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1、东大19春学期大学英语(一)在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:100作业试题1、Lily really wants to her new shoes.A、try outB、carry outC、work outD、figure out试题分析答案:A作业试题2、We need a skilled_ to take care of our delicate mechanism.A、technicianB、technologyC、techniqueD、technological试题分析答案:A作业试题3、Whenever he has trouble in study, he always tri

2、es, _, to get help from his teachers and classmates.A、somehowB、anyhowC、no matter howD、anyway试题分析答案:A作业试题4、I _ to bed until my grandma came back home.A、didnt goB、wentC、had goneD、have gone试题分析答案:A作业试题5、He came _ some old photographs in a drawer.A、acrossB、inC、intoD、around试题分析答案:A作业试题6、I think it unnece

3、ssary to go back there, _we have visited these places.A、so thatB、in order toC、provided thatD、now that试题分析答案:D作业试题7、_ my mother _ my sister watches TV plays these days.A、Either, norB、Both,andC、Neither,orD、Neither, nor试题分析答案:D作业试题8、How can you convince him_ the death of his wife, since he was with her

4、 a few minutes ago?A、ofB、onC、inD、from试题分析答案:A第9题,After the bell rang, the teacher began to pass _ papers to the anxiously waiting students.A、awayB、outC、throughD、by试题分析答案:B第10题,Mr. Li would like to _ us an interesting story.A、tellB、talkC、sayD、speak试题分析答案:A第11题,He _ living in the country to the city.A

5、、likesB、prefersC、enjoysD、loves试题分析答案:B第12题,It suddenly _to her that she might adopt a homeless child.A、happenedB、occuredC、took placeD、appeared试题分析答案:B第13题,He smoking because it does harm to health.A、changeB、pauseC、quitD、learn试题分析答案:C第14题,- What are you going to do next Sunday? -_.A、I m sorryB、Here y

6、ou areC、I ve no ideaD、That s all right试题分析答案:C第15题,The car _ and stopped at the red traffic lights.A、got onB、got offC、slowed downD、picked up试题分析答案:C第16题,I _a very interesting programme on the radio this morning.A、listenedB、heardC、sawD、watched试题分析答案:B第17题,The food _ my hometown is quite different _th

7、at there.A、in ,likeB、to, fromC、from,toD、in, from试题分析答案:D第18题,The policeman stopped _, but he _ no sound.A、hearing,heardB、listening,listenedC、to listen,heardD、listening to,listened to试题分析答案:C第19题,Our teacher told us the earth _ round the sun all the time.A、movedB、travelsC、goingD、circle试题分析答案:B第20题,Th

8、e film _ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.A、had already been onB、had already begunC、have already been onD、have already begun试题分析答案:A第21题,- Will you be free tomorrow? -_.A、OKB、Yes, I amC、I have no ideaD、All right试题分析答案:C第22题,- Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party? -_.A、Yes, I woul

9、dB、Yes, I d love toC、No, I wouldn tD、No, I dont go试题分析答案:B第23题,-Excuse me, wheres the post office ?-Sorry, I dont know.-_.A、It doesnt matterB、All rightC、Thank you all the sameD、Dont worry试题分析答案:C第24题,Everyone except Tom and John _ there when the meeting began.A、isB、wasC、areD、were试题分析答案:B第25题,I calle

10、d her name several times in order to wake her up, but she still had no_A、answerB、responseC、relyD、reply试题分析答案:B第26题,The low salary is her_reason for leaving the job.A、principalB、principleC、punctualD、professional试题分析答案:A第27题,There _a football match in our school this afternoon.A、are going to haveB、is

11、going to haveC、are going to beD、is going to be试题分析答案:D第28题,- How do you get on with your classmates? -_.A、Very wellB、Well doneC、Thats OKD、Im well试题分析答案:A第29题,Many source of information can _ our chances of getting in touch with the current event in the world.A、expendB、imagineC、limitD、enhance试题分析答案:D

12、第30题,Hes worked here _ 4 oclock this afternoon.A、forB、atC、sinceD、about试题分析答案:C第31题,Monkeys are clever and lively, but they are naughty and greedy as well. Whenver they find delicious food, they will eat enough. Whats more, they will take it when they leave. They have suffereda lot because of this. B

13、ut they never change this way.In India, people use monkeys greed to catch them. Do you know how they can catch monkeys? Here are some instructions. Make a hole in a big pumpkin (南瓜). The hole must be just right -neither too big nor too small. Put some jujubes (枣) in the hole. Leave the pumpkin under a tree. Make sure there are some monkeys in the tree. Hide yourself and watch the monkeys. As soon as you leave, the monkeys cant wait to come down to the pumpkin. When they find a hole in the pumpkin, they dont know whats in it and one of them cant help p


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