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1、20162017学年度上学期辽油二高高一期中考试试卷英 语 时间 :120分钟 满分 :120分 第卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。 A.Studying English for an hour once a week isnt usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes

2、practicing every day. Get yourself concentrated(集中) as much as possible every time you study, and challenge yourself to listen to , read ,and even say things in English that you think might be too difficult for you.The right attitude can make the difference between failure and success. Stop thinking

3、 of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. Its a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you to use the English you already know more effectively.This also means you need to start thinking in English. If you

4、want to say the word “apple” in English, for example, right now you probably think of the word in your native language first, and then try to think of the correct word in English. Instead, try imaging a picture of an apple, and then just think the English word “apple”. Real fluency happens when you

5、stop mentally translating conversations.When most students listen to a native English-speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean. This is definitely important, but there is a lot more you can learn form listening. Try listening not just to what the words mean, but to how the person

6、 says them. Notice which words the person links together in a sentence, or when they say “ya” instead of “you”. Try to remember these details the next time you speak and your English will begin to sound more natural.1. What can we do if we want to make progress in English learning ? A. We need to pr

7、actice speaking English every day.B. We should study English for an hour once a week.C. We must be concentrated as much as possible all the time.D. We should challenge ourselves to speak at a higher level.2. What can we infer from the text? A. With more words we can speak English fluentlyB. We have

8、to read enough before speakingC. Confidence comes from the right attitude.D. Imagination is very important in speaking English.3. What does it take to speak English like a native speaker?A. Sharp observation . B. Rich imagination C. Translating ability D. Careful reading 4. What can be the best titl

9、e of the text?A. Making Your English Sound NaturalB. Tips on Learning English WellC. Challenging Difficulties in Learning English D. Be Attentive when Learning English B.Many of us like to relax with a box set and a bag of crisps. But eating while watching TV or looking through Facebook can cause pe

10、ople to overeat, leading to obesity(肥胖), a new study has found. And parents being distracted(注意力不集中的) means they do not pay attention to their children at the dinner table, so they dont learn healthy habits such as stopping eating when full. Researchers said so-called “distracted dining” may be as d

11、angerous to health as losing concentration(专心) on a motorway.The US researchers studied 60 families during mealtimes to test the effects of distraction. Half the families were affected by the sounds of loud noises in the next room for 15 minutes while eating , while the other families ate without a

12、distraction.The effects of distraction were more marked for parents than for children. Parents ate more biscuits and drank more soft drink than the quiet group but they also ate more vegetables.Dr Barbara Fiese, of the University of Illinois, said: “Adults got up and down from the table a lot more a

13、nd made fewer positive comments. They paid less attention to their childrens concerns in conversation and we know that kind of conversation is associated with a healthier weight in children.”She added distracted parents are probably not monitoring what their children are eating and not demonstrating

14、 a positive interest in their children. This means that children are not set good examples such as stopping eating when they are no longer hungry.She said: “Distraction during meals puts kids at added risk for obesity and increased eating of unhealthy foods. We also found that noisy and distracting

15、environments affected parents actions and we know that parents are important for the quality of family mealtimes.”5. What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Supposed to B. Terrified of C. Used for D. Related to 6. What should the parents do when they eat with their children?A. They should pay more attention to their childrens concerns.B. They should make more positive comments on their children.C. They should tell their children what to eat and when to stop eating.D. They are supposed to get up and down from the table often.7. We can draw a conclusion from th


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