2018版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 2 english around the world课堂达标 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 2 English around the world .单句语法填空1With our knowledge _based_(base) on practice, we can make great contributions to our country.解析:考查非谓语动词。此处是with的复合结构,our knowledge与base构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故填过去分词。2Oprah(奥普拉), the queen of American daytime talk TV, _is_recognized_(recognize) as one of the most powerful

2、women in the world.解析:考查固定句式。be recognized as.被公认是。3Though they found the road _blocked_(block), they decided to move on.解析:考查非谓语动词。block与road构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故填过去分词。4Although this is the first time that the plan _has_come_(come) up at the meeting, it has caused much concern.解析:考查固定句式。It is the first time

3、 that.句型中that从句谓语动词要用现在完成时。5According to the rules of the hotel, guests _are_requested_(request) to vacate their rooms by noon on one day of departure.解析:考查时态和语态。规章制度用一般现在时,再由句意可知,用被动语态。6The manager gave his command that measures _(should)_be_taken_(take) immediately to correct all the mistakes made

4、 in marketing.解析:考查虚拟语气。command所接名词性从句中应用“(should)动词原形”的虚拟语气。再由句意可知,应用被动语态。7She was _more_worried_(worry) than angry when her daughter didnt come home.解析:考查固定句式。more.than.与其不如。8I think in English study it is your attitude, not your teachers that _plays_(play) the key role.解析:考查主谓一致。该句是一个含强调句型的句子;被强调

5、部分是句子的主语部分,其真正主语是your attitude,故填单数第三人称形式。9With so many people _communicating_(communicate) in English every day, we can see that it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.解析:考查非谓语动词。该with复合结构中,people与 communicate之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故填communicating。10In Japan some firms even mo

6、nitor whether their employees smile _frequently_(frequent) enough at customers.解析:考查词性转换。修饰动词smile应用副词。11Sorry, I have no time left now.Can we discuss the matter _over_ supper?解析:考查介词。句意:对不起,我现在没空。我们吃晚饭时讨论这件事,好吗?由句意可知,填over,意为“在期间”相当于during。12The boss insisted that every minute _(should)be_(be) made

7、 full use of _to_do_(do) the work well.解析:句意:为了做好工作,老板要求应该充分利用每分钟。insist后所接的宾语从句应该使用should动词原形,且should可以省略;不定式to do the work well在句中作目的状语。13Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _the_ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in _the_ thirteenth century.解析:本题考查冠词。句意:据说马可波罗在十三世纪去爪哇的路上在太平洋上航行过。在表示“江河湖海山脉群岛”的名词前

8、加定冠词the;在世纪表达法中的序数词前面要用定冠词the。14The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore, he can go shopping without _being_recognized_(recognize)解析:本题考查非谓语动词。句意:那位影星戴着墨镜,因此他可以在没人认出的情况下购物了。without为介词,后面接动名词形式;the film star与recognize之间存在被动关系,故用动名词的被动式,即“being done”结构。15The school isnt the one I really wanted to go t

9、o, but I suppose Ill just have to make _the_ best of it.解析:句意:这个学校不是我真正想去的,但是我认为我不得不充分利用它了。make the best of充分利用,妥善处理。.完成句子根据语境和汉语提示完成下列英语句子。1_Believe_ _it_ _or_ _not_ (信不信由你), there was a time when my son was crazy about computer games.2Having discussed the problem all afternoon, they finally _came_

10、 _up_ _with_ (提出) a solution to it.3It is _because_ _of_(因为) education that the life of many people has been enriched.4Mobile phones _play_ _a_ _very_ _important_ _role_ _in_(起着重要的作用) our daily life _at_ _present_(现在)5Though she is young, she can set down a series of American cities _such_ _as_(例如)

11、New York, Chicago, and Boston.6他的英语差。我们为什么不去帮他学英语呢?His English is poor._Why_ _dont_ _we(Why_not)_ help him with his English?7他精通英语,这是因为他们非常努力地学英语并经常使用英语。He has a good command of English._This_ _is_ _because_ he works hard at it and uses it frequently.8只有充分利用时间,我们才能够按时完成任务。Only by _making_ _good/full

12、_ _use_ _of_ _our_ _time_ can we finish the task on time.9与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。He is more _lucky_ _than_ _clever_。10我觉得自食其力很重要,因为世上没有免费午餐之类的好事儿。I think it important to depend on yourself, because there is no _such_ thing _as_ a free lunch in the world.单句改错1Believe it or not, there is no such a good thing a

13、s a free lunch._去掉such后的a_2The film is based on the novel written by Guo Jingming is popular among the youth._去掉第一个is或在其前加which或that_3He thought I had known the fact.But actual, I knew nothing about it._actualactually_4Deeply sorry, I dont recognize you at first, for it has been a long time since we

14、 last met._dontdidnt_5Oil must be made full use to serve the people well._use后加上of_6A lot of advice came up with at yesterdays meeting._去掉with_7As far as I know,he was very angry because what you said just now._because后加上of_8More than one person have a good command of English in the research unit._h

15、avehas_9He requested that I must finish the task as soon as possible._mustshould或去掉must_10This song is based an old folk song._based后加上on_.语篇填空As we know, English is regarded as a global language, but the language doesnt stay the same.It has changed_1.over_ time.Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate_2.with_ each other.At first the English spoken in England was _3.based_(base) more on German than the English s


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