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1、 Unit 19Language(A).阅读理解A【导学号:33220201】(2017云南省第一次高中毕业生复习统一检测)Its not what you look at that matters;its what you see.Henry David ThoreauSlow Art Day is a global event with a simple mission:help more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art.Why slow?When people look slowly

2、at a piece of art,they make discoveries.The most important discovery they make is that they can see and experience art without an expert.And thats an exciting discovery.It unlocks passion and creativity and helps to create more art lovers.How does it work?One day each year,people all over the world

3、visit local museums and galleries to look at art slowly.Participants look at five works of art for 10 minutes each and then meet together over lunch to talk about their experience.Thats it.Simple by design,the goal is to focus on the art.In fact,Slow Art Day works quite well this way.By the numbersO

4、ver 1,200 individual Slow Art Day events have taken place since its official launch in 2010.Slow Art Day events have taken place on all seven continents.700 venues(museums,galleries,artist studios,sculpture parks,public art sites,etc.) have hosted Slow Art Day events.Participants love Slow Art DayFe

5、edback on this simple event has been overwhelmingly positive.Heres a sample:“I loved taking the time to justbewith the works,particularly pieces I might otherwise walk by.Its a much better way of visiting the art museum than the usual idle ramble.Discussion afterwards was fun,interesting,informative

6、 and eyeopening.I look forward to doing it again.”Slow Art Day 2017 is Saturday,April 8,in museums and galleries worldwide.Join us and experience art differently.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,介绍了慢艺术日(Slow Art Day)的一些情况。1The author quotes Thoreaus words at the beginning to Aarouse readers interest in artBintroduce th

7、e topic of the textCstress the importance of lookingDillustrate the joy of art appreciationB考查推理判断。根据“Why slow?”部分中的“The most important.see and experience art without an expert”并结合全文大意可知,本文介绍慢艺术日的情况,因此文章开头引用梭罗的话是为了引入主题。2A typical slow art activity Alasts about fifty minutes when people look at art w

8、orks criticallyBencourages people to see art for themselves and discuss with expertsCorganizes people to look at art on their own and talk about their experienceDinspires people to make discoveries about art works and create their own worksC考查细节理解。根据“How does it work?”部分中的“Participants look at five

9、works of art for 10 minutes each and then meet together over lunch to talk about their experience”可知,在这项活动中,参加的人先自己观看艺术作品,然后聚在一起谈论他们的感受,故选C项。3What can we learn about Slow Art Day from the text?AThe year of 2017 will see the eighth Slow Art Day.BIt happens once a year in all museums and galleries wor

10、ldwide.CIt has become an art festival celebrated on all seven continents.DSlow Art Day events have been held in over 1,200 different places.A考查推理判断。根据“How does it work?”部分中的“One day each year”可知,该活动每年举办一次;再结合“By the numbers”部分中的“since its official launch in 2010”可知,该活动首次举办于2010年。故可推知2017年为第八届。因此A项正确

11、。4According to the text,the author Ahas conducted a survey on Slow Art DayBstrongly recommends Slow Art Day eventsCsees the good and bad sides of Slow Art DayDis frequently involved in Slow Art Day eventsB考查推理判断。本文作者介绍了慢艺术日,结合最后一部分最后一句“Join us and experience art differently”可知,作者推荐此活动并希望更多的人参与,故选B项。

12、B(2017唐山一模)When youre walking on your way through one of lifes storms,it is human nature to focus on getting back to normal,to“bounce back”as quickly as possible to a place where things are calm,familiar and comfortable.However,actually it is unrealistic to think we can ever truly return emotionally

13、 and intelligently to where we were before the storm because every experience changes us in some way.For example,when we experience a major health scare,possibly involving some hospital time,we can never go back to being the person we were before the event even if we fully recover because we have ex

14、perienced firsthand the fragility(脆弱) of life,not to mention coming face to face with death.So,now that we can never return,what should we do?Consider this.how is it that two people can be faced with the same hardship and while one becomes hopeless and feels anger and upset,the other is able to over

15、come their circumstances and grows stronger than ever as a result of the experience?At one extreme,we may choose to accept the role of unlucky victim,or become trapped in the“Why is it always me!”negative and frustrating(令人沮丧的) situations.Either way is the result of a fixed mindset(思维模式) that is res

16、istant to growth and change.If this is your approach to life,you will be far less likely to be active in effectively managing change and recovering from bad situations.But there is another choice.If you are honest enough,you may consider what was once“normal”for you was just the main cause of your storm.You can choose


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