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1、Unit 8SectionOnePart1PhoneticsJillandMonicagotoatravelagency.Jill:Wedliketomakeabooking(1)foralongweekendholiday,please.Clerk:Where(2) wouldyouliketogo,madam?Jill:Paris.Clerk:Wheredoyouwantto(3)stayinParis?Monica:Werenotsure.Whichhotelwouldyousuggest?Clerk:TheResidenceMagentaisverygood(4)anditsquite

2、cheap.Irecommendyoustaythere.Monica:What(5)doyouthink,Jill?Jill:Ok.Thatswhat(6)welldo.Clerk:Wouldyoucompletethisform,please?Jill:Isit (7)allrightifwepaybycheque?Clerk:Ofcourse,(8)thatsquiteallright.Part2ListeningandNote-TakingA.Itsgotfourwheels,andusuallycarriesoneperson,butitcancarrytwo.Ittopspeeds




6、oesitweigh?”“Thirteenandahalfkilos.”“Howmuchdoesitcost?”“140”“Howmanypeoplecanitcarry?”“Justone”“Topspeed?”“Itdepends.Formostpeople,perhapsabout25kph.”ExerciseB ABCDEFNumberofwheels4426102Howmanypeopledoesitcarry?1-241-2721001Topspeed(inkph)61602241102,16025Weight(inkilos)156952369,000175,00013.5Pri




10、ifIcan.IfIhaveenoughmoneyleftthatis!Ex. A. Listen to the interview and answer the questions.1. Where are they now? They are in London.2. Where is the woman from? She is from the United States.3. How long has she been here? She has been here for two and a half weeks.ExerciseB: Listen again and decide

11、 whether the following statements are true or false.1. F. Plan to stay there for 3 weeks. (W: Weve been here about two and a half weeks and weve got another three days before we go back.)2. F. She also has been to a concert. (W: Oh, yes. Theatre, opera, concerts, the lot.)3. F. She has travellers ch

12、eques. (W: Tomorrow morning Im going to cash some more travellers cheques.)4. T (W: Ill come back next year if I can. If I have enough money left that is!)Dialogue 2 Are you Free for Lunch Today?Stuart: Woodside 8432Margaret: Hello again, Stuart. What can I do for you?Stuart: Are you free for lunch

13、today?Margaret: Yes, I think so. What time?Stuart: One oclock?Margaret: OK, where?Stuart: Lacys, in Marston Street. Do you know where it is?Margaret: No.Stuart: Well, you take a 47 bus from the office, get off at Grange Square, cross the road, turn left, take the first on your right, and Lacys is a few yards down the road on you left, opposite a church. You cant miss it.Margaret:But I wont be coming from the office. Ive got a meeting at the town hall; Ill be coming straight from there.Stuart: OK. Then get a number 17, get off in front of the cathedral, walk through the


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