人教版PEP五年级英语下册Unit 6 Work quietly课时7课件

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1、Unit 6 Work quietly!,6.7,课时 7,Story time,Look and match,1. I am playing a game with my friends. 2. We are walking on a bridge. 3. She is drawing pictures on her desk. 4.They are in the library.,A. Talk quietly. B. Keep your desk clean. C. Take turns. D. Keep to the right.,Talk,你还知道哪些地方应该遵守什么公德。,Zoom

2、和Zip 现在正在一处公共场所。What are they doing? What should they do?,Lets go and see!,Where are they?,What are they doing?,Whats the film about?,gorillagrl大猩猩,Zip: I love the film. Zoom: Yes. The gorilla is great!,What is the gorilla doing?,It is eating bananas.,What about Zoom and Zip?,They are seeing the fil

3、m.,They are quiet.,Zip: Wow! The gorilla is eating a banana. Zoom: Its so big and strong.,Zip: Whats that noise? Zoom: Im eating popcorn.,The film is very good. But the tiger doesnt happy. Why?,Because Zoom is eating popcorn. He isnt quiet. He is making noise.,Zip: Its so exciting! Zoom: Yes, it is!

4、,What are they doing now?,They are talking.,They arent quiet.,So, the tiger and the rabbit arent happy.,exciting ksat使人兴奋的,令人激动的,尝试读一读这一部分。,Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly! Zoom: Sorry!,Zoom 和Zip 意识到自己做错了吗?,Then, what do they do?,他们知道自己做错了,他们道了歉,然后安静地看电影。,Zip: Look at the sign. Zoom: Oh, no,signsan符号,手势,指示

5、牌,结合图片猜一下,sign是什么意思,What is the sign about on the wall.,Keep clean!保持干净!,What does Zoom do?,Zoom makes the cinema very dirty. The popcorn is everywhere.,Zip: Look at the sign. Zoom: Oh, no,她是愤怒的。,同这人一样,刚看完电影的老虎也是愤怒的。为什么呢?,Zip: Whats that noise? Zoom: Im eating popcorn.,Zip: Its so exciting! Zoom: Ye

6、s, it is!,Zip: Look at the sign. Zoom: Oh, no,Because Zoom makes the cinema very dirty. The popcorn is everywhere. They are talking, too.,除了Zoom 和Zip 外,可能还有其他人也有不良行为,可能是什么呢?,Maybe.,快快长大:遵守公德和公共秩序,我们生活在一个大家庭里,这个大家庭里有很多人,为了社会的平稳有序发展,就需要我们自发的遵守社会公德和公共秩序。 例如:不随地吐痰;不随便扔垃圾;等公交车排队等。遵守公德和公共秩序是一个人良好素养的体现。,尝试

7、有感情的朗读故事,Zip: I love the film. Zoom: Yes. The gorilla is great!,Zip: Wow! The gorilla is eating a banana. Zoom: Its so big and strong.,Zip: Whats that noise? Zoom: Im eating popcorn.,Zip: Its so exciting! Zoom: Yes, it is!,Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly! Zoom: Sorry!,Zip: Look at the sign. Zoom: Oh, no,St

8、ory time,1. 听故事。 2. 跟读故事,注意语气,语调。,Choose,A. Please keep clean at the cinema. B. Zoom is eating popcorn .He is making noise. C. The gorilla is eating bananas. Its so big and strong. D. Please talk quietly.,C,B,A,D,Read and judge,( ) 1.Zoom is so big and strong. ( ) 2.Zip is eating popcorn. ( ) 3.We should talk quietly in the cinema. ( ) 4.We should keep clean in the cinema.,F,F,T,T,本节课我们学习了Zoom 和Zip在电影院看电影,却不遵守社会公德,大声交谈影响别人看电影 并把爆米花弄得到处都是的故事。提醒我们在公共场所要遵守公德和秩序。,1 读故事给伙伴或家长听。 分角色表演故事 。,Thank you!,


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