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1、重庆市2018届九年级英语第一次月考试题 第一部分 听力部分(每小题1.5分,共30分).听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)A. B. C.( )1.( )2.A. B. C.( )3.A. B. C.( )4.( )5. . . 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近选项。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)( )6.A.Tom is a student.B.Tom is not a student.C.Tom doesnt like school.( )7.A.Kangkang is at home. B. Kangkang is at sc

2、hool.C. Kangkang isnt at home.( )8.A.She works hard.B. She is a good woman. C. She teaches well.( )9.A.School ended a little earlier.B.School ended as early as usual.C.School didnt end so early as usual.( )10.A.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic. I dont like it, either.B.I dont like the heavy traffic

3、, but Tom likes it.C.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic, but I like it. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11. Whats the meaning of the three Rs?A. Reduce, right, and ride. B. Reuse, recycle, and reduce.C. Reuse, resource, and report.( ) 12. Who wants to be a greener person?A. Mik

4、eB. Smith. C. Martin.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( ) 13.Where has Jack been?A. To a car factory. B. To a park. C. To a farm.( ) 14. Why has the lake become dirty?A. Because there was no one to protect it.B. Because there were too many dead fish.C. Because the visitors threw rubbish into the lake.( ) 15. What

5、did Jack take to the leader of the park?A. Some news.B. A bottle of water and some dead fish. C. A report. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)( ) 16. Who does the teacher ask to help Van?A. Tom.B. Mike.C. Jim.( ) 17. What is Van good at?A. He is good at drawing.B. He is good at singing. C.He is good at

6、 dancing.( ) 18. Where does Van come from?A. He comes from a city far away;B. He comes from a town far away.C. He comes from a country far away.( ) 19.What does Jim show Van?A. About how to play football.B. About how to study hard.C. About how to memorize words.( )20.Why does Van feel happy?A. Becau

7、se he has many friends.B. Because he has learned many new words.C. Because Jim and his friends often help him.第二部分 笔试部分(共120分)单项选择(每小题1分,共18分)21. There is nobody in the classroom. They_ the library to read books. A. have been to; B. have been in; C. have gone to; D. have been; 22. I could _ hear wha

8、t you said just now. Could you please say that again?A. hard; B. clearly; C. hardly; D. especially;23. China has lots of people. More than_ of them live in the countryside.A. Twothirds; B.Twothird; C.Twothree; D.Secondthree;24. _ it rained heavily on September 18th, _ all the students and teachers g

9、ot to school on time. A. Though, but; B. But, though; C Though, /; D. /, though; 25. - _you_yourhomeworkyet? -Yes,I_ittenminutesago.A. Did,do,finished; B. Have,done,havefinished;C. Have,done,finished; D. Will, do,finished;26. -_ is the population of Nanchuan now?- Its about more than 600 thousand.A.

10、 Whats; B. How much; C. How many; D. What; 27.-Did you arrive here_ two years ago?-No, Ive been here _ only several months. A. since, for; B. for, since; C. /, for; D. since, /; 28. -It is a sunny day. -_. Lets go for a picnic. A. So it is; B. so is it; C. Soit will be; D. Neither it is;29. -Nowaday

11、s, some poor children hadtoworktohelp_theirfamilies,becausetheirfamiliescouldnt_educationforthem.-Whatapity! A. support,supply; B. afford,support; C. support, afford; D. afford, give ;30. One-childpolicyhas_controllingChinaspopulation. A.donewellin; B.beengoodat; C.workedgoodin; D.workedwellin31. Th

12、e sports meeting_ in our school last month. A took place; B. happened; C. has taken place; D. has happened; 32.-How was your National Holiday? -_. I visited the Jinfo Mountain and had must fun. A. Bad luck; B. Not bad; C. Just so-so; D. Have fun; 33. Why not invite Jane to watch a movie with us? -Go

13、od idea. Lets_. A. make phone call; B. call up her; C. call her up; D. call him; 34. I think that you have made great _ in math.A. a progress;B. progress;C. progresses;D. progressed;35. -How long has he _from home?-For eight days.A. leftB. been awayC.be awayD. leave36. Nowadays, we keep in touch _ each other by telephones or the Internet.A.to B. of C. for D. with37.-Mother Terisa always help people_. -She is really great.A. on purpose; B. in need;C. in factD. in turn38.Could you tell me_ our scores? -Sorry, Im not sure. A. when will we know; B. how long we will kno


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