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1、ISO 关于ADAS的功能分析 标准文件_ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 彭小权 目录AGENDA 1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 2、FCW Forward Collision Warning 3、LCDA Lane Change Decision Aid 4、LSF Low Speed Following 5、FSRA Full Speed Range Adaptive Cruise 6、FVCM Forward vehicle Collision Mitigation 7、BSM Blind Spot Monitoring 彭小权

2、1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control ISO 15622 Introduction 介绍 The main function of ACC is to control vehicle speed adaptively to a forward vehicle by using information about: ACC的主要功能是通过使用以下信息自适应地控制车辆的速度: (1) Ranging to forward vehicles (2) The motion of the subject (ACC equipped) vehicle (3) Driver comma

3、nds. The goal of ACC is partial automation of the longitudinal vehicle and the reduction of the workload of the driver with the aim of supporting and relieving the driver in a convenient manner. ACC的目标是纵向车辆的部分自动化,减轻驾驶员的工作负担,以方便的方式支撑和 放松驾驶员。 彭小权 1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 3、ISO 15622 Terms and de

4、finitions术语和定义 SN.TermsDefinitions 3.1Active brake controlFunction that causes application of the brake(s), not applied by the driver, in this case controlled by the ACC system 在这种情况下由ACC系统控制的应用制动器而不是由驾驶员施加的功能 3.2Adaptive cruise controlEnhancement to conventional cruise control systems, which allows

5、 the subject vehicle to follow a forward vehicle at an appropriate distance by controlling the engine and/or power train and potentially the brake 传统巡航控制系统的增强,其允许主体车辆通过控制发动机和/或动力系以及可能的制动器 以适当的距离跟随前方车辆 3.3brakePart in which the forces opposing the movement of the vehicle develop 产生阻止车辆运动的力量的部分 3.4cle

6、aranceDistance from the forward vehicles trailing surface to the subject vehicles leading surface 从主体车辆的尾随表面到目标车辆的前表面的距离 3.5Conventional cruise controlSystem capable of controlling the speed of a vehicle as set by the driver 能够控制驾驶员设定的车辆速度的系统 3.6Forward vehicleVehicle in front of and moving in the s

7、ame direction and travelling on the same roadways as the subject vehicle 车辆在同一方向前进,并在同一车道上行驶 3.7Free-flowing trafficSmooth-flowing and heavy traffic excluding stop and go and emergency braking situations 除了停车和紧急制动情况外,平稳流畅的交通状况 3.8Time gap Value calculated from vehicle speed and clearance by = 净空除去车辆

8、速度所计算出的值 time : = time gap时间差 clearance 净空 speed 速度 彭小权 1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 3、ISO 15622 Terms and definitions术语和定义 SN.TermsDefinitions 3.9Set speedDesired travel speed, set either by the driver or by some control system that is external to the ACC system 所需的行驶速度,由驾驶员或由ACC系统外部的一些控制系统设定 3.1

9、0Steady stateCondition whereby the value of the described parameter does not change with respect to time, distance, etc.所描述的参数的值不随时间,距离等而变化的条件 3.11Subject vehicleVehicle equipped with the system in question and related to the topic of discussion 车辆装备在问题中的系统和相关的讨论话题 3.12ACC system statesFor the purpo

10、se of this international standard, three system states are distinguished 就这个国际标准而言,三个系统状态是有区别的 3.12.1ACC off stateState in which direct access for activation of “ACC active state” is disabled 激活“ACC激活状态”的直接访问禁止的状态 3.12.2ACC stand-by stateState in which there is no longitudinal control by ACC system

11、and the system is ready for activation by the driver ACC系统没有纵向控制的状态,并且系统准备好由驾驶员激活 3.12.3ACC active stateState in which the system controls speed and/or clearance系统控制速度和/或清除的状态 3.12.3. 1 ACC speed control sub-stateState in which the system controls the speed according to the set speed 系统根据设定的速度控制速度的状

12、态 3.12.3. 2 ACC following control sub-stateState in which the system control the clearance to the target vehicle according to the selected time gap系统根据选定的时间间隔控制到目标车辆的许可状态 3.13Target vehicleVehicle that the subject vehicle follows 主体车跟随的车辆 3.14Stationary objectObject in front of the subject vehicle w

13、hich is stationary主体车前方静止的目标 彭小权 1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 4、ISO 15622 Symbols 符号 Coefficient for test target for infrared reflectors 红外反射镜测试目标系数 Field of view 视场区域 Horizontal detection area 水平探测区域 Radar cross-section 雷达横截面 含义: 利用面积 发光曲面 最大允许曲线横向加速 最小允许纵向加速 最大允许纵向加速 曲线测试期间最大允许加速 手册加速期间最大可能加速能力

14、净空距离 目标和传感器之间的距离 低于检测目标车辆需要 低于测距或相对速度速需要 距离为测量目的 源和目标平面A之间的距离 直线道路上最大检测范围 曲线上最大检测范围 发射器的辐射强度 辐射强度 给定距离的辐射强度 雷达测试反射器一侧的长度 彭小权 1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 4、ISO 15622 Symbols 符号 含义: 曲率半径 实际曲率半径 最小曲率半径 实现最大检测的最小时间 时间,开始测试 时间,开始演习 时间,结束演习 时间,结束测试 真正主题车辆相对地面速度 最大曲线速度给定的横向加速器 车辆进入半径为R的曲线时的速度 最小速度自动加速器允

15、许 车辆设置速度 最大可选设置速度 最小可选设置速度 车辆在测试结束时的速度 最大车辆速度 车辆在测试开始时的速度 从中心线在dmax_curve测量FOV宽度 FOV半角 雷达波长 车辆之间的时间差 在速度最大可能稳定状态时间差 最大可选时间差 在速度时最小稳定状态时间差 最小可选时间差 辐射功率 立体角 立体角(源) 照亮立体角 彭小权 1、ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 5、ISO 15622 Classification 分类 Classification of ACC system types TypeManual clutch operation requ

16、ired 手动离合操作 Active brake control 主动制动控制 1ayesno 1bnono 2ayesyes 2bnoyes ACC performance classification Performance class 性能等级 Curve radius capability 曲率半径能力 No performance capability claimed 500 250 125 5.1 Type of ACC systems ACC系统的类型 Different configurations of actuators for longitudinal control result in very different system behavior. Therefore four



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