高中英语 module 2 my new teachers同步练习 外研版必修1

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1、Module2 My New Teachers一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Be p with hershes very old and cant do anything quickly. 2. He knew I was e and dynamic and would get things done. 3. Our teacher is not only s with us but also kind to us. 4. I quickly walked to the other side of the road to a meeting him. 5. The young man

2、acted strangely during the interview, which made a bad i on the employer. 6. Our class teacher is always kind to every one of us, and he gains r from us. 7. An e-mail is less f than a letter, but there are still a few things to keep in mind. 8. Id a it if you offer your advice. 9. - The couple often

3、 quarrel and even fight with each other.- Yes. Their r is not very good.10. Politics or religion are always interesting t of conversation.二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)11. Someone thinks that governments should make some (严格的) laws to stop human cloning.12. Jane Goodall tried to make the rest of the world under

4、stand and (尊重) the life of these animals.13. I would (感谢) it very much if you would help me with it.14. His first speech as president made a strong (印象) on me.15. Business letters must always be (正式的), but we should write in a natural way to friends.16. You will just have to be (耐心的) and wait till I

5、m finished.17. He felt a bit (放松) when the three days exam was over.18. From this time on the man (避开) fruitless discussions with such kind of people.19. He seems very (严肃的), but in fact he is very humorous.20. I (承认) we have been mistaking over this problem.21. If you are (精力充沛的) in what you do, yo

6、u have a lot of enthusiasm and determination.22. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. S (类似地), our minds are developed by learning.23. Im afraid that your way of doing the job is (完全地) wrong.24. Can you say that dolphins are much more (聪明) than other animals?25. As we know, Shenzhou carri

7、ed three astronauts into space and they did a lot of (科学) experiments.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)26. 在离开房间之前请确保关灯。 that the lights are turned off before the room.27. 这套新公寓太贵了,以至于我不得不借了很多钱。The new apartment cost too much .28. Only in this way will you be able to (取得进步) in your English.29. 结果坏事变成了好事。(词数不限) , the

8、 bad thing has been turned into a good one.30. 他看上去很粗心,可事实上他是个很细心的人。He appears careless, but , he is a very careful person.31. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he (睡着了).32. One needs to apologize quickly to (避免失去) a good friend.33. Our teachers (对严格) us in the studies.四、单项选择34.I really appreciate

9、 to help me with my maths, but Im afraid that I have no time this week.A. you to offerB. it you offerC. your offeringD. this you are offering35.Mr. Brown is very strict his sons everything though he loves them very much.A. in; inB. in; withC. with; inD. with; with36.He isnt patient children, but is

10、patient work.A. in; withB. on; withC. with; toD. with; of37.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercises. , our minds are developed by learning.A. ProbablyB. LikelyC. SimilarlyD. Generally38.The policemen searched the room thoroughly. Thats to say, they searched it .A. completelyB. acrossC. insid

11、eD. finally39.The performance of Liu Yichen in Chinese Characters Dictation Competition gave a deep on TV viewers.A. expressionB. expectationC. impressionD. reputation40.Peter is really ; I dont think I will get working with him in the same office.A. amusing; boringB. amusing; boredC. amused; boredD

12、. amused; boring41.As we know, no matter how a man is, if he doesnt learn, he knows nothing.A. intelligentB. enthusiasticC. relaxedD. disappointed42.Lily finally admitted my umbrella by mistake.A. to takeB. to have takenC. having takenD. have taken43.It didnt seem possible, but they carried on .A. to tryB. tryingC. tryD. tried44.Go for it while you are young. You cant avoid your job tomorrow unless you work hard today.A. losingB. to loseC. to be losingD. being lost45.I dont think it any good another talk with him over the matter.A. hadB. havingC. haveD. to ha


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