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1、固定搭配,of no/little avail 无用,毫无用处 break a leg 祝好运,顺利 play well 发挥好 blow ones own trumpet 自吹自擂,往自己脸上贴金 cant hold a candle to: 比不上,不如 let ones hair down: 放松心情,be in the bag 十拿九稳的,稳操胜算的 on ones account: 为了某人的缘故 on ones behalf: 代表,作为的代言人 fir ones part: 对某人来说 in ones interest: 为了某人的利益 by chance: 偶然意外的 know

2、 sb by sight: 仅见过面,面熟 by heart: 熟记默记 by experience: 凭经验,从经验中,split hairs:斤斤计较,吹毛求疵 make difficulties: 提出反对 call off: 喊走,取消活动,转移注意力 call up: 打电话,传讯,征召(入伍),使人回忆起 call out: 叫喊,命令行动,引出,使起作用 call out fr help call over: 看望,探访,点名 call over to see sb on the rocks 破产 build castles in the air: 做白日梦,carry on:

3、继续进行;从事,忙于 catch on: 变得流行;理解明白 take on: 呈现,承担 get on: 继续,进行,上车 take the plunge: 冒险 tumble to: 突然察觉 stick to: 坚持,坚守 come to: 降临,发生 adjust to: 调整适应,make an application for: 申请,请求 make a bid for: 投标申办 make a proposal to sb: 向.求婚 hand in: 上交 hand out: 分发 hand down: 把.一代代传下去 The custom is handed down fro

4、m the past. hand over: 交出,移交 He handed over his business to his son. entitle to: 使某人有资格 a poker face 面无表情,不露声色,make a pledge: 发誓 make a warranty: 担保 make a claim to: 认为.是属于自己的 make a guarantee: 保证、 words of wisdom: 至理名言,忠告 make after: 追随 make believe: 假装 make like: 模仿 make clear: 弄清楚 讲明白 throw light

5、 on: 使明白,阐明,pick on: 找某人的茬儿,专门跟某人过不去 pick over: 挑出来 pick out: 挑出 pick up on: 注意到,继续谈论 hold off on doing: 拖延做某事 under the pretence: 以.为借口,打着.的幌子 break through: 突围,突破 go through: 经历经受 put through: 接通,完成,使穿过 pull through: 渡过难关,恢复健康,have much bearing on: (较大地)影响 pull out: (火车)离站,撤资,离开 pull up: 拔起,停下 pul

6、l through:脱离危险期,渡过难关 pull over:车靠向路边,停靠路边 get over: (从疾病,打击中)恢复过来,克服 get away: 走开,逃脱 get off: 从.下来,下车 get across: 使通过,使被理解,be in good order: 有条不紊,情况正常 in good form:(运动员等)处于良好状态 send up sth: 发射火箭等,或取笑某事物 conjure up:使某事物浮现于脑际,祈求鬼魂显灵(尤指使用巫术) summon up:振作,鼓起,使出力气 summon up a smile 使出力气挤一个笑容 squeeze up:使

7、挤紧 the other way round: 相反 on no account: 绝不,get off the ground: (计划,经商点子等)开始有进展 on the ground: 在现场(尤指战争现场) below ground: 在地下,去世的 above ground: 在地上,在世 take a powder: 匆匆离开,逃之夭夭 at large:详尽的,未被捕的 at length: 最后,详细地 at will: 随心所欲的 at random: 胡乱的,随机的,coincide with: 符合,与.相一致 collide with:碰撞,相撞 hang by a t

8、hread: 千钧一发,岌岌可危 jump out of ones skin: 大吃一惊 in course of:在.中 in favor of:赞成,支持 in light of:根据,鉴于,考虑到 set down: 写下,记录,记下 set up: 开办,建立,设立 set about: 开始忙碌,着手工作 set off: 出发,动身,turn down:拒绝,调小,调低 turn out:生产,结果是,关掉 turn up: 出现,发生 turn in:上交,归还 on ones toes: 保持警惕 lay bare: 暴露 live hand to mouth: 生活很贫苦 c

9、onsent to: 同意,答应,赞成 convert to: 转变,变换,in full swing:正在进行,正达到高潮 in vain:徒劳地 in terms:在商谈中 in progress:进行中 in issue:在争论中 out of reach:(因为没有足够的技能权利或金钱)难以实现 out of stock:无现货的,脱销的,没有库存 out of business:破产,失业 out of season:(蔬菜水果)不当令的,反季节的 dragged out:筋疲力尽 in/out of tune:和调/跑调,tie the knot:结婚 look over:审查(账

10、目),端详 look after:关心,照应 look into:调查 look through:温习,浏览 lay it on thick: to exaggrate or over-state praise/excuses/blame wear out:使疲乏,使厌倦,使耗尽 wear down:使消瘦,使厌烦 wear away:消磨,打发,(时光)流逝 wear off:逐渐减少,消逝,leave sb out in the cold:不理睬某人,把某人晾在一边 at the very outside: 最多 keep a low profile:保持低调 reckon on:指望,依

11、赖 frown on:不赞成,反对 speculate on:考虑,推测 figure on:把.估计在内,打算 at a sitting:一股脑,一口气地,set up:设立创立 set forth:陈述(观点等),启程 set about:着手做某事,开始干 set in:开始,(讨厌或不受欢迎的事)到来 have a itch to do: 强烈愿望做某事 without failure:不失败 without fail:肯定,必定 without trouble:不麻烦 without hesitation:不犹豫,keep step with:与.步调一致 Keep pace wit

12、h:跟上.的脚步 in a lather:激动,焦躁不安的 fell in with:偶遇,同意 fell for:上当受骗,爱上迷恋 fell through:落空,失败 fell out:吵架,掉落 on a par with:与.水平/标准相同,turn down:调低,拒绝 turn back:折返,掉转头 turn around:使(企业)好转 turn Out:最后结果是 in collaboration with:与.合作 in connection with:与.有关 in common with:与.一样 sweating bullets:非常紧张 be applied to

13、:被运用于 be employed to:习惯于,in good repair:处于良好状态=in good condition to be precise:确切来说,准确来说 have an out:找个借口 at a push:不得已,没有办法 in deep water:陷入困境 hit the books:用功学习 up in arms:气愤生气,play hard to get:(为吸引对方)故作难以接近不感兴趣 make a name for oneself:出名 up to ones chin:非常忙碌,焦头烂额 at the mercy of:任凭某人/某物摆布自己 eat a

14、 hasty meal:胡乱吃了点饭 off and on:断断续续,有时,偶尔 the living end:棒极了,了不起,get sth across:使想法信息等被理解 get around: 到处走动,传播出去 get through:通过,打通电话 get round:散播,说服 good old+人名:表示对某人(不负众望)的行为表示称赞 be reduced to:使陷入. ring a bell:听起来熟悉 leave a lot to be desired:远远不足,act on:奉行遵照生效 embark on:开始,从事 capitalize on:尽量从.中获利,充分利用 drag on:拖延 see to:照看或处理某事物 object to:反对 resort to sth/doing sth:采取,诉诸(不好的办法) refer to:提到,涉及到,查阅,


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