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1、Module 1 small talk .单句语法填空1The experiment that he carried out was _ success.【答案】a2You cant imagine him _(make) such a mistake.【答案】making3The doctor thinks that something important is absent _her diet.【答案】from4She slipped away without him being aware _ it.【答案】of5How did _ feel to run 3,000 metres at

2、 the sports meeting?Terrible!Especially when I saw I was left so far _ by the others.【答案】it;behind6I hope you can study hard and master as much knowledge as possible,otherwise youll have to live a hard life _ a consequence.【答案】as7_ time you talk to someone or write a message,you show your skills to

3、others.【答案】Every8We neednt _(buy) so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.【答案】have bought9More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _ lack of space.【答案】for10Volunteering is becoming _(increasing) popular in China.Yeah,people are now aware that helping others is he

4、lping themselves.【答案】increasingly.用所给短语的适当形式填空leave out,aware of,show off,in addition,as a consequence,think of1He is just_because that girl he likes is here.【答案】showing off2Doctors want to make people_the risks.【答案】aware of3I dont want to go there;_,I have no money.【答案】in addition4I_my hometown whe

5、n I saw the beautiful scenery.【答案】thought of5Youve_the important word in the sentence.【答案】left out6He got up late;_,he missed the wonderful performance.【答案】as a consequence.完成句子1他每次上学迟到,总有很多理由。He always gives many causes _ he is late for class.【答案】every time2据报道在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。_no passengers wereinjure

6、d in the accident.【答案】It was reported that3据估计,今年将会有60%的大学毕业生找到工作。_that 60% of the college graduates will get jobs.【答案】It is estimated4由于劳动力缺乏,春节后一些工厂不能按原计划开展生产。After the Spring Festival,some factories cannot start production as planned _ labour force.【答案】for lack of5因缺乏确凿证据,囚犯被释放了。_ any definite ev

7、idence,the prisoner was set free.【答案】In the absence of6光传播的速度快到我们难以想象。So fast does light travel that _ its speed.【答案】we can hardly imagine.单句改错1To certain degree,I am satisfied with what you have done._【答案】certain前加上a2He is a man,who is easy to get along._【答案】along后加上with3Is it true that he did that

8、 by purpose? _【答案】byon4You must apologize to your teacher for your late again._【答案】late前加上being5Nothing can distinguish the difference between the two goods,but aside from size and price._【答案】去掉but6In addition to,he learned French by himself._【答案】去掉to.微写作【写作素材】1这些日子我都在担忧即将到来的工作面试。2尽管我对面试很认真,但我缺乏自信,不

9、能确定我是否会成功。3我不能想象如果我失去这次机会将会发生什么。4我对这次面试很谨慎。5你能帮我查询一些有用的信息吗?提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用though/if引导的状语从句,what引导的宾语从句。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_【答案】These days Im nervous_about the coming job interview.Though Im serious_about it,I lack_confidence in myself and Im not_certain whether Ill make it.I cant imagine what will happen if I lose the opportunity.So Im cautious_about the interview.Could you do_me_a_favour to look for some useful information for me?


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