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1、The Musicians of Bremen(布莱梅的音乐家)开幕:幕边台词:Hey,everybody, This is our morning exercise time. Lets dance!【各动物出场(两只猪、两只牛、一匹马、一只驴),一起跳舞(Hokey Pokey)】【农夫和妻子(拿着食物桶)出场,吹哨子召集动物吃早餐,动物拿着食物盘排成一排,做出可爱的样子】Wife:【把食物倒在食物盘上,小猪把头放在wife的肩膀上撒娇】Look at the lovely pig, they grow bigger and bigger!Farmer:【点头】.Hmmm.Wife:【把食

2、物倒在食物盘上】Oh, my dear cow.Farmer: 【牛扭一下屁股,身子和农夫摩擦一下】Our cow give us milk every day. I love them.Wife:【点点头】Oh,yes. 【倒食物给马】And our horse help us a lot with the farm work!Farmer: Yes, he is our family member.Donkey: 【一直伸着耳朵听,听到农夫和妻子对各个动物的称赞,也想获得称赞。驴看见旁边有一袋麦子,就去搬,想讨好农夫。但却搬不动】Farmer:Look at the donkey. He

3、is too old to work.Wife: I think we can sell him to the butcher.Farmer: Thats a good idea. Lets call the butcher to come tomorrow.【说完后,农夫和妻子退场】Donkey:【听了主人的对话,表情随着想得到表扬,到失落。听到要卖給屠夫,表情变得惊讶和伤心】Oh. No!【走到舞台中间,垂头丧气的摇头】【动物围了过去】Horse:Hey, my brother, the butcher will kill you.Donkey:I know,I know. Maybe I

4、 will become a plate of jerky(肉干), or a plate of roast meat(烤肉),or I will be cooked with pepper(辣椒). Oh, I hat pepper. It always makes my tears come out. 【尽管伤心,还是很有幽默精神的】Pigs: Oh, Mr. Donkey, maybe you can run to the mountain. Donkey: 【摇头】In that case, I will not do good to people!Cow 1: Dont be sad

5、. Mr. Donkey. You are good at music. You can play the guitar. 【驴露出感激的笑容】Cow 2: And you can play the drum and you have a nice voice! 【驴露笑的很开心】All the animals: You can go to Bremen and become a musician.Donkey:【欢乐地跳起来】Yes, yes, I can go to the Musician HomeBremen. I will use my show to make people hap

6、py!Pigs: 【走到旁边看了看】Now the chance comes. Our masters fall into sleep. Start your journey to Bremen, please.Donkey: OK. Bye-bye.【驴戴上了吉他和鼓】Animals: Bye-bye.【动物转一圈,将农场布景带下, 带上路途上的背景】【驴在欢快的音乐中转了两圈,两只小鸡拖着小狗跑,但小狗不愿意,躺在路边上气不接下气】Chickens:Hurry up, Mr. Dog. You should run away from here.Dog: Oh,my dear friend

7、. Let me alone. Let methese old bones, wait for death quietly.Donkey:Why are you out of breath, Mr. dog?Dog:Ah, Im old and weak. I cannot hunt anymore. So my master tries to shoot me. I ran away. But now I do not have either a home or a job. I will starve.”Donkey:Oh. Dont be so sad. You are still ve

8、ry valuable. Can you play the drum?Dog: 【接过驴手中的鼓】Oh,Yes. Thats my strong points. I always want to be a drum player. 【嘴巴哼出打鼓的节奏】Donkey:I am going to Bremen to become a musician. Lets go together. We can start a musical band. I will play the guitar. And you can play the drum.”Dog:Thats a great idea. L

9、ets go right now. Good bye, my dear friend.Chickens: Good bye. I believe you will be a good musician.【驴和狗一起走了。(加音乐)驴弹吉他。狗敲鼓。小鸡退场,三只小鸭和小猫上台,小猫无比伤心地唱歌(country road),小鸭跳舞,donkey和cat也加入跳舞中】Ducks: You sings well, Mr. Dog.Cat:【伤心地】No,thats meaningless. I am useless now.Dog【走前】Mr. Cat, whats the matter wit

10、h you?Cat:I am too old to catch mice any more. And my mistress beat me. So I ran away. But I dont know where to go.Donkey: You are still very useful, Mr. Cat. Come with us to Bremen. We can start a musical band. I will play the guitar, and Mr. Dog can beat the drum. And you can sing in our band.Duck

11、s: Wow, Mr. Cat, you will be a super singer.Cat:That sounds great. I like singing. Lets start for Bremen. Goodbye, my wonderful friends. Ducks: Goodbye. We know you will do a lot for people.【驴,狗,猫一起走了。(加音乐)驴弹吉他。狗敲鼓,猫唱歌。小鸭退场。初始追杀者公鸡】Dog:Look!What happens?Cook:Stop, stop. Dont run away. Cook: 【追不到,左右望

12、望.】Where is the old cock? Its a pity that I can not cook a delicious chicken soup today.Cock: 【公鸡躲在驴、狗,猫的后面,等厨师走了之后走出来。】Cock a doole do.Cat:You sound scared, Mr. Cock. Whats the matter?Cock:I wake up everyone on the farm every morning. But I am old now. Tonight guests are coming for dinner tonight.

13、My masters wife wants me to become a bowl of chicken soup. To them, I am of no use now.Donkey:No, Mr. Cock, you are important to us. You can sing in our band.Dog & Cat: Yes, Mr. Cock, you must come with us, too. We are going to Bremen. Cock:【兴奋地】Anything is better than death. I will join you. I want

14、 to be a great singer.Donkey/ Cat/ Dog/Cock: We are “Bremen Idol”. Lets start for Bremen. 【驴、狗、猫、公鸡在音乐中出发,拿出音乐会的海报(The Night of Bremen)】【所有原来出场的动物上场】Horse:【向其它动物说】 You come to watch the show of Bremen Idol? Hey, thats my brother. Mr. Donkey. I know he can do this!Chickens: Oh, Mr. dog is handsome wi

15、th the drum.Ducks: Look, Mr. Cat and Mr. Cock are the singers. I love their voices.【乐队出场】Donkey:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and all my dear friends. Once we all think we are too old and useless. Its you that courage us to make our dream come true. Cat: Yes,we are old.Dog: But we are still wonderful.Cock: And we can bring happiness to all of you. Cat/ Dog / Cock/ Donkey: Lets sing and dance together.【所有动物一起唱歌,跳舞】【谢幕】主角:驴、狗、猫、公鸡配角:两只猪、两只牛、一匹马 两只小鸡 三只小鸭 一个厨师 农夫与太太 (共17人)中文版:从前有一个人,养了一头驴子。它不辞劳苦地把一袋一袋地麦子背到磨坊里去磨,已经有很多年了;但是它的力气渐渐完了,越来越不能工作。主人想把它从栏里牵出去杀掉。驴子听得风声不好,就逃到不来梅去。它想在那里做一


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