9.1 每课一练3(外研版九年级上)

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1、Module 9 Unit 1(20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. Nick is a drawer. He has just finished a d of his grandfather. 2. Pollution is one of the most s problems in the world. 3. Nemo and his father are the two main c in the cartoon story. 来源:学|科|网4. Tony likes the cartoon that has lots of (笑话). 5. My gr

2、andfathers(话语)about the life moved me a lot. . 单项选择(10分)1. My parents giveas a birthday present. A. me to a watchB. a watch to meC. a watch for meD. a watch me2. Its nomatter. Im not kidding. A. laughingB. laughC. laughedD. laughs3. Mum, I won the first prize in the English competition. . A. Good id

3、eaB. Thats good newsC. Thank youD. All right4. Lets take photosthe beautiful mountain. Good idea. A. inB. toC. ofD. with5. My uncle would likeon me whenever he sees me. A. to play jokesB. play jokesC. playing jokesD. plays jokes. 完成句子(10分)1. 你知道魏红在哪里吗? 我想和她说几句话。来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K她去上海出差了。Do you know whe

4、re Wei Hong is? I want to _ _ _ _her. She has gone to Shanghai on business. 2. 大部分的喜剧片都有圆满的结局。Most of the comedy films have _ _. 3. 这像一个卡通故事。This _ _a cartoon story. 4. 我总是想象着环游世界。Im always imagining _ _ _ _ . 5. 大耳朵图图是孩子们最喜欢的卡通片之一。Big Ear Tutu is _ _the cartoons _children like best. . 补全对话(10分)A: W

5、here have you been last night, Jane? B: I have been to the cinema to see a movie. A: 1. ? B: Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. 来源:Z#xx#k.ComA: 2. ? B: Yes, its a cartoon. A: 3. ? B: Its about the fight between a group of sheep and some wolves. A: It must be very interesting. By the way, what kinds of

6、cartoons do you like best? B: 4. . A: Me, too. A happy ending is the most important thing for me to choose a cartoon. B: Another cartoon will be on at the Student Cinema this coming weekend. Shall we go to see it together? A: 5. . 来源:学科网B: All right. See you next weekend. A: See you. 来源:Zxxk.Com. 完形

7、填空(10分)Maybe you dont know Walt Disney, but you must know Disneyland. 1youdont know Disneyland, you must know Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Walt Disney was American. He2on December 5, 1901. And he died on December 15, 1966. He died of illness. Walt Disney had three brothers and one sister. He enjoye

8、d3when he was very young. He was good at drawing. When he sold his first drawing4his neighbours, he was only seven years old! He got5in 1925. And he had two daughters. Disney was very rich, 6he was frugal(朴素的). He spent most of his money7his work. In 1928, he created the famous characterMickey Mouse

9、, which made him famous to the world. Walt Disney is a great person. 8he died, people all over the world will remember him forever. He is deeply9by worldwide people. He was a clever, imaginative and creative man. He10enjoyment and happiness to the people of every country. He is a hero of the 20th ce

10、ntury. 来源:Z,xx,k.Com1. A. WhatB. WhetherC. IfD. How2. A. is bornB. was bornC. was famousD. was out3. A. to drawB. drewC. drawingD. was drawn4. A. inB. fromC. toD. at5. A. to marryB. marryC. marriesD. married6. A. andB. soC. orD. but7. A. inB. onC. withD. of8. A. SoB. AlthoughC. ButD. In spite of9. A

11、. hatedB. lovingC. lovedD. hating10. A. showsB. lendsC. borrowsD. brings答案解析.答案: 1. drawing2. serious3. characters 4. jokes5. words.答案: 15. BABCA.答案: 1. have a word with2. happy endings3. is like4. traveling around the world5. one of; that/which.答案: 1. What is the name of the movie2. Is it a cartoon3. Whats it about4. I like cartoons which have happy endings5. That sounds great.答案: 15. CBCCD610. DBBCD


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