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1、Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars .单句语法填空1If steel is heavier than water,why are ships able _ (float) on the sea?(2015浙江,16)2In his black and blue suit and with _ oxygen tank fastened on his back,Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean.3The climate here _ (be) quite pleasant,the

2、temperature rarely,if ever,reaching 30 in summer.4The destruction of such species could prevent researchers _ (find) cures for certain diseases.5We have launched another man-made satellite,_ is announced in todays newspaper.6Our success depends _ whether everyone works hard.7It was difficult for the

3、 helicopters _ (get) close to the roof of the building because of the heavy smoke.8I could feel the wind _ (gentle) blowing through my hair,it was a warm summer breeze.9As we know,getting angry not only does harm _ ones health but also has a bad effect _ the relationship between people.10It is none

4、of your business _ other people think about you.Believe in yourself.答案1.to float2.an3.is4.finding5.which 6on7.to get8.gently9.to;on10.what.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1This is such interesting a film that I have seen it twice.2Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on if

5、this problem can be solved.3General speaking,he is a smart boy except his carelessness.4The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things being floating on the water.5Because there is no air or wind on the moon,the footprints may stay there for million of years.6Teachers can help th

6、em learn to take risks in an atmosphere that they feel confident about doing so.7The new bridge is three times width of that one built last year.8The twin brothers stood under the tree,puzzling and saying nothing.9The storm came so violent that it ruined the whole crops.10There is so much rain on th

7、e island that its annual rainfall reaches as many as sixty inches.答案1.suchso2.ifwhether3.GeneralGenerally4.去掉being5.millionmillions6.thatwhere 7width前加the8.puzzlingpuzzled9.violentviolently10.manymuch.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1我们能否登上火星依赖于科学技术的发展。(land,depend on)_2火星上没有氧气,昼夜温差大,这使我们不能生活在那里。(make itadj.)_3火

8、星与地球环境完全不同。(be different from)_4如果我们想到火星上住些日子,我们要带上氧气、食物、衣服等。(take along.with)_5我坚信不久的将来我们一定能成功地登上火星。(succeed in doing)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Whether we can land on Mars depends on the development of science and technology.2There is no oxygen on Mars and the temperature changes greatly from day to n

9、ight,which makes it impossible for us to live there.3The environment of Mars is quite different from that of our earth.4If we want to stay on Mars for a few days,we should have to take along our own oxygen,food,clothing and so on with us.5I firmly believe that we will succeed in landing on Mars in t

10、he near future.(二)【参考范文】Whether we can land on Mars depends on the development of science and technology.There is no oxygen on Mars and the temperature changes greatly from day to night,which makes it impossible for us to live there.As we all know,the environment of Mars is quite different from that

11、 of our earth.In fact,if we want to stay on Mars for a few days,we should have to take along our own oxygen,food,clothing and so on with us.However,I firmly believe that we will succeed in landing on Mars in the near future.阅读理解A few months after we moved to Tours,France,I wanted to meet my husband,

12、Stphane,for lunch at the university where he worked.I got lost,so I had to call him.Stphanes officemate Andr overheard the conversation and said,“How could she get lost? You just go straight.”I admit I have a horrible sense of direction,cant read a map and am not such a hot driver.But my husband cla

13、ims that you dont really need a road map or to write down directions to get anywhere in France.You just need to know your destination and look at the signs in the traffic circles.And if you dont see your sign the first time around,you can keep turning around and around until you spot your exit sign.

14、I suppose.But as soon as I get into a roundabout I get into a panic and rather than circling to survey my options with a cool head,I exit somewhere,anywhere,just to keep from going round and round.Six years into our French living experiment,I now have adopted an ideal solution:a GPS (Global Positioning System) program on my smartphone.I rely on it to get just about anywhere,even places Ive been


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