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1、 Module 3Foreign Food基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.v.应给予2.adj.固定的3.v.谈到;说起4.n.趋势;趋向5.n.顾客6.adv.总而言之;总的说来7.n.图案8.v.转化;转变阅读词汇1.tongue pliment n.3.cattle n.4.artificial adj.5.abundant adj.拓展词汇1.n.毒药adj.有毒的;有害的2.n.贪婪;贪心adj.贪婪的adv.贪婪地3.v.请求;要求n.要求;请求4.adj.随便的;临时的adv.随意地5.v.消费n.消费者n.消费6.n.后果adj.结果的;随之发生的adv.结果;因此7.a

2、dj.逐渐的;逐步的adv.逐渐地;逐步地二、高频短语1.难怪;怪不得2.结束3.理解;辨认出4.违背;对不利5.总之;简言之6.by nature7.follow ones example8.dress up as9.set fire to三、经典句型1.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I(不能想象)how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be.2.I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there(这食物让我感到有些糊涂).3.

3、(第一次)I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head I had bad dreams for weeks.4.But one thing I(欣赏)is the polite manner in which British people eat,even if it is just a potato.基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写(注意单词短语适当形式变化)1. to the bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.2.

4、I am anxious about what I say because careless (话语) are likely to hurt others feelings.3.I was a student who went on alternative trips and had my life totally(改变) by that experience.4.There are (总共) eleven books on the shelf, of which five are mine. 5.Many clothing manufacturers now substitute (人造的)

5、 silk for natural silk to cut down costs of production.6.China is a wonderful land ain minerals.7.When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now.” Joans face turned red at the unexpected (赞美).8.They sat on the beach side by side silently, their eyes(盯着) upon the sea.(二)词形变化填空 (注意单词

6、短语适当形式变化)1.(consequence),there should be rules on how disagreements should be handled.2.It is reported that some children wereby the milk.(poison)3.The company communicated theto its employees via e-mail.It isthat all the employees shouldnt play games at work.(requirement)4.Im telling you this in ad

7、vance so that you wont look on(greedy).5.As you(gradual) get better at your present job,you will find that it becomes easier than you imagined.6.Old batteries cant be discarded(casual) even when they are no longer useful,because theyll pollute the environment.7.Many experts seem to agree that a cert

8、ain limit should be set on the(consume) of cars to ease air pollution.8.If plastic and rubber are burnt,theyll give off(poison)gases.9.If you continue to cheat, you will (结束) in prison.10.(难怪) you caught a cold. You shouldnt have gone out last night without a coat.11.His writing is so confusing that

9、 its difficult to (理解) what it is he is trying to express.12.(简言之), do we seek a 21st century of more nuclear weapons or a world without them?二、经典句型仿写1.我今天早上在会议室时没看见她,她不可能在会议上讲话。(couldnt have done)I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning.She.2.Sarah假装开心,对那次争论什么也没说。(v.-ing形式作状语)Sarah pretende

10、d to be cheerful,.3.我第一次见到他,就感觉他是一个热心肠的人。(the first time引导时间状语从句)I thought he was a warm-hearted person.4.政府的确需要采取一些措施来降低房价了。(do强调谓语动词)The governmenttake some measures to reduce the housing price.答案精解精析基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.owe2.fixed3.remark4.trend5.customer6.altogether7.pattern 8.transform阅读词汇1.舌头2.赞

11、美3.牛(指菜牛或奶牛)4.人造的;人工的5.丰富的;充裕的拓展词汇1.poison;poisonous2.greed;greedy;greedily3.require;requirement 4.casual;casually5.consume;consumer;consumption6.consequence;consequent;consequently7.gradual;gradually二、高频短语1.no wonder2.end up3.make out4.go against5.in short6.天生;本质上7.以为榜样;效仿某人8.装扮成;打扮成9.放火烧三、经典句型1.co

12、uld not have imagined2.feeling somewhat confused by the food3.The first time4.do admire基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写1.Opliment8.fixed(二)词形变化填空 1.Consequently2.poisoned;poisonous3.requirement;required 4.greedily5.gradually6.casually7.consumption8.poisonous 9.end up10.No wonder11.make out12.In short二、经典句型仿写1.couldnt have spoken at the meeting2.saying nothing about the argument3.The first time I met him4.does need to


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