四六级听力常考小词 (2)

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1、 一对教授评头论足的语言、语料 A 先礼后兵 颂扬教授讲课 1 hear a pin drop (考过) 能听到针落地之声音言外之意为课程引人入神 2 You wouldnt need a cup of coffee 表示教授讲课提神 引人入胜 有魅力小词多用 care for a drink? 喝一杯吗? Care for a bite? 一起吃饭吗? A refill? 再续一杯吗? 3 One in a million 百万里挑一的 言外之意为outstanding extraordinary 极其优秀的 4 His name ring a bell (考过)言外之意为很熟悉 5 Kil

2、led everyone 征服所有人(真假总统用过)6 brought the house down 博得满堂彩 7 no body skip /cut / drop his class skip the class逃课 8 we wouldnt miss it for anything (考过)不会为其他任何事而错过这个 言外之意指一定不错过9 set your clock (考过)你可以对表 you can set your clock by the time the professor begin the class B 批判教授讲课 渲泻一下不满情绪 1. above my head=

3、 understanding = beyond my head 超出理解能力 2. It is all Greeks to me (考过) 言外之意 听不懂 全是希腊语 天方夜谭3. the more he talks, the less I could understand 越听越是一头雾水 4. Drop out 退课 (考过) 5. sleepy fell asleep 不喜欢 (考过) 6 absent minded 心不在蔫 或没意思 讲的不好 (考过)7 Beat around the bush (考过) 讲话不着边际 8 I can only catch one word or

4、two (考过) 听不懂 C 教授表现评论 1 talk to a brick wall (考过) 对墙讲话 = 对牛弹琴 言外之意为学生没反应 2 get rid of get over the bad mood (考过) 会很快克服坏心情 3 tight-lipped 守口如瓶二. 吃饭、付账、请客等日常英语和考试融会贯通A 吃饭场景 1 I can not have another bite (考过) 一口也吃不下了 拒绝再吃的用语 言外之意为吃撑了评论吃饱 Full 饱了 和英美人士吃饭时,他们喜欢说” I am full ” 吃饱了 stuffed 饱了 could burst 撑死

5、 stretch things 再吃就被撑起来 饥饿 2 Starving to death = famished 饿死了 could eat a cow 饿的能吃下一头牛 虚拟、夸张的讲法付账 3 Go Dutch = spilt the bill = share the bill = pay each own way 各付各的 lets go Dutch (考过) 言外之意 指各付自己的账 lets split the bill 撕开账单 指各付自己的账 lets share the bill 分享、分担账单 lets pay our each own way 让我们各付各的 If you

6、 dont mind we go Dutch, I will accept your invitation My turn to treat it is my turn to treat you 三同意的老手法 变项同意的新花样 考试,生活、影视都在用的鲜活语言同意 1 I can not come up with a better idea (考过) 我想不出更好的主意 2 you bet 你说的对 (总统这样说)3 you said it = you hit it 你讲的对 你说到点上啦 4 you can say that again (考过) 再说一次也不为过 5 I can not

7、agree more 完全同意 同意的不能再同意了 (老托福题)6 you are reading my mind = you are reading my thoughts 你是我肚子里的蛔虫 可以看透思想 7 that figures that will do 那可以 8 that is my cup of tea 是我的一杯茶 正合我口味9 vote the fund 投票建议资金 补充 支持 back up support in favor of about time to do 早该变项同意 1 great minds think alike 英雄所见略同 言外之意为我们意见一致2

8、I think the lights here are too bright 这里太亮了吧 (考过) They are bright enough for a stadium 不相信、不同意 1 can you believe that 你能相信吗 难以置信 反问法 2 I would think it twice 我要再考虑一下 3 I wont buy your story 不买账 不听信 4 I would have a second opinion 我不那么想 (考过) 5 He made it up他编造的 (电影中用的) make up 编造 take it as a grain

9、of salt 只作参考6 one ear in and out of another (考过) 一只耳进,另一只耳出 言外指听不进别人的意见7 I wouldnt give that rumor much credibility (考过) 不从不轻信传言变项不同意 1 in one hundred years 一百年后 言外之意 2 I am afraid you have wasted your money 你浪费了钱2 That is his own opinion (考过) 那是他的意见 表示我不一定同意3 Easier said than done (考过) 说的容易 反对对方所说时

10、的用法 4 It is very well to say that 四考试、课程我们校园生活的主题考试 1 hit an A 考个A分 2 hit book 努力读书 3 day in and day out = days and nights = sbd is on the ball 4 burn the midnight oil burn the late night oil 开夜车 5 Good grades grow on trees? 不努力不高分 6 Credit is earned not given 要学分就努力 7 Pouring over the notes = fall

11、back to the note复习 take a back seat we dont want to take a back seat 我们不要落后于人 It is early bird that catch the worm (刚考过) 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 言外指提早努力课程喜好 1 digest the day = kill the day 帮助消消磨时间 2 for a change = a diversion 作为一个调剂 调换2 dont count on a social life (考过)不要指望社交生活 3 I am getting absolutely no where of

12、 this course (考过) 我对此课程一头雾水 一窍不通4 The exam has little connection with our textbook 考试题与我们所学内容联系不大退学 dismissed = kick out = be thrown out 赶出去 drop out 退课 drop in = drop by = stop by 顺便来访 预订图书 order = book = reserve (考过) 预定 put on reserve 做出预订(图书馆场景考过)五为我们的英语学习添点色彩颜色 Green 1 I am green here 新来的 2 you

13、must be green to believe what Tom said 相信他是愚蠢的Blue (考过) Monday blue 心情不好 星期一的忧郁 Red (考过) in red 赤字 负债 六心情 世界人民生活情绪的晴、雨表心情愉悦 overjoyed = high = beside the joy 非常高兴couldnt help it 高兴的难以自控 be carried away 难以自控 cloud 9 (托福题) 特别高兴 7th heaven 第七天堂 指非常的高兴 I am in the 7th heaven心情不好 in bad mood = Monday blu

14、e 心情不好 down 情绪低落 under the weather 身体不舒服 七 购物、生活花费及预算学习一下最能透支民族的语言讲价 give me a deal discount off bargain 给打个折扣吧 deal discount off bargain 都指折扣good buy 买的合适 that is a good buy = that is a good bargain 价格非常合理特价 on sale 特卖 new arrival 新货上架 for sale the book sell like hot cakes卖的好 trade in 旧货换新折价 second ha


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