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1、七年级(下) Unit 7重点单词1. _ v. 出生 2. _ n. 七月3. fan n. _4. _ n. 三月5. _ n. 四月 6. _ n. 五月7. _ n. 六月8. A_ n. 八月9. S_ n. 九月10. _ n. 十月11. _ n. 十一月12. _ n. 十二月13. J_ n. 一月14. t_ num. 千15. b_ n. 生日16. _ n. 日期;约会17. calendar n. _18. p_ v. & n. 计划,打算19. _ n. 聚会,宴会;党派20. p_ n. 礼物21. _ n. 形状 v. 使成为形状22. a_ adj. 担心;害

2、怕23. _ n. 正方形;广场;平方 adj. 正方形的24. _ n. 圈,圆圈 v. 圈出25. c_ n. 蛋糕26. _ adv. 别的,其他的27. s_ adj. 聪明的28. _ v. (按顺序)数数29. _ n. 单词 30. e_ v. 享受;欣赏31. _ adv. 在昨天 n. 昨天32. _ n. 问题33. _ adj. 可怜的;贫穷的34. w_ v. 洗 35. candle n. _ 36. _ n. 愿望,希望v. 希望 37. d_ adj. 美味的,可口的38. _ pron. 一切;每件事 39. m_ n. 分钟 40. _ v. 开始;出 发n.

3、 开头词汇拓展1. mouse(n.)_(pl.)老鼠2. sun(n.)_(adj.)阳光充足的 3. write(v.)_(过去式)写_(过去分词)_(n.)作家,作者 4. plan(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)计划,打算_(现在分词)5. celebrate(v.)_(n.)庆祝;庆祝会 6. fall(v.)_(过去式)跌倒;落下 _(过去分词) 7. forget(v.)_(过去式)忘记_(过去分词) _(反义词)记得,记起8. bring(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)带来9. blow(v.)_(过去式)吹;刮风_(过去分词)10. magic(adj.)_(adj.)奇妙的;有

4、魔力的11. five(num.)_(序数词)第五12. nine(num.)_(序数词)第九13. twelve(num.)_(序数词)第十 二14. twenty(num.)_(序数词)第二 十短语与句型短语:1. What time do you _ leave for France tomorrow?明天你打算什么时间前往法国?At half past eight.8点半。2. My family will go to my grandfathers eightieth _ this Sunday.这周日,我们全家将会参加我爷爷的八十岁生日聚会。3. May I _ at your w

5、atch?我能看下你的手表吗?4. It takes a lot of practice to _ well.弹好钢琴需要大量的练习。5. I hope youll _ during your stay in China.我希望你在中国停留期间过得愉快。6. Mom said she would _ me _ the zoo if I washed clothes by myself.妈妈说如果我自己洗衣服,她就带我去动物园。7. He grows flowers _ vegetables.他既种花也种菜。8. Children in China enter primary school _

6、six.中国的孩子在六岁的时候上小学。9. Jane could _ hear anything _简再也听不到任何东西了。10. _, I become more confident.在我的同学们的帮助下,我变得更自信了。11. I hope you all _ today.我希望你们今天都玩得愉快。12. In autumn, the leaves _ from the trees.秋天树叶从树上落下来。13. We determined to go to the railway station_我们决定立刻去火车站。14. My father didnt _ until the sun

7、had set.我爸爸直到太阳下山以后才回来。15. Most of the kites are made _ instead of by machine. 短语与句型大多数风筝是手工制成而不是由机器制成。16. Youd better _ that candle before you leave.你离开前最好把那支蜡烛吹灭。17. I write my own songs and I play the guitar _我自己写歌,也弹吉他。句型:18. _?今天是几号?Its June 18th.六月十八号。19. _?我们用它来做什么?We use it to open the door.

8、我们用它来开门。20. _对我来说做出选择是困难的。 答案重点单词1. born 2. July 3. 迷;风扇 4. March 5. April 6. May 7. June8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December13. January 14. thousand 15. birthday 16. date 17. 日历 18. plan19. party 20. present 21. shape 22. afraid 23. square 24. circle25. cake 26. else 27. sma

9、rt 28. count 29. word 30. enjoy31. yesterday 32. matter 33. poor 34. wash 35. 蜡烛 36. wish37. delicious 38. everything 39. minute 40. start词汇拓展1. mice 2. sunny 3. wrote; written; writer 4. planned; planning5. celebration 6. fell; fallen 7. forgot; forgotten;remember 8. brought9. blew; blown 10. magic

10、al 11. fifth 12. ninth 13. twelfth14. twentieth短语与句型1. plan to 2. birthday party 3. have a look 4. play the piano5. have a good time 6. take; to 7. as well as 8. at the age of9. not; any more 10. With my classmates help/With the help of my classmates11. enjoy yourselves 12. fall down 13. at once 14. come back15. by hand 16. blow out 17. as well 18. Whats the date today19. What do we use it for 20. Its hard for me to make a choice



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