广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 表明观点课件

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《广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 表明观点课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 表明观点课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、表明观点,这类要点中常含有“你认为是否应该” “你对的看法”“你怎么看待”“你如何看待”等。写作时,常用表示In my opinion, In my view, In my observation, From my point of view, As for me, As far as Im concerned, Personally speaking, Honestly, To be frank等开头提出自己的观点,对有“是否”字样的要点,可明确表示“赞成/支持(be for, be in favor of, approve of, subscribe to, agree with)”或“反

2、对(be against)”某一观点或做法,然后 阐明理由,证明你所持的观点。,常用句式,1. 在我看来,我支持观点。一方面, 另一方面,因此, From my point of view, I am in favor of the idea that For one thing, For another (thing), Therefore, ,2. 就我而言,我非常赞同作者的观点。我持此观点因为而且因此,是理所当然的。 As far as I am concerned, I cant agree more with the author on the view that I hold my

3、 view for the reason that Whats more, So it goes without saying that,3. 我强烈支持观点,这对是非常有意义和有益的。这不仅是因为,还因为 I am strongly for this idea of, which is really meaningful and helpful to sb. It is not only because but also because,4. 我坚决支持观点。支持此观点有两个因素:第一,第二。因此,是毫无疑问的。 I firmly support the view that There ar

4、e two factors contributing to this point. In the first place, In the second place, Therefore, theres no doubt that,5. 就个人而言,我强烈反对此想法。这不仅是因为,还因为 Personally speaking, I strongly argue against the idea that It is not only because, but also because 6. 我反对这种想法/说法。这不仅是因为,还因为再者 I oppose the idea that It is

5、 not only becausebut also because Whats more, ,7. 坦白说,我不支持此观点,对于这个观点,我的论据如下:首先,其次 To be frank/Frankly speaking, I can not support the opinion that My arguments for this view go as follows. For one thing, For another, ,8. 我强烈反对此种观点,这将对造成很大的危害 I am strongly against this idea that, which is really harm

6、ful to 9. 老实说,我认为 To be honest, I hold the view/belief that,10. 我认为是正确的/必要的/重要的。 I think it right/necessary/important that 11. 我认为是不合理的/是不明智的。 I dont think it reasonable /wise that 12. 我认为,某人做某事是不理智的。 In my opinion, it is not wise for sb. to do sth.,13. 毋庸置疑 14. 毫无疑问 15. 不可否认 16. 谁也不可忽视/否认这个事实 No on

7、e can ignore/deny the fact that,There is no denying that,There is no doubt that,It cannot be denied that,高考链接,谈谈你对平凡工作的看法。(2013广东高考) As far as I am concerned, I cant agree more with the author on the view that we should respect ordinary workers. I hold my view for the reason that every ordinary job

8、plays a part in society. Whats more, society can not go on even a single day without ordinary jobs. So it goes without saying that ordinary jobs are the necessity for the society and worth respect.,From my point of view, I am in favor of the idea that we should respect ordinary workers. For one thin

9、g, society is arranged with ordinary jobs. For another, it is the ordinary jobs that make the world function a day effectively. Therefore, every ordinary job should be considered as an important part in society.,1.你认为电子书会取代纸质书吗? 首先,明示观点,写出主题句:我强烈 反对电子书取代纸质书这种观点。 然后,阐明理由,论证观点:are hard to be available

10、 when the electricity is cut off/only belong to those who can afford digital devices,要点特训,(明示观点) Frankly speaking, I cant agree with the idea that e-books would take the place of paper books. (阐明理由) My reasons for this view are as follows. For one thing, e-books are hard to be available when the ele

11、ctricity is cut off. On the contrary, we can enjoy our paper books. For another, e-books only belong to those who can afford digital devices such as mobile phones. However, every one of us, rich or poor, young or old, can have access to paper books.,2.你如何看待学校规定学生穿校服? 首先,明示观点,写出主题句:我赞成学校规定学生穿校服,这对我们学

12、生是非常重要的。 然后,阐明理由,论证观点:make us focus on our personalities but not clothes when making friends/have more time to devote ourselves to our study for the reason/dressing up ourselves is no longer a waste of time,(明示观点) I am strongly for this idea that high schools require students to wear uniforms, which

13、 is really meaningful and helpful to us students. (阐明理由) There are two factors contributing to my point. On the one hand, wearing uniforms can make us focus on our personalities but not clothes or appearance when making friends. On the other hand, we would have more time to devote ourselves to our s

14、tudy for the reason that dressing up is no longer a waste of time. Wearing uniforms is our only choice.,3.你对参加暑假班有何看法? 首先,明示观点,写出主题句:我并不赞同学生参加暑假班,这会对我们学生造成一定的伤害。 然后,阐明理由,证明观点:take up so much of our time/can not have enough time for rest and entertainment/cost a lot of money,(明示观点) I am strongly agai

15、nst this idea of taking part in the summer schools, which is really harmful to us students. (阐明理由) The reasons why I am against this idea are as follows. For one thing, the classes in the summer schools will take up so much of our time that we can not have enough time for rest and entertainment in o

16、ur summer vacation, which is of great importance to our body and mind. For another, taking part in those training will cost a lot of money, which means a heavy burden for our parents.,仿真模拟,The author shared his opinion about how to be confident. That is, confidence comes from the efforts you make. And he called on his classmates to study harder to strengthen the confidence in


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