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语就可以省略,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.eg. Did

7、 you go to the talk the famous cartoonist gave at your school The cartoonist we spoke to still uses pen and paper to make his drawings在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语就不能省略,否则会造成结构混乱,影响表达.Ive got a camera which has got his name on it.Perhaps itll be a cartoon which has a happy ending.It tells the story of a mo

8、nkey who leads a group of monkeys.eg. Id love to have a teacher who was a cartoonist.He could make lessons that are usually boring more interesting.2. Exercises1.Do the exercises 1.2.3 in WB.2. 多项选择.从下列ABCDE中选出符合题意的任意项.A.which B. that C. / D.who E. whom(见附表)BlackboardWritingDesignAttributive Clauses

9、The cartoons (which / that) I like have lots of jokes.在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语就可以省略,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.eg. Did you go to the talk the famous cartoonist gave at your school The cartoonist we spoke to still uses pen and paper to make his drawings在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语就不能省略,否则会造成结构混乱,影响表达.eg. Id love to have a

10、 teacher who was a cartoonist.He could make lessons that are usually boring more interesting.Self-reflectionAppendixes/Unit 11.But its no laughing matter. 但这不是开玩笑的事情.表示的否定强度比 Not a laughing matter.强得多.2.have a word with sb.和某人说句话.等于to talk to some one for a short time. a 与谈话中说了多少没有任何关系.比较:have words

11、 with sb.与某人吵架.3.Thats a smart idea!等于Thats a good idea.4.be in deep trouble.处于大麻烦/险境中.Exercises:根据给出的汉语意思或首字母提示完成下列各题.The story has a happy ending (结局).We feel that life is no laughing matter (开玩笑的事情).This isnt one of those cartoons (卡通)which make you laugh.Come here and I have a word with you.Did

12、you have any trouble finding your way here You can imagine how surprised I was.Appendixes/Unit 21.fan club 影迷俱乐部2.orange-and-white 橙白相间的 black-and-white 黑白相间的 合成词作定语3.win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心4.in heaven 在天宫里5.make a mess 搞得乱七八糟 see a mess 看到狼籍一片mess 一般以单数形式出现,e.g. You are really a mess! 你脏透了!What

13、 a mess!真乱! Your room is in a mess! 你的房间乱七八糟的.6.favourite adj.喜爱的,n.特别喜欢的人或物7.ever since 自从,从那时到现在,从开始e.g. She has been rich, ever since she met a good man.8.translate into 翻译成,translate sth. from a language into another language.9.a series of 一系列 series的单数复数一致Appendixes/Unit 3定语从句中引导词/关系词的省略问题.如果引导

14、词/关系词在从句中作宾语成份可以省去引导词/关系词,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.但是作主语不可省,否则会造成结构混乱.which 指物可作主语和宾语,that 指人指物可作主语和宾语,who 指人在正式语体中只作主语,whom 指人做宾语,但在非正式语体里界who 也可作宾语.关系代词先行词在从句中的作用who指人做主语whom指人做宾语that指人或物做主语或宾语which指物做主语或宾语The cartoons (that/which) I like have lots of jokes.I like the teacher who teaches me English this term.

15、在日常口语中,在定语从句中作宾语的引导词往往被省略,但在较正式的文字中则较少省略.Exercises: 不定项选择.从下列ABCDE中选出符合题意的任意项.A.which B. that C. / D.who E. whom1. It is the third time _you have made the same mistake.2. The factory _well visit next week is not far from here.3. Do you know the man _ I spoke to 4. Can you lend me the book _you talked about the other day 5. The engineer _my father works with is about 50 years old.6. That is the office _


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