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1、Period FiveCommunication Workshop,CultureCorner&Bulletin Board.阅读理解AThe WorkStudy Program gives you the chance to work parttime on campus.If you need more money to cover all of your educationrelated costs,you may be eligible for this program.AdvantagesWork experience:Last year,more than 1,400 positi

2、ons were available across all departments.The jobs vary from one department to the next,and in most cases,participants find a position in their chosen field.Money:During the regular academic year(September to April),you can work parttime and earn $3,200sometimes morewhile you take courses!During the

3、 summer time,you work fulltime and can earn around $6,000 over 18 weeks.Easy access:Applying for the program is easy.There is no need for facetoface interview.All the forms you need are online;just fill in the forms and email us;we accept no letter or phone application!Did you know?At the University

4、 of Ottawa,it is not essential to receive government assistance to qualify for our WorkStudy Program.You simply need to demonstrate(证明) financial need.You could have one of these great WorkStudy jobs:Student ambassadorComputing and network technicianMarketing assistantSports team managerResearcher/t

5、ranslatorWriterAnd more!The Admission Section receives and evaluates applications to undergraduate programs,in addition to answering applicantsquestions.Phone:6135625315Tollfree:18778688292(#5315)Financial Aid & Awards Service Section:Phone:6135625734Tollfree phone:18778688292Regular Office Hours:Mo

6、nday to FridaySeptember to May:9 am. to 4:30 pm.June to August:9 am. to 3:30 pm.1What does the underlined word “eligible” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?ASkilled. BHelpful.CQualified. DFamiliar.答案C解析词义猜测题。根据Did you know?中的“.to qualify for our WorkStudy Programme.You simply need to demonstrate(证明) fina

7、ncial need.”可推测,只要你能证明自己需要资金来支付自己的教育费用,就有资格参加勤工俭学项目,eligible意为“有资格的”,C项与之相符。2To earn most each month,you may choose to work .Afrom April to SeptemberBfrom May to AugustCduring the daytimeDduring most of the weekends答案B解析细节理解题。根据Money中的信息“During the regular academic year(September to April),you can w

8、ork parttime and earn $3,200.During the summer time,you work fulltime and can earn around $6,000 over 18 weeks.”可知从五月到八月挣得最多。3To be admitted by the program,you need to .Aget some government assistance firstBexplain your financial need firstCperform well in your studiesDhave much working experience答案

9、B解析细节理解题。根据Did you know?中的信息“You simply need to demonstrate(证明) financial need.”可知参加这一项目只需证明自己有经济上的需要。4If you want to get more information about working positions,you should .Aphone 6135625315Bphone 6135625734Cphone at any timeDask every department about them答案A解析细节理解题。根据The Admission Section中的信息可知答

10、案为A项。BLinda Evans was my best friendlike the sister I never had.We did everything together:piano lessons,movies,swimming,horseback riding.When I was 13,my family moved away.Linda and I kept in touch through letters,and we saw each other on special timeslike my wedding and Lindas.Soon we were busy wi

11、th children and moving to new homes,and we wrote less often.One day a card that I sent came back,stamped “Address Unknown”I had no idea about how to find Linda.Over the years,I missed Linda very much.I wanted to share happiness of my children and then grandchildren.And I needed to share my sadness w

12、hen my brother and then mother died.There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.One day,I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was WagmanLindas married name.“There must be thousands of Wa

13、gmans.”I thought,but I still wrote to her.She called as soon as she got my letter.“Mrs.Tobin!”she said excitedly,“Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”Minutes later I heard a voice that I recognized at once,even after 40 years.We laughed and cried and caught up on each others lives.Now the empty place i

14、n my heart is filled.And theres one thing that Linda and I know for sure:We wont lose each other again!5The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans .Aat the age of 13Bbefore she got marriedCafter they moved to new homesDbefore the writers family moved away答案D解析细节理解题。根据开始的时候作者与Linda总是一起去上钢琴课、看电

15、影、游泳、骑马等,但后来在作者13岁的时候,作者一家搬走了,两人只能通过书信联系。故选D。6They didnt often write to each other because they .Agot marriedBhad little time to do soCdidnt like writing lettersDcould see each other on special time答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句“Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes,and we wrote less often.”可知,她们之所以没经常写信,是因为她们要忙于照顾孩子,又要搬新家,也就是说,她们没有时间写信。7There was an empty place in the writers heart because she .Awas in troubleBdidnt know Lindas addressCreceived the card that she sent


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