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1、ted演讲稿:如何在6个月内学会任何一种外语Listen a lot it doesnt matter if you understand or not. Listen to rhythms and patterns.多听理解与否不重要,尽管去听吧!去听听语言节奏和说话模式。Focus on getting the meaning first, before the words. Body language and facial expressions can help.先专注理解整体意思,再弄清单词含义。身体语言和面部表情会有所帮助。Start mixing, get creative, a

2、nd use what youre learning开始混合,创造话语并使用你所学到的一切。Focus on the core use the most monly-use the words, and use the language to learn more把注意力集中在核心部分使用高频词汇,利用你已经学会的东西学到更多。Get a language parent someone who is fluent in the language and who will do their best to understand what you mean; who will not correc

3、t your mistakes; who will feedback their understanding of what youre saying using correct language, and uses words that you know.找个语伴能流利讲这门语言的人,或者能尽可能理解你说什么的人。注意,语伴不会纠正你的错误,但能够用正确的语言、你明白的语言来对你的表现做出反馈。Copy the face watch native speakers and observe their face, and particular their mouth moves when theyre speaking.模仿面部表情有些人的母语正是你要学习的新语言,你要观看他们讲话,观察他们的面部表情、尤其是讲话时的嘴型。“Direct connect” to the target language find ways to connect words directly with images and other internal representations.在大脑和目的语之间建立“直接联系”想办法让语言和大脑中的图像或其他内部表象产生直接联系。


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