pep英语四年级下册Unit 5Part B 第三课时练习题及答案

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1、 Unit 5 My clothes Part B 第三课时1、 用画线部分的反义词或对应词填空。1. These are doors. _are windows.2. Its my skirt. Its not _skirt.3. I like the big jacket. My sister likes the _one.4. Your sweater is old. Mine is_.5. The board is black. The wall is_.二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. pants B. shorts C. tomato( ) 2. A. dre

2、ss B. shirt C. warm( ) 3. A. breakfast B. hat C. lunch( ) 4. A. coat B. hot C. cool( ) 5. A. jacket B. horse C. sweater三、给下列问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1. What are they? A. Its Kates.( ) 2. Are those your pants? B. Theyre shoes.( ) 3. Whose sweater is this? C. They are on the bed.( ) 4. Is this your skirt? D. Yes

3、, they are.( ) 5. Where are my socks? E. No, it isnt.四、连词成句。1. is,it,colour,What(?)_1. sweater,it,is,Whose(?)_2. pants,are,my,These(.)_3. skirt,your,This,is(.)_4. new,My,are,shoes(.)_答案:一、1. Those 2. your 3. small 4. new 5. white二、1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B三、1.B 2.D 3.A 4. E 5.C四、1. What colour is it? 2. Whose sweater is it? 3. These are my pants. 4. This is your sweater. 5. My shoes are new.2



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