人教新目标版英语七上Unit 3《Is this your pencil》Period 3(Section B 1a-2c)教案

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《人教新目标版英语七上Unit 3《Is this your pencil》Period 3(Section B 1a-2c)教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标版英语七上Unit 3《Is this your pencil》Period 3(Section B 1a-2c)教案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 3 Section B 1a2c.教学准备1教师:录音机、录音磁带、多媒体课件、图片和物品实物。2学生:关于学习用品的图片、实物,以及卡片。.教学目标1让学生继续了解如何确认物主关系。2使学生能够看懂寻物启事和失物招领启事。3学习本课的知识点。(1)词汇:baseball,watch,computer,game,card,notebook,ring,bag,in,library,ask,find,some,classroom,email,at,call,lost,must(2)句型:Whats this?Its a watch.How do you spell it?WATCH.

2、Ask the teacher for it.I lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 6856034.4使学生在听录音时听懂基本的英语对话。5帮助学生来确认其他同学的物品。.教学重点(1)词汇:baseball,watch,computer,game,card,notebook,ring,bag,in,library,ask,find,some,classroom,email,at,call,lost,must(2)句型:Whats this?Its a watch.How do you spell it?WATCH.Ask the

3、 teacher for it.I lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 6856034.教学难点1让学生能够熟练运用所学知识进行完整的对话练习。2让学生能够看懂寻物启事和失物招领启事。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking建议1:通过师生问答进行自由交际。教师提问多个学生问题,让学生回答,目的是为了训练学生开口说英语的能力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教师在与学生对话时要结合本单元已经学过的语言项目进行自由交际,要围绕这个课时的句型“Whats this?How do you spell it?”展开。建议2

4、:通过学生互相问答进行自由交际。让学生之间互相提问问题,训练他们的口语交际能力。For example:S1:Whats this?S2:Its a pencil.S1:How do you spell it?S2:PENCIL.S1:Is this yours?S2:Yes,it is.Its mine.Step 2:Check the homework建议1:检查上节课的家庭作业。找几位同学站起来,向全体同学朗读自己所编写的对话,目的是了解学生对上节课所学语言项目的掌握情况。建议2:让学生小组内相互交换家庭作业,检查有无语言错误,然后小组内同学分角色表演,并评选出表演最好的小组,目的是检查

5、家庭作业,并培养学生的动口能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。Step 3:Present the new words建议1:利用多媒体图片或实物复习上节课的语言项目,并导入新课。教师出示表格,根据表格信息进行提问,对上节课的语言项目进行复习,并导入新课。物品pencilwatchcomputerbaseball.物品主人mineBobsAnnasHelens.For example:T:Excuse me,S1.Is this your pencil?S1:Yes,its mine.T:And is this your watch?S1:No,its Bobs.T:What about this

6、baseball?S1:Its Helens.T:Thank you for your help,S1.S1:Youre welcome.建议2:教师直接展示多媒体图片或实物,学习新单词。(注意复习刚学过的单词)For example:T:Look at the picture.(Show students a picture of a watch.)T:Whats this in English?Its a watch.(Ask a student)Whats this in English?S1:Its a watch.T:Good.(Ask another student.)Whats

7、this in English?S2:Its a watch.T:How do you spell “watch”?(Show the students the spelling.)WATCH,watch.Read after me,please.(Teach the other words “baseball,computer,game,notebook,ring,bag,ID card” in the same way.)Step 4:Practice the new words建议1:通过处理课本1a部分来练习新单词。教师可以让学生直接在课本上完成,也可以通过多媒体课件把1a部分展现出来

8、,让学生一起来做。建议2:教师展示出所学新单词的图片或实物,让学生仿照1b,利用所学过的语言项目对新单词进行操练。教师可以先和一名学生对话,给其他同学做个示范。For example:T:Whats this?S1:Its a watch.T:How do you spell it?S1:WATCH.Then let the students practice in pairs.Step 5:Listening1课本1c的处理。建议1:练习听力之前,先让学生说出1a中图片中物品的英文名称,进一步强化重点单词。For example:T:Please look at the picture in

9、 1a.Can you say their English names?(The teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)S1:This is.S2:This is.然后让学生看着课本听并在1a中圈出所听到的物品。建议2:教师可以把一些物品实物放在讲桌上,让学生把听到的物品先记下来,然后让学生到讲桌前去选出所听到的物品。让学生动手去做,比单纯的单词辨听更容易引起学生的兴趣。For example:T:Now Ill put the objects in 1a on the desk.You will listen to

10、a dialogue and write down the names of the objects you hear.Then please come to the front and pick out the things you hear.Lets see who will do the best.(Play the recording for the students to listen.)T:Now lets check the answers.Please pick out the things you hear and say their English names.(Make

11、sure the students hold the things to show them to the other students.)2让学生再听一遍录音,完成1d的卡片。教师也可以把卡片用多媒体课件展示出来。T:Please look at the two pictures in 1d.One is Linda,and the other is Mike.Listen to the conversation again.This time you will pay attention to the things Linda and Mike are looking for.Then w

12、rite down the names of the things beside each persons picture.(Play the recording for the students to write down the words.)T:Well,what is Linda looking for?S1:.T:What about Mike?What is he looking for?S2:.Step 6:Practice the new sentences建议1:根据1d中卡片的信息,让学生分别扮演琳达和迈克,编写对话并表演出来,然后交换角色。(教师可先和一名学生做示范)Fo

13、r example:(LLinda,TTeacher)L:Im looking for my watch.T:Is this your watch?L:No,it isnt.That is my watch.T:Here you are.L:Oh,and that is my notebook.T:Whats your name?L:Linda.T:OK.Here you are.L:Thank you.T:Youre welcome.建议2:让学生仿照1d的卡片,为自己做出类似的卡片,并把所拥有的物品写在卡片上,根据小组内同学的卡片信息,进行对话练习。For example:S1:I los

14、t my baseball.S2:What color?S1:Black and red.S2:OK.Is this yours?S1:Yes,it is.And that is my ID card.S2:Whats your name,please?S1:Mike.S2:Here you are.S1:Thank you.S2:Youre welcome.Step 7:Task建议1:让学生在课本2a部分写出自己经常丢失的物品,再次对所学单词进行巩固。建议2:小组内同学互相查看2a的完成情况,一是检查单词的拼写,二是了解彼此的信息。同时把物品放在课桌上,利用所学语言项目进行对话练习。For

15、 example:S1:Whats this?S2:Its a pencil.S1:How do you spell it?S2:PENCIL.S1:Is this yours?S2:No,it isnt.Its hers.Is this pencil yours?S3:Yes,thank you.Step 8:Read the notices1设置情景,激发学生的思维。从学生生活中常丢失物品的现象出发,引导学生学会处理这类问题。For example:T:Most of us may pick up others things or lost something.If you pick up or lost something,what should you do?You can discuss with your partners.(The students dis



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