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1、2019年新人教版八年级下册英语说课稿全套目录:1、全英文精品示范说课稿2Unit1 Whats the matter?说课稿(1)6Unit1 Whats the matter?说课稿(2)9Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.说课稿(1) 13Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.说课稿(2) 15Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 说课稿(1) 28Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 说课稿(2) 23Uni

2、t4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 说课稿(1) 26Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 说课稿(2) 33Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 说课稿(1)37Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 说课稿(2)42Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 说课稿(1) 45Unit6 An old man tried to move

3、 the mountains. 说课稿(2)52Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? 说课稿(1)56Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? 说课稿(2)61Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 说课稿(1)65Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 说课稿(2)69Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum? 说课稿(1) 72Unit9 Have you ever b

4、een to a museum? 说课稿(2) 76Unit10 Ive had this bike for three years说课稿(1)79Unit10 Ive had this bike for three years说课稿(2)84 Unit1 Whats the matter ?说课稿(模板一)各位评委老师,您们好!我今天说课的题目是Unit1 Whats the matter ?。我主要从教材分析、学情分析、教学方法与策略、教学过程、板书设计等几个步骤向大家详细地讲解我对这节课的安排。一、 教材分析(说教材)1、 教材内容及地位本节课的主要内容是新目标英语八年级下册第1单元第一

5、课时,教材是以Whats the matter ?为中心话题,描述身体不适和提出建议展开,学习和运用“Whats the matter ?”和“What shoulddo?”让学生学会描述身体的不适和提出建议,本课教材内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引出学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流,在学习活动中,学生通过交换对身体不适的描述及建议,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。第一课时主要学习的内容是学习有关身体部位的单词,学习“Whats the matter ?”和“What should do?”句型。2、 说教学目标1) 知识目标:学习掌握有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,并学会描

6、述身体的不适和提出建议。2) 能力目标:听懂本课学习活动中的问题及回答,能在本课的任务型活动中进行简单的交流,能正确朗读本的对和句型,能写出本课的单词和句型。3) 情感目标:通过描述自己的身体的不适提出建议,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会关心别人,增进情谊。 3、 说教学重难点重点:本节课主要学习身体部位的单词和一些疾病的词汇,以及身体不适的表达及建议。难点:身体不适的表达及建议二、 说学情八年级的学生对英语已经有了一定的基础,但本地区部分学生对学习英语的兴趣不是很浓,在学习中,他们更喜欢从游戏中或活动中学习,这样更能提高他们的学习兴趣,让他们更轻松地掌握英语知识。三、 说教法作为教学

7、的引导着,我遵循新课程“学生是学习的主人,一切的教学活动设计在以学生为本”的教学理念,坚持“为学生的发展,必须培养学生的自主性、能动性、独立性和创造性”的教学原则。课堂教学中利用图片,单词卡片等直观的教学手段,通过任务型教学法,游戏教学法,情景教学法等教学法引导学生学习,使枯燥的单词教学变得生动有趣,激活课堂,最终达到预期的教学目标。四、 说教学流程Step 1 GreetingT: How are you?Ss: Im fine. Thank you. How are you?T: Im OK. But I have a cold. (我感冒了)What should I do?(我该怎么做

8、)学生提建议:看医生(see a doctor)休息(have a rest) ,吃药(take some medicines)等 ,教学以上词汇,为以下对话做铺垫。Step 2 Lead-in 直接导入新课,引出课题。Today were going to talk about the matters. Lets learn Unit 2 Whats the matter? (板书并教学课题)Step 3 New words1、 Now lets look at the picture. This is a body. Were going to learn the part of the

9、body. (利用图片、单词卡片进行教学)2、 Game.(叫几个学生上讲台,其余的学生在下面通过卡片抽读,上面的学生迅速指出身体部位)通过游戏让学生更好地掌握单词,这样可以加强对单词的巩固。3、 通过老师的表情,动作让学生用“Whats the matter?”询问,引出疾病的单词,如:sore throat, sore back=backache, toothache, stomachache等,并利用卡片进行教学。同时让学生用You should提出建议。Step 4 Practice (利用图片问答)1、Game (学生抽图片,表演,进行问答)A: Whats the matter ?

10、B: I have a cold./ a stomachache/ backacheA: You should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine2、A: Whats the matter?B: She/He has a cold. /a stomachache/ backacheA: what should she do?B: She/He should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicineStep 5 pair work (让学生和同伴练习对话,抽查几对学生对话)A: What

11、s the matter?B: I have a cold. /a stomachache/ backacheA: You should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicineStep6 listening通过上面一系列的对话练习,学生对1b的对话已经很熟悉了,所以更好的把握。Step 7 小结(这节课主要学习掌握有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,并学会描述身体的不适和提出建议。)Step 8 Homework 记单词和用所学单词句型跟同学进行对话练习五、 说板书设计Unit 2 Whats the matter?A: Whats the

12、matter ?B: I have a cold./ a stomachache/ backacheA: You should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine A: Whats the matter?B: She/He has a cold/ sore throat /stomachacheA: She/He should see a doctor./ have a rest/ take some medicine单词已经利用卡片学习了,本课我只板书这两个对话,这样让学生更一目了然,知道这课主要学习的句型,对话。以上这些就是我本节课

13、的教学设想,敬请各位专家、评委老师们批评指正,谢谢! Unit1 Whats the matter?英文说课稿(模板二)1. Ability Objects0Enable students to talk about health problems and give advice with the language points.2. Moral Objects(1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing. (2)Students care more about themselves and their

14、 family members health. Teaching Key Points1. Learn and master the parts of the body, the names of the illness and the expressions of giving advice. 2. Learn to talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “should”.Teaching Difficult Points1、Learn to talk

15、 about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a”.2、Learn to give appropriate advice to the certain health problems.Teaching MethodsTask-based language teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and multimedia-assisted teaching and learning method.Teaching AidsThe picture about illness; PPT.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming-up (about 3 minutes)Sing the English


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