(遵义)2016中考英语 专题研究突破 专题六 连词练习()

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《(遵义)2016中考英语 专题研究突破 专题六 连词练习()》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(遵义)2016中考英语 专题研究突破 专题六 连词练习()(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题六连词,中考五年命题规律及趋势考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值并列连词201523but表转折but/so/and1分201429and表顺承and/but/or1分201228and表顺承or/and/but1分201150and表顺承or/and/but1.5分从属连词201573so表因果关系soso1分201447while表时间while/before/after1.5分88Although表让步Although;but;but1分45because表原因because of/because/as a result1.5分201337sothat表示结果sososuchthat

2、/sothat1分47because表原因though/unless/because1.5分201237until表时间until/while/after1分49if表条件unless/if/though1.5分201136even though表让步but/because/even_though1分连词是近5年遵义中考的必考点。从属连词主要考查其在状语从句中的运用及辨析,常见的有though、even though引导的让步状语从句;because、so引导的原因状语从句;until、while、after、before引导的时间状语从句;if引导条件状语从句;sothat引导结果状语从句等

3、。并列连词主要是其在句中的逻辑关系与意义,如表转折、因果、并列、顺承、选择关系的用法。其中,对and表顺承关系的用法考查较多。语句设置比较简单,多为10词左右。预计2016年遵义中考单项选择考查从属连词的可能性很大,学生要重点掌握常见连词的基本用法及词义辨析。,遵义中考重难点突破并列连词【考点抢测】()1.You make lunch,_ Ill take care of the baby.Abut Bor Cand()2.Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends,QQ _ WeChat?Aand Bbut Co

4、r()3.Tom thinks action movies are interesting,_ I think they are boring.Abut Band Cso()4.Please tell me the truth,_ I can decide how to help you next step.Aso Bor Cbut()5.Come on,_ youll be late.Aand Bbut Cor()6.Mom,when shall we go to the museum this weekend?Oh,sorry,Im going to Beijing for a meeti

5、ng._ Saturday _ Sunday is OK.ABoth;and BEither;orCNeither;nor【满分点拨】常见并列连词1连接并列对等的词或短语并列连词意义及用法例句and“和”,表并列或顺承关系John,work hard and you will succeed.约翰,努力学习,你就会成功。but“但是”,表转折关系Id love to go shopping but Im busy.我很想去购物,但是我忙。bothand两者都Both you and she are right.not onlybut also不但而且Not only you but also

6、everyone here likes watching football match.eitheror或者或者Either he or I am right.neithernor既不也不Neither the twins nor Li Lei has been to Shanghai.注意:neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词要和最近的主语保持一致,即就近原则;bothand连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词只能用复数。2连接两个并列分句含义用法举例and那么;就Study hard,and we can make progres

7、s.努力学习,我们就能进步。or否则Hurry up,or well be late.快点儿,否则我们要迟到了。but但是(不与though连用)He went there,but he met nobody.他去了那儿,但没见到任何人。so因此(不能与because,as等运用)He is busy,so he cant come.他很忙,因此他不能来。for因为(不与so连用)She cant come,for she is ill.她不能来,因为她病了。从属连词【考点抢测】()1._ I was in the US,I made a lot of American friends.AWh

8、ileBAlthoughCUnless()2.I didnt believe he could drive _ he told me.Aonce Bwhile Cuntil()3.Ill go to Beijing _ the school term ends _ I want to visit it.Ain order that;but Bso that;soCas soon as;because()4._ the math problem was very difficult,he still worked it out.AIf BUnless CAlthough()5.You will

9、be late for school _ you dont get up early _ you will drive there.AIf;unlessBuntil;ifCalthough;until()6.We want to set off quickly _ we can avoid the heavy traffic.Aso that Bin order toCin order【满分点拨】一、引导时间状语从句的从属连词从属连词含义用法例句when当时候从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时It was raining when she arrived at the station.她到达车

10、站时,正在下雨。while正当时;正在时while引导的从句中,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,且常用进行时Dont make any noise while others are reading.别人读书时不要制造噪音。until直到常用在“notuntil”结构中,表示“直到才”He didnt appear until the meeting had begun.直到会议开始他才露面。assoonas一就引导的从句常用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时Ill visit you as soon as I come back.我一回来就去拜访你。after在之后before在之前引导的从句可以用一般现

11、在时,也可用一般过去时,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时Ill go to bed after I finish my homework.Please turn off the light before you leave the room.二、引导原因状语从句的从属连词从属连词含义用法例句because因为回答why引导的问句。Why were you late for class today?Because I got up too late and didnt catch the early bus.since既然表示的原因是对方已知的Since he says so,it must

12、be true.as由于;因为表示较为明显的原因Mother began to worry about my brother as it was getting dark.三、引导让步状语从句的从属连词though;although;even though(if)“虽然;尽管;即使”,不能与but连用四、引导条件状语从句的从属连词从属连词含义用法例句if如果if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时If he has time tomorrow,he will come to the meeting.明天有时间的话,他会来参加会议的。unless如果不,除非unless可以转化为“i

13、fnot”结构He wont finish the work unless he works hard.如果他不努力,就不能完成这项工作。五、引导目的状语、结果状语的从属连词从属连词含义用法例句so that/in order that以便于引导目的状语从句They hurried so that they can get there on time.sothat如此以至于引导结果状语从句She is so tired that she cant go any further.suchthat如此以致引导结果状语从句such后强调名词Its such a fine day that many people go to the park for fun.注意:不能同时出现在一个句子中的连词(1)because与so。如:Because Jone was ill,I took him t



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