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1、第25课时九年级下册Modules 12,基础知识巩固温馨提示:建议在掌握重点单词、短语及句型后,趁热打铁,完成默写手册P35对应内容,以达到巩固、自测的效果。重点单词1.flight n. 航班;飞行2direct adv.径直地;直接地3pilot n. 飞行员4succeed v. 成功;做成5exactly adv.确切地;完全;口(表示赞同)确实如此6.sir n. 先生;长官7officer n. 军官;官员;警察8stupid adj. 笨的;糊涂的9jacket n. 短上衣;夹克10ours pron. 我们的11tie n. 领带12.row n. 一排;一行;一列13po

2、ol n. 水池;游泳池14pass v. 及格;通过(考试或检查)15absent adj. 缺席的;不在的16bell n. 钟;铃词汇拓展1.flight n. 航班;飞行fly v. 飞行2tie n. 领带ties pl.3stupid adj. 笨的;糊涂的silly 同义词clever(反义词)聪明的4exactly adv.确切地exact adj. 确切的;完全的5succeed v. 成功;做成success n. 成功;成功的人(或事)successful adj. 成功的6.pass v. 及格;通过(考试或检查)fail(反义词)不及格;考试失败7absent adj

3、. 缺席的;不在的absence n. 缺席;不在present(反义词)出席的;在场的8we pron.我们(主语)us pron.我们(宾格)our pron. 我们的(形容词性物主代词)ours pron. 我们的(名词性物主代词)重点短语1.because of因为;由于2as long as只要3take care (告别用语)多保重4take off脱去5secondary school中学6fly direct to直接飞到7be full of充满;装满8above all尤其;更重要的是9succeed in doing sth.成功做某事10.take a tour游览11

4、say goodbye to sb.向某人告别12take the/ones seat就座13see sb.off为某人送行14get on/off the rain上/下火车15change sth.with sb.和某人交换某物16wear a tie打领带17in rows排队18at the speed of以的速度重点句型1.How was your holiday?你的假期怎么样? Not bad.还不错。2Its the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival.因为春节,它成为中国最忙的季节。3The pilo

5、t succeed in landing on time.飞行员成功地按时着陆了。4Wed better get back to work.我们最好回去工作。5Theres nothing to worry about as long as you work hard.只要你努力,没什么好担心的。6Please have your tickets ready.请大家准备好车票。7Im afraid youre sitting in my seat.恐怕你坐了我的座位。8It became too expensive to continue the service.它(这架飞机)的费用变得太高而

6、不能继续提供服务。9River School is a secondary school,about twenty minutes away from my home by bike.里弗学校是一所中学,离我的家骑自行车大约二十分钟。10.We go to school every weekday from 8:45 am to 3:15 pm.每个上学日,我们从上午8点45分上到下午3点15分。11Before class,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent.上课前,我们的老师会检查哪些学生来了,哪些没来。12Once

7、a term,there is a parents meeting.每个学期要召开一次家长会。13In the afternoon,we have two more lessons before school finishes.下午,放学前我们还有两节课。14I got good marks in both maths and geography.我在数学和地理考试中均取得了好成绩。 15.Students may join as many clubs as they like,but they must join at least one.学生们可以尽可能多地参加他们喜欢的俱乐部,但他们必须

8、至少要加入一个。,重难词句选析1succeed v. 成功;做成(教材P2)【点拨】succeed作动词,意为“成功;做成”。常构成短语succeed in doing sth.,意为“成功做某事”,相当于manage to do sth.或do sth.successfully。如:My sister finally succeed in passing the driving test.我的妹妹最后成功地通过了驾照考试。【拓展】success是其名词形式,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,意为“成功;成功的人或事”。如:Confidence is the key to success.自信

9、是成功的关键。The party was a big success.这次聚会很成功。【即时训练】第(1)题用所给词的适当形式填空;第(2)题句型转换。(1)My friend Jack succeed in _climbing_(climb) onto the top of the mountain.(2)All the students succeeded in passing the exam.(改为同义句)All the students_managed_ _to_ _pass_the exam. All the students _passed_ the exam _successf

10、ully_2because of 因为;由于(教材P2)【辨析】because of与becausebecause of是介词短语,表示原因。后跟名词或代词。because也表示原因,但它是一个连词,后面跟从句。如:They didnt go to the park because it snowed heavily.They didnt go to the park because of the heavy snow.由于大雪,他们没去公园。【即时训练】用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。because,because of(1)My father had to retire early _be

11、cause_of_ poor health.(2)I had to stay outside for a short time_because_ I left my keys at my friends home.3Theres nothing to worry about as long as you work hard.只要你努力,没什么好担心的。(教材P2)【点拨】as long as在这里引导状语从句,表示“只要”,也可以用so long as表达同样的意思。如:My parents dont care what job I do as/so long as Im happy.我父母对

12、我从事什么工作无所谓,只要我开心就好了。【拓展】as long as 还有以下含义:(1)表示时间,意为“长达多久”。如:I have lived here as long as 10 years.我已经在这儿住了长达10年之久。(2)表示比较,意为“和一样长”。如:This ruler is as long as that one.这把尺子和那把尺子一样长。【即时训练】第(1)题根据汉语提示补全句子;第(2)题根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)I will go on fighting against life _as_long_as_(只要) Im alive.(2)只要你不放弃,你的梦想将会实

13、现。As long as you_dont_give up,your dream_will_come_true_4Before class,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent.上课前,我们的老师会检查哪些同学来了,哪些没有来。(教材P12)【点拨】此句中,present(到场的)与absent(缺席的)互为一对反义词。此外,absent还有以下常见用法: (1)absent用作形容词,意为“缺席的;不在场的”,其后常接介词from。如: They were absent from work that day.那天他们没有上

14、班。(2)absent作形容词时,还可以表示“心不在焉的;茫然的”含义。其中,意为“心不在焉的”时,亦可用其合成词absentminded表示。如: He had an absent look on his face.他脸上露出茫然的神色。 He is always absentminded in his class.他总是上课心不在焉。【即时训练】根据汉语意思完成句子。约翰因病缺席已经三天了。John _has_been_absent_for 3 days because of his illness.5In the afternoon,we have two more lessons be

15、fore school finishes.下午,放学前我们还有两节课。(教材P12)【点拨】two more classes表示“另外两节课;还有两节课”。常构成“数词more名词”的结构,表示“又;再”的含义。通常可与“another数词名词”的结构互换使用。如: My father gave me two more apples.My father gave me another two apples.我父亲又给了我两个苹果。 【辨析】lesson与class (1)当表示“学校的课”时,两者区别不大,美式英语常用class,英式英语常用lesson。如: Classes/Lessons start at 8:00.八点开始上课。(2)表示“某种技能、技巧性的课程或者教训”时,常用lesson。如:


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