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1、Unit 6 Design对应学生用书P35话题:文学艺术话题单词1.artist /tst/ n艺术家2.attractive /trktv/ adj.迷人的;有吸引力的3inspiration /nspren/ n灵感 4.creative /kretv/ adj.有创造力的5sculpture /sklpt/ n雕刻(术);雕刻作品 6.abstract /bstrkt/ adj.抽象的7permanent /pmnnt/ adj.永久的;永恒的 8.gallery /lr/ n画廊9typical /tpkl/ adj.典型的;有代表性的 10.valuable /vljbl/ adj

2、.有价值的11visual /vl/ adj.视觉的 12.vivid /vvd/ adj.生动的;逼真的13carve /kv/ vt.雕刻;刻记 14.display /dsple/ vt.展示;陈列;显露15masterpiece /mstpis/ n杰作 16.statue /sttju/ n塑像;雕像话题短语1.base on 基于2.pass down 继承;传下来3appeal to (对某人)有吸引力 4.be made of 由制成5draw the attention of 吸引的注意 6.stand for 代表7have the chance to 有做的机会 8.pr

3、efer to 更喜欢9. sense of beauty 美感 10.be popular in 在中受欢迎11think of 想起 12.in the long run 从长远来看13come into being 形成 14.on exhibition 在展示中话题句型1.The art of film should base on its own nation and consult from the other styles,which promotes its growth.电影艺术应该立足于本民族;参照其它流派,最终推动其成长。2Tom had a strong interes

4、t in painting when he was a child.汤姆小时候就对绘画有着强烈的兴趣。3The art of Chinese folk papercutting with a history of more than 1,000 years is known all over the world.我国的民间剪纸艺术有超过1000多年的历史,闻名全世界。4There are over 300 artworks from all over Europe on exhibition in the museum.来自欧洲各国的300余件艺术品在这家博物馆展示。5The picture

5、hanging on the wall looks like the work of Van Gogh.挂在墙上的那幅画看起来像梵高的作品。6The works of Picasso are popular in the world.毕加索的作品在世界各地都受欢迎。话题语篇假如你是一名中学生,一个名叫杰克的美国交换生来中国过暑假。你邀请他去你所在的城市参观国画画展,可他不想去。因为他不知道如何去欣赏和理解中国画。请你写一封电子邮件建议他跟你一起去。词数100左右。【话题模板】Dear Jack,I just saw an advertisement for a special free exh

6、ibition of Chinese art at the Beijing International Exhibition Center.Its not far from your hotel,so I think that after dinner we could walk to the center and that you could get to know a little about Chinese art.The exhibition has been organized especially for the Olympic Games in Beijing so there

7、are some volunteers to help explain the art to visitors.In front of the center there is a club where many people from around the world often gather together to talk about art.After we go to the exhibition,we could go there for a cup of coffee,get to know a little more about art around the world and

8、maybe make friends.I hope it will be a special experience for us.Im looking forward to it,since I really dont know much about Chinese art myself,except that there are four basic kinds of Chinese paintings:figures,landscapes,flowers and birds,and folklore.So you seeyou dont have to worry that youre n

9、ot familiar with Chinese art.That doesnt mean you cant understand picturesremember,art crosses cultures!I hope youll join me at the exhibition and experience some of Chinas great art on your last day in China.Im sure youll find its worth the time.Regards,Yang对应学生用书P36.单词过关A拼写单词1 n想像(力)2 adj. 贵重的,有价值

10、的3 adj. 典型的4 n. 细节,详情 adj. 详细的5 n. 视力6 vt. 毁灭,毁坏7 n. 目的,意图8 n. 字(体);特点;人物9 n. 幸福,快乐 adj. 幸福的,开心的,高兴的10 n. 痛苦;疼,痛B拓展单词11typical adj.典型的 adv.典型地;有代表性地12bathe vi.洗澡;沐浴 n洗澡;沐浴13narrow adj.狭窄的 vi.变狭;收缩 adv.勉强地;狭窄地14conclusion n结论;结束 vt.结束;推断15imagination n想像;想像力 vt.想像 adj.富有想像力的16pain n痛苦;疼,痛;努力 adj.痛苦的,

11、疼痛的 adv.痛苦地17exhibition n展览会 vt.展览,显示18poetry n诗(总称) n诗 n诗人19valuable adj.贵重的,有价值的 n&vt.价值;评价20elegantly adv.优雅地 adj.优雅的;高雅的C识记单词21abstract adj. 22straight adj. adv. 23exhibition n exhibit vt. n 24poetry n poem n poet n 25elegantly adv. elegance n 26emphasise vt. emphasis (pl.emphases)n. 27fold n vt

12、. 28shallow adj. 29religious adj. religion n 30pattern n 31relate vt. related adj. relation n relative n adj. 32jewellery n jewel n 33mercy n merciful adj. 34narrow adj. 35downtown adv. adj. D语境运用36All the experts your advice;in other words,they thought your advice was (valuable)37The woman has written many and has published three books of ,so we can call her a in a way.(poetry)38Generally speaking,an inventor needs a creative ,but can you



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