《Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?》单元检测卷及答案(附听力材料)

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《Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?》单元检测卷及答案(附听力材料)_第1页
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《《Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?》单元检测卷及答案(附听力材料)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?》单元检测卷及答案(附听力材料)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?单元检测卷I听小对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片: ( 5 分) A B C D E 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II. 听下面一段对话, 回答6-10题(5分)( )6. Where is the Nile ? A. In Africa B. In Asia C. In Europe( )7. How long is it ?A. More than 6761 kilometers long B. More than 6671 kilometers longC. More than 7671

2、kilometers long( )8. How many countries does it pass through ? A. Five B. Nine C. Eight ( )9. Which country does it go through ? A. America B. India C. Egypt( )10. What can we get from the conversation ?A. The Nile is very important to Egypt. B. The Nile goes through Egypt from the east to the west.

3、C. The Nile is less than 4, 100 miles.III. 听下面一段文章, 选择最佳答案(5分)( )11. How far is it from Wolong Panda Base to Chengdu ?A. More than 100 kilometers. B. Less than 100 kilometers.C. More than 200 kilometers( )12. How did the speaker get to Wolong Panda Base ? A. By bus B. By car C. By bike( )13. Pandas

4、can eat _ in zoos .A. Bamboo, bananas and apples. B. Bamboo , apples and carrots.C. Bamboo, carrots and bananas( )14. Pandas in zoos can live about _years longer than those in the wild. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30( )15. Why are pandas losing their homes ?A. People are cutting down forests. B. The weather is c

5、hanging greatly.C. The other animals are using their land.IV. 听完下面的短文, 完成句子。 (5分)16. Li Ming went to Hunan Province with _.17. The Wall is 10kilometers away from Fenghuang _.18. The Wall was built in 1554 in the _.19.The Wall is about _kilometers long and about _high.20. The Wall is one of _projects

6、 in Chinese history.V. 单项选择(10分)( )21. Nanjing isnt so large _Shanghai , however its the second _city in East China.A. like; largest B. as ; largest C. like ; large D. as; large( )22. The Sahara is about 29the Taklamakan塔克拉玛干 the largest desert in China. A. times as large asB. times as larger as C.

7、time as larger asD. times larger( )23. -Why do you look so tired ?-I didnt sleep well last night. I was still _ until 3 oclock. A. awake B. bored C. interested D. special( )24. There are three hundred people_over there. A.about B. around C. and so D. or so( )25. The zoo keepers are _the milk _the ba

8、by pandas lunch.A. prepare; to B. preparing ; for C. preparing ; with D. prepare; for( )26. Dont worry ! Ill do what I can _ you when you are in trouble. A to help B. help C. helping D. Helped( )27. The swimming pool is about _and there is also an _playground.A. fifty meters long; eighty-meter-long

9、B. fifty meters long; eight meters longC. fifty-meter-long; eighty-meter-long D. fifty meters long; eighty-meters long( )28.The mountain I visited last Sunday isnt very _. Few _go sightseeing.A. tourist; tourists B. touristy; tourist C. touristy; tourists D. tourist; tourist 29. -Everyone knows Cana

10、da is the second largest country in the world.-That is , it is larger than _ country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other D. another30. I work in the library . My duties _ cleaning desks and tidying books. A. to include B. included C. include D. includingVI .选词完成句子 (10分)A. even though B. remained s

11、ilent C. in the face of D walk into E.research F. stop .from G protect.from H take in I. up to J. artwork31.We are powerless (无能为力)_such forces.32. I had said sorry to my brother, but he still _.33. My father spends much money on books _hes not rich.34. Dont run in the classroom, or you will _your c

12、lassmates35. Many doctors continue to_ the cause of Ebola Virus. (埃博拉病毒).36. Our history textbooks only go _the World War II.37. Most of the children love to read the stories with _.38. Ill try my best to _my son _ making the same mistake.39. Fire fighters wear special coats and helmets (头盔)to_thems

13、elves_heat.40. People near the factory _ too much polluted air every day.VII、完形填空 (15分)Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in thenortheast of North America. Near Greenland is 41_ island. It is small. Its42_- is Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is 43_ and warm? Do you think that Iceland is white 44_ice? If you do, you are45_ . Not many people live on the big island of Greenland. There46_


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