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1、题组层级快练16 Unit 1 Women of achievement阅读速度提升练(时间:20分钟).阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。(2017廊坊模拟)Every year Britains biggest food bank charity prepares to supply Christmas dinners to over 60,000 people, a third of them being children, to ensure they have a hearty meal on December 25.The Trussell

2、 Trust wants to bring at least some Christmas cheer to families struggling to make ends meet in Britain. Thousands of traditional food, such as puddings, biscuits, turkeys will be handed out. And other charities also prepare various kinds of presents for the holiday, it means thousands of others wil

3、l be helped to ensure Christmas is not canceled for the worst hit families.Despite encouraging messages from these charities that things are getting better, the number of people forced to rely on food banks continues to rise. New figures from the Trussell Trust shows since April more than 500,000 ha

4、ve turned to food banks for help. In the whole of the previous year the figure was 350,000.Trussells national food bank director Adrian Curtis said the figures for next year are expected to be even higher. Christmas is a stressful and worrying time for many families, but when there is little money a

5、nd no food it is much worse.“We are concerned about the ever rising number of people referred to food banks because they have hit a crisis time in their lives,” he said. Without help from our food banks some people have told us they would be eating a meal of beans on toast on Christmas Day. We have

6、even been told by some families that without our help they would have died.“we need to accept that something is wrong and that we need to act now to stop UK hunger getting worse,” said Adrian Curtis.1. According to the text, the number of children helped by Britains biggest food bank is _A. 60, 000B

7、. 500, 000C. 350, 000 D. 20, 0002. The second paragraph mainly discuss _A. what kind of persons can get aid from charitiesB. how important Christmas is for the BritishC. how many children need help from the food bankD. what kind of food or presents they can receive from the charities3. From the thir

8、d paragraph we can infer _A. the number of people forced to rely on charities is decreasingB. the number of people that needed to be helped is 150, 000 in the previous yearC. there are indeed some good news from charities in BritainD. the Trussell Trust is an organization which aims at collecting da

9、ta.4. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A. British Charity to Supply Christmas DinnerB. Hearty Meals on December 25C. The Worst Hit Families in BritainD. Several Ways of Celebrating Christmas答案与解析【文章大意】本篇文章主要讲述英国慈善机构the Trussell Trust对经济困难人群的救助,尤其是在圣诞节的时候。1. 答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段中a

10、 third of them being children可知答案。60 0001/3 20 000。故D项正确。2. 答案D解析主旨大意题。文章第二段主要讲述慈善机构在圣诞节时所捐献的食品、礼物的种类。故D项正确。3. 答案C解析判断推理题。根据the number of people forced to rely on food banks continues to rise可知,需要救济的人数在增加,而非减小,故A项错误;根据In the whole of the previous year the figure was 350,000可知,前一年的数量为350, 000,故B项错误;根

11、据Despite encouraging messages from these charities that things are getting better可知C项正确,在英国,有关救济的情况确实在向好的方向发展;D项“the Trussell Trust是一个统计数据的机构”表述错误。4. 答案A解析主旨大意题。本篇文章主要讲述在圣诞节英国慈善机构对处于经济困难中的人的救济。故A项正确。B、C两项表述不全面;D项文章并未提及。(2017日照模拟)Black Box Thinking By Matthew SyedThis book is a new approach to high p

12、erformance, a means of finding all edge in a complex and fastchanging world. It is not just about sport, but has powerful implications for business and politics, as well as parents and students, in other words, all of us. Drawing on a dizzying series of case studies and realworld examples, together

13、with cuttingedge research on small gains, creativity and courage, Matthew Syed tells the inside story of how success really happens and how we cannot grow unless we are prepared to learn from our mistakes.Map Stories By Francisca MatteoliIn the book, the author tells 20 surprising stories on the geo

14、graphy of the world and, using beautiful maps from all countries and times, she explains the birth of the most magical places on Earth. The book is a journey through space and time, and a lesson about the world as it is and our place in it.Making It up as I Go Along By Marian KeyesIt is a funny look

15、 at the absurdity of modern life and recognizes that we are all clearly making it up as we go along. It includes Keyes, guide to breaking up youre your hairdresser, and her warning about the dangers of fake tan(古铜色). And there is some secret truth about writers, or at least about Keyes. Mog and Me a

16、nd Other Stories By Judith KerrJudith Kerr was born on June 14, 1923 in Berlin but escaped from Hitlers Germany with her parents and brother in 1933 when she was nine years old. Judith went to 11 different schools and worked with the Red Cross during the war. For the past 30 years, shes worked as an author and illustrator of ch


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