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1、每周一测. 完形填空阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My mum was young when she fell pregnant with me. After I was born it was decided that my fathers relatives would1me in Manchester. No one spoke about Mum. Eventually, I was shown letters from Mum,2that she was a drug addict.All this was running

2、through my head as I arrived in Glasgow on 27 December last year. My cousin sister Leanne, on my mothers side, had3me down on Facebook, and we had been4for some time, but had met only once or twice. Leanne had been brought up by my mothers parents, and had some5with my mother throughout her life. Sh

3、e was now living in Canada, but returning for Christmas and6to see all the family together. A big party had been arranged to welcome her back, and everyone would be there, including my7.In a very short time my cousin sister and I hatched a8. Id meet my cousin sister as she arrived at Manchester Airp

4、ort, then wed drive up to Glasgow9. Keeping it a surprise gave us a rush of excitement. After about a four-hour drive, we were there. Id10called someone Mum before. But there she was.We embraced and although we could hardly get the words out fast enough, we were soon11. Seeing someone so alike looki

5、ng back at me was the strangest but most12experience. Though time may have13us, this woman at a party in Glasgow was my mum. She14at me for a second, before giving me a tight hug. All she could say was that she never thought wed15again.Shed been16of drugs for five years. She told me how she now work

6、s for a charity that helps young people17the same problems she had. We now talk regularly, and I feel18shes my mother. Thats something I couldnt have even19when the door opened to her at that Christmas party. Life may be short, but its always20enough to reconcile (和好).1.A.teachB. controlC. serveD. r

7、aise2.A.foreseeingB. sayingC. arguingD. promising3.A.knockedB. trackedC. rolledD. turned4.A.negotiatingB. complainingC. messagingD. searching5.A.contactB. bargainC. funD. trouble6.A.unwillingB. afraidC. confidentD. desperate7.A.sisterB. fatherC. mumD. grandparents8.A.dealB. planC. trickD. change9.A.

8、in advanceB.in turnC.in secretD.in time10.A.everB. evenC. alwaysD. never11.A.looking awayB. chatting awayC. turning upD. picking up12.A.disturbingB. annoyingC. comfortingD. frightening13.A.separatedB. desertedC. ruinedD. cheated14.A.laughedB. yelledC. staredD. pointed15.A.partB. sufferC. recoverD. m

9、eet16.A.cleanB. awareC. shortD. fond17.A.discussB. overcomeC. exploreD. stress18.A.guiltyB. embarrassedC. proudD. shocked19.A.imaginedB. ignoredC. questionedD. recalled20.A.toughB. happyC. simpleD. longII.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AJust a couple of hours ago, I was on the plane, ready to

10、fly home from London. The flight had been delayed by a few hours so it felt good to be so close to take-off. I had my iPod in place and a new book to read. Then, over the loudspeaker came the pilots voice: The ground crew has found a metal instrument in one tire. We regret that we must cancel this f

11、light.The passengers reactions that announcement led to were interesting. One man close to me began to argue with a flight attendant. A couple in another row complained loudly. A businessman in a black suit actually kicked the seat in front of him. Yet some passengers responded differently. An elder

12、ly gentleman smiled as he helped others take their bags down from the overhead compartments (隔间). A teenager, rather than trying to rush off the plane like most of the other passengers, stopped to help a woman with a disability. The lady sitting next to me laughed and said: Hey, its not the end of t

13、he world. before she made a call to her kids and shared her adventure with them. The wisest among us have a remarkable ability to maintain grounded when times get tough.No life is perfect; mine certainly isnt. We all must face challenges, both large and small. You and I have the power to choose to r

14、ise above the external circumstances. We always have the choice to be strong and kind when things fall apart.Thats grace under pressure. My seatmate was right things could have been so much worse. Anyway, I am safe. I have my health. I have two wonderful children. I have work I love and so much to b

15、e grateful for. Sure I now have to wait a few hours to catch the next flight home.1.What caused the passengers different reactions directly?A. The loudspeaker.B. The delay of the flight.C. The ground crews fault.D. The pilots announcement.2.Who turned his anger on the seat?A. The teenager helping the disabled.B. The old man taking bags down.C. The man in a dark suit.D. The man close to me.3.What di


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