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1、Unit 2 Robots .品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1The new product which will be tested out next month is a combination of modern technology and artificial intelligence.2In September 1939, Britain declared war on German after Germany invaded Poland.3We are facing serious problems that demand very frank disc

2、ussion and assessment(assess). 4Aileen had a strong desire to_be(be) a dancer but failed to make the grade.5Mona Lisas smile is_favored(favor) by every class of the society. The smile has a fresh kind of spirit. 6Having been warned of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend

3、accompanying(accompany) her.7Having_been_scanned/Scanned(scan) and checked by specialists, he dashed back to the stadium to join in the celebrations. 8Her only fear was that her little son would be_left(leave) alone in the world in case something happened to her.9You are bound to_achieve(achieve) yo

4、ur dreams if you insist on them and try your best.10What beautiful furniture you have got in your apartment! I am green with envy.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she all her work at home.2The president was so young that he was junior some of his employees.3O

5、ne woman who divorced with her husband of 20 years told the Los Angele Times that they would have divorced much earlier had the laws been changed earlier.4After entering senior high school, you should set some time to participate in some outofclass activities although occupied in studying.5I have be

6、en kept accompanied by the most considerate friends who keep encouraging me through the most difficult time.6They are not panic yet, but as the job rejections mount up, they are beginning to feel . 7The little boy came riding at full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. a dangerous scene it was!8

7、My friend Lucy is leaving for America. I will do her favour and drive her to the airport.9The fire service said numerous people were trapped in buildings, and a state of emergency had declared. 10When the alarm clock sounded, she automatically reached her gym bag and headed out of the door.课文语法填空 La

8、rry Belmont worked for a company that made robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot, 1.which was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire. Claire didnt want to have the robot in her house at first, especially when her husband would be 2.absent(absence) for three weeks.

9、 The robots name was Tony and he seemed more like a human 3.than a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his 4.facial(face) expression never changed. On the second morning Tony brought Claire breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. She fe

10、lt 5.embarrassed(embarrass) on hearing this and quickly asked him to go out, for it was 6.disturbing(disturb) and frightening that he looked so human. 7.With the passing of time, she began to trust him while Tony was helpful to make her smarter and her home more elegant. Tony gave Claire a new hairc

11、ut and changed the makeup she 8.wore(wear). When the clerk in the shop was rude to her, she rang Tony 9.up for help. Tony even made her to be an envy of the women. Before the time for Tony to be taken away to the company, Claire fell 10.in love with Tony. Eventually Tony had to be rebuilt, for the company wont allow such an absurd thing to happen.


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