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1、 Module 1 Basketball(主题语境:人与自我体育精神).课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.attendv.上(学);参加2.averagen.平均数adj.平均的3.outstandingadj.杰出的;优秀的;出色的4.generationn.一代人5.hitn.热门人物ahit一件成功的事或一个成功的人6.absorbv.消减,缓冲;吸收;吸引7.boundv.跳跃adj.被束缚的;开往去的8.typicaladj.典型的,具有代表性的;独特的阅读识记单词1.parallel adj.平行的,并行的2.adequa

2、te adj.适当的,足够的,充分的3.abrupt adj.突出的,出其不意的4.interval n.(球赛的)中场休息5.obtain v.获得,得到6.controversial adj.有争议的mit v.犯(错误,罪行)8.version n.变体;改编本构织连脉词族1.defendv.防守defensen.防卫defensiveadj.防御的2.talentedadj.有天资的;有才能的talentn.天资,天赋;人才plicatedadj.复杂的complicatevt.使复杂化complicationn.使更复杂化(或更困难)的事物4.motivationn.动力motiva



5、onj.一就immediatelyadv.立刻地conj.一就directlyadv.直接地conj.一就assoonas.一就hardly.when/nosooner.than.刚就语境活用1.The frustrating weather made us unable to go camping,for which we were all frustrated.Seeing us in frustration,our teacher suggested we do games indoors.(frustrate)2.The news need further confirmation,b

6、ut so far it has not been confirmed yet.(confirm)3.He was appointed as the manager of the sales department,but he was not satisfied with the appointment.(appoint)4.Hes a bright enough studenthe just lacks motivation,so his teacher tries to get him motivated.(motivate).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observati

7、onisthebestteacher.1.withanaverageof平均为2.drawsbsattentionto引起某人注意(某事物)3.takepossessionof占有,占据,拥有4.bebasedon根据,以为基础5.in the history of 在历史上6.grow up 成长,长大7.be rude to 对粗鲁8.be used to 习惯于(某事物)语境活用1.After all,the doctor-patient relationship isbasedon trust,and therefore honesty is essential.2.The purpo

8、se of the article is to drawpeoplesattentionto the problem.3.It is difficult for the old to be/getusedto another countrys customs.4.He doesnt want to berudeto her.He wants to avoid hurting her feelings.5.He earns a large income,withanaverageof 5000 dollars a month.6.He began to takepossessionof the

9、farm in the 1990s.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.In 1987,Jordan became only thesecondplayertoscore more than 3,000 points in a season.1987年,迈克尔乔丹成为在一个赛季中得分超过3000分的第二名球员。(教材Page 2)要点提炼“the+序数词(+名词)”后接不定式做定语。2.But thereisnodoubtthat he deserves the title “outstanding

10、 player of his generation”.但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。(教材Page 3)要点提炼 there is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”,这是一个固定句型,that引导的从句是同位语从句,解释说明doubt。3.To do this,he told Yao to be more aggressive and,ifnecessary,to be rude to his teammates.为了达到这一目的,他告诉姚明要更强有力地进攻,并且如果有必要的话,可以对他的队友粗鲁些。(教材Page 9)要点提炼 if necessary “如果有必要

11、的话”,这是一种省略形式,相当于if it is necessary。高考写作情景他总是第一个来又最后一个离开学校的同学。He is always the first student to come and the last one toleaveschool.毫无疑问孩子们会喜欢这本书的。Thereisnodoubtthatthechildrenwilllikethebook.如果有必要的话,可以将计划做一些改变。Make some changes in the plan,ifnecessary.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空.Micha

12、elJordanHeadandShouldersAbovetheRest!Michel Jordan,the most successful basketball player in 1.the history of the NBA,played for the Chicago Bulls from 1984 to 1993.He was the top 2.scorer(score) in the NBA for seven consecutive seasons with 3.an average of more than 30 points per game and was 4.name

13、d(name) the most valued player five times.After rejoining Chicago Bulls,he helped it win three more 5.championships(champion) from 1996 to 1998.6.Off the basketball court,he opened his own steak restaurant and found success as an actor.WilttheStilttheTowerofPower!Chamberlain was born in Philadelphia

14、 on 21st August 1936.7.As a child,he had various healthy problems and almost died at the age of ten.He was the only NBA player who 8.averaged(average)over 50 points per game for an entire season.He was 9.an immediate success on joining the NBAs Philadelphia Warriors in the 19591960 season and won th

15、e title of the most valued player four times during the following 14 seasons with four different teams.There is no doubt 10.that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”.话题与短文改错Footballor soccerstarted in England 800 years .The game was played with a round ball that kicked but could not carry.There were two teams, there were often a hundred players on each team!However,in 1823,William Webb Ellis,a pupil at Rugby School


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