高中英语 module 1 my first day at senior high sectionⅱ同步精练 外研版必修1

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1、Module1 My First Day at Senior High Section.用所给词的适当形式填空Today is my first day at Senior High.I always 1._ (get up)very early.I 2._(exercise)this month,so I 3._ (jog)every morning.I 4._(walk) to school every day because I 5._ (live)not far away from the school.Now,I 6._ (sit)in the classroom and 7._(l

2、isten) to my new teachers selfintroduction.I must say I like her very much.She 8._(smile)all the time.Everything about the new school is so exciting.I 9._(write down)all my feelings now and I 10._(look forward) to the next day at my Senior High school.6am sitting7.listening8.smiles9.am writing down1

3、0.am looking/look forward.单句改错1Ill wait for you until you will come._2He will give the book to you the moment he will get here._3They work on the wallnewspaper all day long._4When the boy came into the classroom,he found the others disappointing._5The exciting look on her face suggested she was exci

4、ted._6The interesting news made us interesting in it._7The missing boy was last seen play near the river._8I had to shout to make myself hear above the noise._.单项填空1Were _ to listen to her _ voice.Its _ to hear her sing.Apleased;pleasing;pleasureBpleased;pleasant;a pleasureCpleasing;pleased;a pleasu

5、reDpleasing;pleasant;pleasure2Deeply _,I thanked her again and again.Abeing movedBmovedCmoving Dto be moved3Were you _ when you saw that wild animal?Afright BfrighteningCfrightened Dfrighten4The pilot asked all the passengers on board remain_as the plane was making a landing.Aseat BseatingCseated Dt

6、o be seating5She took a deep breath to calm herself,but her voice still sounded_.Aexcitement BexcitedCexciting Dexcitedly6After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,_.Atired BtiringCworrying Dbeing worried7She wont go unless _.Ainvite BinvitedCwill invited Dare inviting.完形填空A year ago

7、 I paid no attention to English idioms,_1_ my teacher said again and again that it was important.One day,I happened to _2_an Englishman on the road,and soon we began to _3_.As I was talking about how I was studying English,the foreigner shook his head,saying,“You dont say!You dont say!”I was _4_,I t

8、hought,perhaps this is not a _5_ topic.Well,Id _6_ change the topic.So I said to him,“Well,shall we talk about the Great Wall?_7_ the way,have you ever _8_ there?”“Certainly,everyone back home will _9_ me if I leave China without seeing _10_.It was great,”he said.“The Great Wall is one of the wonder

9、s in the world.It is a place of_11_.”Soon I was interrupted again by his words,“_12_”I couldnt _13_ asking,“Why do you ask me not to talk about it?”“Well,I didnt ask you to do _14_,”he answered,gently surprised.I said,“Didnt you sayYou dont say?”Hearing this,the Englishman _15_ to tears.He began to

10、_16_,“You dont sayactually meansReally?It is an _17_ of surprise.Perhaps you dont pay attention _18_ English idioms.”Then I knew I had made fool of _19_.Since then I have been more _20_ with idioms.1A.though BwhenCif Das2A.look BmeetCpick up Dfind out3A.walk BtalkCplay Dgo4A.pleased BangryCafraid Ds

11、urprised5A.proper BstrangeCsafe Dpolite6A.to BbetterCnot Dlike7A.On BInCAll DBy8A.gone BvisitedCseen Dbeen9A.look at Bthink ofCsend for Dlaugh at10A.it BthemCanything Dsomething11A.fun BinterestCbusiness Dmountain12A.Really BGoodCYou dont say DYou are right13A.be BhelpCthink Ddo14A.this BsoCanything Dme a favor15A.laughed BcriedCmoved Dcame16A.explain BshoutCprove Dsay17A.experience


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