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1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心艺术类paper写作-萨缪尔巴伯的钢琴音乐Samuel Barber is a world-famous American composer in the 20th century. His music style is influenced by the traditional European music, and he skillfully USES modern music to serve his music. Compared with contemporary composers, barber avoided the disadvantag

2、es of mechanization and rigidity. Various American music elements with distinctive features were revealed from time to time in the beautiful melody, which made him unique among music in the 20th century with diverse schools. This paper focuses on the specific application of American music elements i

3、n barbers piano works through the three representative pieces of his piano works, roaming collection, piano sonata and piano concerto.Samuel barber was born in west Chester, Pennsylvania in 1910. His mother and uncle raised him on the piano and vocal music. At the age of 6, he could improvise melodi

4、es. In 1924, at the age of 14, Bob entered Curtis, a newly-founded school, to learn piano, composition, vocal music and conducting. After graduation, the long-term experience of studying in Europe has deeply rooted the classical, romantic music and literature of traditional Europe in the music langu

5、age of barber.In the 1950s, barbers professional career as a composer reached its peak. At that time, barber was considered to be a very outstanding composer and the propagator of music in the United States, who participated in international music activities on behalf of the United States for many t

6、imes. However, Anthony and cleopatra, written in 1966, became the turning point of barbers career from boom to bust. On January 23,1981, barber died in New York.Barber wrote 4 operas, 2 ballets,19 orchestral works, 14 chamber music, 39 solo instruments, 20 chorus works, 106 vocal works and so on. Co

7、mpared with this, babets six piano music works are relatively small in number, but these piano works are enough to represent the highest achievement of babets music creation no matter in the richness of music language or the deepness of creation thought, and play an important role in babets music cr

8、eation. And especially to the roaming, piano sonata and the piano concerto three work is the most representative Souvenris Nocture, Ballade.These three piano works show barbers outstanding ability to master a variety of music styles: lyrical melody, clear tonality, and frequent use of classical musi

9、c structure all reflect the traditional European music style; A large number of dissonance harmony, chromatic scale, the use of 12 tone series and reflects the skilled modern music composition techniques; The tone rhythm full of American style is dotted with music from time to time, which shows Babe

10、ls exploration and love for the American nation music. Three different styles of music are harmoniously integrated in Babels works, and finally form the music style that Babel has.As a native American composer, barber never forgot to add American music into his works to introduce his countrys music

11、style to the world. America is a country with a great integration of ethnic groups. Many music styles come from different ethnic groups, including foreign ones and native ones, such as Indian music, Latin American music, western country music, jazz and so on. In the United States, jazz is the most p

12、rominent in music, and jazz is characterized by its emphasis on variable rhythm and distinctive jazz tone.Bob has said what he thinks of jazz. jazz is very easy for me. This illustrates the importance of rhythm in jazz music. Jazz rhythm is rich and varied, its characteristics are mostly swing, rhyt

13、hm stress staggered and improvisation. The first piece of roaming adopts the typical boogie-woogie style, that is, a jazz piano style, which was originally used as an accompaniment for dance, and is characterized by playing a strong fixed bass with the left hand, generally forming a fixed bass with

14、double tone or octave decomposition. The right hand, on the other hand, USES a lot of syncopation in contrast to the irregular rhythm and stability of the left hand.In addition to using jazz music as the creation material, barber also absorbed music of many other nationalities and reflected it in hi

15、s works. The third piece of roaming is the music style of Latin American dance, accompanied by the rhythm of tango, its melody is charming.The fourth piece of roaming begins with open chords to mimic harmonica sounds, followed by a one-note melody that mimics a violin, and then the two instruments c

16、ome together to give a fascinating taste of the American west.To sum up, roaming was commissioned by the pianist Jeanne Behrend. Through this work, barber proved his ability to control American style music. The works integrate American folk styles into the small-scale classical forms, including Latin American dance music, country music, jazz, etc. These styles are very prominent in rhythm, and there are


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