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1、题组层级快练40 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 阅读速度提升练(时间:20分钟).阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。(2017重庆模拟)One day, Jack told his friend Tom that he loved a very beautiful girl with charming eyes and long hair, and that he wanted to marry her. Tom was so happy to hear the news and asked Jack to lead hi

2、m to her. However, Tom loved her at first sight. He then told Jack, “This girl is not suitable for you. She deserves a handsome man like me.” Jack was astonished and struggled with Tom until they went to the police to solve the problem.They told the policeman their story. The policeman asked them to

3、 bring the girl to his office. However, when the policeman saw her, he became_taken_with her and said, “This girl is not suitable for you two. She deserves someone with a status like me.” The three men struggled with each other and then went to the king.The king asked them to bring him the girl. Whe

4、n the king saw the girl, he said, “Oh, the girl should marry a king like me.” They all argued with each other.Then the girl said, “I have a solution. Im going to run and youll run after me. Ill be the wife to the one who catches me first.” The four men all agreed and ran after her. While running aft

5、er her, they suddenly fell into a deep hole. From the top, the girl looked at them and said, “Now, let me tell you who I am.”“Im Reputation Im the one all people run after. They compete against each other to get me. They leave principles aside to seek for me, and they are sure to fall like you!”1. W

6、hat makes the four men love the girl?A. The girls beauty.B. The girls reputation.C. The girls smart mind.D. The girls way to speak.2. The underlined part “ became_taken_with” in Para. 2 means “ _”A. was close toB. fell in love withC. was confused about D. was delightful with3. What could be the best

7、 title of the passage?A. All Men Are Similarly StupidB. A Smart Girl Has All SolutionsC. Be Careful about Beautiful GirlsD. Always Follow the Principles in Life答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。Jack,他的朋友Tom,警察和国王四个人都对一位美女一见钟情,为了得到美女,他们宁愿背叛自己的朋友。在追求美女的时候四个人都掉进了坑中,美女说自己叫作名誉,所有人都不惜一切甚至背叛自己的原则来追求名誉,他们最终都会倒下。1. 答案A解析细

8、节理解题。从文中第一段中he loved a very beautiful girl with charming eyes and long hair以及Tom loved her at first sight.可以看出他们都对这个女人的美貌一见钟情,并不知道她是谁。2. 答案B解析词义猜测题。从文中第二段This girl is not suitable for you two. She deserves someone with a status like me.可以看出这个警察爱上了这位美女。fall in love with“爱上某人”。3. 答案D解析标题归纳题。从文中的最后一段可以

9、看出人们在生活中总是为了追求名誉而背弃自己的原则,最终会因此失败,所以我们应该坚定地跟随自己的原则。(2017安徽模拟)Which comes first, happiness or money? Are richer people happier? And if so, how do people get much richer? A recent study could tell you the answer.The study looked into thousands of teenagers and found that those who felt better about lif

10、e as young adults tended to have higher incomes by the time they turned 29. Those who were happiest earned an average of $8,000 more than those who were the most depressed.The researchers, from University College London and the University of Warwick, say that very gloomy teens, no matter how tall or

11、 smart they were, earned 10% less than their peers, while the happier ones earned up to 30% more.Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school, college and a job interview, chiefly because they always feel better about life. It may also be true that happier people find it easier to ma

12、ke friends, who are often the key to homework help or networking.A report in June suggested that professional respect was more important than dollars in terms of workplace happiness. In August scientists announced that they had found the gene for happiness in women, Alas(the same gene doesnt appear

13、to have the same effect on men). And in October researchers in the UK and in the US announced that people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day report being the happiest.The big question is: if it really is true that happier kids end up being wealthier kids, is it necessary for parent

14、s to get their kids to do the homework? The fact is that no homework will make kids happy but surely hurt their grades. Studies do show, after all, that more education leads to betterpaid jobs, which may give us a deep thought.“These findings show that the teenagers happiness is important to their f

15、uture success,” one of the reports authors writes. “But what is the most important is that we should find a way to help children gain more satisfaction from doing schoolwork.”4. The underlined word “gloomy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ _”A. upset B. gloriousC. happy D. wealthy5. The main reason w

16、hy happier people have more chances to succeed is that _A. they are easy to communicate with othersB. they are good at doing their schoolworkC. they are hopeful and optimistic about their lifeD. they eat much more fruit and vegetables a day6. What conclusion can the researchers draw from the recent study?A. Happy teenagers grow up to be weal


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