人教新目标版英语七上Unit 2《This is my sister》Period 3(Section B 1a-1d)教案

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《人教新目标版英语七上Unit 2《This is my sister》Period 3(Section B 1a-1d)教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标版英语七上Unit 2《This is my sister》Period 3(Section B 1a-1d)教案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 3 Section B 1a1d.教学准备1教师:录音机和录音磁带、多媒体课件,字母卡片、全家福照片和亲朋好友的照片。2学生:全家福照片和亲朋好友的照片。.教学目标1学习本课的知识点。(1)词汇:son,cousin,mom,aunt,dad,uncle,daughter,grandpa,grandma(2)能运用所学的知识画出自己的家庭关系图。2训练学生的听力能力。3让学生在交流中体验英语学习的乐趣。.教学重点1词汇:son,cousin,mom,aunt,dad,uncle,daughter,grandpa,grandma2能运用所学的知识画出自己的家庭关系图。.教学难点1正

2、确的画出自己的家庭关系图,并能用所学的语言知识描述出来。2综合运用语言的能力。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking建议1:利用chant复习表示家庭成员的单词。(此活动既可以复习所学的单词和句型,又增加了趣味性,也为引出新课做了铺垫。)Lets chant.Father,father,this is my father.Mother,mother,that is my mother.Grandfather,grandfather.Grandmother,grandmother.Parents,parents,these are my parents.Brother

3、,sister,those are my friends.建议2:呈现学生的家庭照片,然后让学生用所学的语言知识互相谈论照片中的人物。For example:T:Whos he?S:Hes my father.T:Whos she?S:Shes my mother.T:Who are they?S:They are my brothers.Step 2:Leadin/Present the new words建议1:教师呈现几个英语谜语让学生猜,可以采取小组比赛的形式调动学生学习的积极性,从而引出本课的新单词。For example:T:I have some riddles.Then the

4、 teacher shows the following riddles.1Fathers mother is my _.2Mothers brother is my _.3Mothers father is my _.4Fathers sister is my _.5Im Lucy.This is my father.Im his _.6Uncles daughter is my _.7Tom is my son.Im not his father.I am his _.8My father and mother are my _.9My _ are my parents parents.1

5、0Im Jim.This is my mother.Im her only _.建议2:利用多媒体课件呈现刘星和他爸爸的照片,然后呈现本课的新单词:son。用类似的方法呈现其他的单词:cousin,aunt,uncle,daughter。For example:(Show Liu Xings and his fathers photos.)T:Whos he?Ss:Hes Liu Xing.T:This is his father.(Point to Liu Xing)This is his son.Read after me,SON,son.Ss:SON,son.The teacher sh

6、ows other words like this.建议3:玩Guessing game 游戏,具体操作如下:T:Do you like games?Ss:Yes.T:Lets play a guessing game.Please listen carefully.He is my brother.But my father is not his father.His father is not my father.His father and my father are brothers.We have the same grandfather.Who is he?S1:He is you

7、r “表哥”T:No,he isnt.S2:He is your “堂兄” or “堂弟”T:Yes,he is.Lets see how to say it in English.(Put the card “cousin” on the blackboard.)T:Its cousin.Read after me,COUSIN,cousin.Ss:COUSIN,cousin.T:Spell it,please.Ss:COUSIN,cousin.T:This time you must say it in English.She is your sister.But your father

8、is not her father.Her father is not your father.Her father and your father are brothers.You have the same grandmother.Who is she?Ss:Shes my cousin.T:Your fathers brother is your.?S3:“大爷,大伯”S4:“叔叔”T:You are right.Lets see how to say it in English.(Put the word card “uncle” on the blackboard.)T:Read a

9、fter me,please,UNCLE,uncle.Ss:UNCLE,uncle.T:Your uncles wife is your.?Ss:“伯母,婶婶”T:Right.(Put the card “aunt” on the blackboard and then teach the words “son” “daughter” in this way.)T:Read the words on the card together.Ss:.Step 3:Practice the new words建议1:利用Bomb游戏进行单词操练。具体做法:利用多媒体在一些难读的单词下面放上地雷的图形,

10、然后教师领读单词,学生跟读,如果遇到带有地雷的单词,学生就不能读了,如果读了,可以扣小组的分,也可以让读的同学站起来再读两遍。(此活动避免了机械性的跟读,也活跃了课堂气氛)建议2:教师利用升降调领读单词。建议3:教师展示家庭关系图,让学生填上缺失的单词。(1a)T:Look at the family tree.Some words are missing.Who can help me fill it,please?(Ask one student to the front to do it on the blackboard.The others finish it on their bo

11、oks.)T:Lets check your work.Step 4:Listening (1b,1c)1先让学生自己读一读1b中的单词,然后让学生听录音,在所听到的单词后打勾。2让学生看课本1c,教他们如何抓住两幅图中的信息,仔细听录音,找出姜涛和汤姆谈论的照片。Step 5:Task 1d建议1:画出自己的家人和朋友,并向同伴介绍。建议2:采用报道的形式,用所学的语言项目介绍家庭成员的情况。(此活动训练学生综合运用语言的能力。)For example:Talk about the family tree.T:Look at the family tree.I think its a big

12、 family.You can do it in groups of four or three.You can do it in pairs or only by yourself.Then report it to the class.(The students work.The teacher walks around in the classroom and helps them.)T:Stop here.Lets check it out.(Choose one student to do it.)S1:Look at my family tree.This is my.This i

13、s my.They have two.This is my .This is my.This is my.This is my.My parents have two children.This is.This is my.My uncle and my aunt have a son.He is my.(Ask two more students to do it.)Step 6:Summary 1本课重点学习了表示家庭成员的几个单词:son,cousin,mom,aunt,dad,uncle,daughter,grandpa,grandma。2学生能画出自己的家庭关系图并运用所学的语言知识

14、进行描述。Step 7:Homework1教会你的父母或身边的朋友今天刚学的关于家庭成员的单词。2给你的笔友或儿时的伙伴写封信,介绍你现在的家庭成员。Unit 2 This is my sister.Section B 1a1d知识讲解1family 作为一个整体时,意思是“家庭”,后面谓语动词用单数形式。如果把family看作家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词用复数形式。family的复数形式是families。如:My family are very well.我的家人都很健康。Jim Green has a big family.吉姆格林有个大家庭。2family tree 意为“

15、家谱”。在这个名词短语中,名词family作定语,修饰后面的名词tree。在名词作定语时,须用单数修饰后面的名词。如:tooth brush牙刷boy students 男生3单数句变为复数句日常练习中,大家经常会遇到单数句与复数句的转换。现在我们就来学一学如何在二者之间进行转换。将单数句变为复数句,通常要遵循的规则是:变,删,留。变:将单数句中的指示代词、人称代词、物主代词、名词及动词变为对应的复数形式。如:thisthese,thatthose,he/she/itthey,Iwe,myour,his/her/itstheirs,am/isare等。删:将单数句中的不定冠词a/an删掉。That is a watch.These are watches.留:保留单数句



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