2018版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 module 4 music课堂达标 外研版选修6

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1、Module 4 Music .单句语法填空1When he reflected on his failure in the interview,he found that he must have made some inappropriate comments _regarding_(regard) the topic mentioned.2Empty spaces give life_to_ the whole painting and allow people to come into the picture.3In face of failure,we should keep up

2、a good state of mind instead of _being_depressed_(depress)4It is such an honour _to_take_(take) part in the celebration,so how could I make any mistakes?5As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer _to_handle_(handle) the problem.6Dont worry,Mum.The doctor said i

3、t was only flu.What_a_ relief!Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.7A _combination_(combine) of factors led to her decision to resign.8He was an _ambitious_(ambition) boy and finally realized his dreams.完成句子1作家经常凭借想像力和经历来构思故事情节。Writers often _draw_upon/on_their imagination and experiences for storyli

4、nes.2三天后我终于和朋友取得了联系。I finally _made_contact_with_ my friend 3 days later.3正是从其他公司引进的技术给这个公司带来了活力。It was the technology brought in from other companies that _gave_life_to_ this company.4除了缺乏锻炼,饮食也是你得病的一个因素。_In_addition_to_lacking exercise, your diet is also a factor of your disease.5现在,大人有很大的压力,孩子也一样

5、。Nowadays, the adults have great pressure, and the same _is_true_of/for_ the children.句型训练1一句多译杰克喜欢许多音乐但他不喜欢爵士乐,并且他妻子也是这样。(1)_Jack_loves_much_music_but_doesnt_like_jazz_and_the_same_is_true_of_his_wife._(2)_Jack_loves_much_music_but_doesnt_like_jazz_and_so_it_is_with_his_wife._(3)_Jack_loves_much_mu

6、sic_but_doesnt_like_jazz_and_its_the_same_with_his_wife._2完成句子(1)比尔对贾森做报告推迟这件事表示不高兴,我也不高兴。Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _neither_was_I_.(2)杰克擅长英语但不喜欢物理,他的孪生兄弟也是这样。Jack is good at English but he doesnt like physics, so _it_is_with_his_twin_brother_.(3)自她跟爸爸学习以来,那个小女孩已经背

7、了10首古诗了。The little girl _had_recited_ 10 ancient poems since she learned from her father.(4)不久我们会见面的。It _will_not_be_long_before_ we meet again.(5)恐怕这次竞选我会失利。Im afraid Ill lose in the election.不用担心,至少你可以相信的是我们会一直支持你。Dont worry. At least you may _depend_on_it_that_ we shall always support you.语法填空Liu

8、 Fang is an international music star.She has played the pipa since the age of six and _1.has_given_ (give) concerts since she was 11. At the _2.age_ of 15,she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,where she studied the pipa and the guzheng._3.In_ her opinion,when she interprets the classical pi

9、eces,the biggest challenge is to respect the traditions but to add her own style.Besides,she thinks Chinese music is similar to the Chinese language and classical Chinese music is _4.closely_(close) connected to Chinese poetry,so its not _5.surprising_ (surprise) that most classical pieces have very

10、 poetic _6.titles_ (title)Liu Fang enjoys _7.performing_ (perform) in public.She likes the atmosphere in a concert hall and she always feels happy when she has a concert.She hopes _8.to_work_ (work) with many composers in the future and wishes to compose her own music and continue working with maste

11、r musicians from other traditions.She also wishes to introduce classical Chinese pipa _9.and_ guzheng music to every corner of _10.the_ world.话题写作根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1音乐家们通过创作音乐与他人分享感受与想法。(share feelings and ideas with;compose)2他们赋予了音乐生命力,是因为他们的音乐与生活相关。(give life to;be connected with)3音乐是人类的共同语言

12、,人们也可以凭借音乐和任何国家的人进行交往。(draw upon;make contact with)4除此之外,音乐能减轻人们的痛苦,使人们放松心情,促进入与人之间的相互理解。(in addition;relieve;relaxed;promote)5现在,听音乐成了最普遍和最广泛的消遣方式。 Musicians share feelings and ideas with others by composing their music. They give life to music because their music is connected with life. Music is o

13、ne kind of common language of human beings. People can draw upon music to make contact with people in any country. In addition, music can relieve peoples pain. It can make people relaxed too;therefore,it promotes understanding between people. Nowadays, listening to music has become the most common and universal way of entertainment.



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