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1、A篇 话题1人物经历及感受Passage 1(2016长沙中考)帮助需要帮助的人 It was a Christmas night. I was an unlucky nurse who had to work on such a beautiful festival. When I was complaining(抱怨)about it, three people appeared at my desk a tired woman and two children.“Are you all sick?” I asked doubtfully because they seemed all r

2、ight.“Yes,” the woman answered weakly and lowered her head.But when they started to present their problems, things became unclear. One child had a fever, but his temperature was OK.The other child had an earache, but she could not tell me which ear hurt. It seemed that the mother was pretending(假装)

3、to cough.Something was wrong. But I only explained that it might take a while before a doctor could meet them. “Take your time, please,” said the mother. I checked their chartsno address. Suddenly I knew, they were homeless while the hospital was warm. The family huddled(蜷缩)together under the Christ

4、mas tree, smiling and talking with each other sweetly. Quietly, I went back to the nurses station and told them what happened in the waiting room. It was just like God sending us a gift on Christmas Day. The nurses station suddenly came back to life. All the nurses went into action for “a Christmas

5、emergency(急诊)”We took out our meals for our Christmas “patients”. We also put together oranges and apples as presents. We tried to exceed the needs of a family who only wanted a warm place on Christmas night. Later, the little girl kissed me and said, “Thanks for being our angel(天使)”(B)1.Before the

6、family appeared in the hospital, the writer was very_AproudBunhappyCpleased(C)2.The family came to the hospital because_.Athey came to visit a patientBthey were all sickCthey were homeless(A)3.The nurses offered the family meals and gifts in order to_Amake them feel at homeBmake them leaveCmake them

7、 feel upset(B)4.What does the underlined word “exceed ” in this passage mean?A降低B超出C拒绝 (C)5.From the story, we learn that_Ahomeless people often tell liesBa hospital is a good place to spend Christmas nightCwe should always be friendly and kind to those in needPassage 2(2017中考预测)海伦凯勒的经历In 1882 a bab

8、y girl called Helen Keller caught a fever that was so hard that she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its markshe could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear,she also found it very difficult to speak.Before her seventh birthday, the family hired a teacherAnne Sullivan. Anne wa

9、s careful to teach Helen especially those subjects in which she was interested.As a result, Helen became gentler and she soon learnt to read and write in Braille. She also learnt to read peoples lips by pressing her fingertips against them and feeling the movement. This method is called Tadoma and i

10、t is a skill that very, very few people manage to learn. She also learnt to speak, a major achievement for someone who could not hear at all.Helen proved to be a remarkable scholar. While she was still at college she wrote The Story of My Life. This was an immediate success and earned her enough mon

11、ey to buy her own house.After her death in 1968 an organization was set up in her name to help blindness in the developing world. Today Helen Keller International is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas.(A)1.Helen Kellers fever made her _Anot see or hearBnot run or sin

12、gCnot eat or drink(C)2.She also learnt to read peoples lips by _.Amoving her fingertips on nosesBplaying her fingertips on lipsCpressing her fingertips against lips(B)3.The underlined word“remarkable”in the 4th paragraph means “_”AdifferentBexcellentCcommon(B)4.One of the biggest organizations worki

13、ng with blind people overseas is _AThe Blind OrganizationBHelen Keller InternationalCThe Deaf and Blind Organization(A)5.The passage mainly talks about _AHelen Kellers hard, special and excellent lifeBHelen Kellers very famous novelsCHelen Kellers very different kindnessPassage 3(2017中考预测)情感故事 It wa

14、s Mothers Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order(订购) some flowers. He wanted the shopkeeper to send the flowers to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I w

15、ant to buy a red rose for my mother, but I only have seventyfive cents. A rose costs two dollars.”The man smiled and said, “Come into the shop with me, and Ill buy you a rose.”He bought the little girl a red rose and ordered his own mothers flowers. As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She brought him to a cemetery(墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave. The man was moved. He returned to the flower shop, picked up the flowers he ordered, and


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