2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 4 global warming section ⅲ learning about language & using language课时作业 新人教版选修6

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2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 4 global warming section ⅲ learning about language & using language课时作业 新人教版选修6_第1页
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1、Unit 4Global warmingSection Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1There were _(disagree) among doctors about the best way to treat the disease.答案:disagreements2Plant _(grow) is most noticeable in spring and early summer.答案:growth3The chemicals have been considered as a source of_(pollute)答

2、案:pollution4This invention made a major_(contribute) to road safety.答案:contribution5As we all know,Tao Xingzhi is a great_(educate) in China.答案:educator6The organization has been in_(exist)for 25 years.答案:existence7In his absence,I would like to thank all those who are concerned about him_ my brothe

3、rs behalf.答案:on8Having lived in Paris for 35 years,he experienced many social and cultural_(phenomenon) of France.答案:phenomena9There is a growing_(tend) for people to work at home instead of in the office.答案:tendency10In_(consequent) of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.答案:consequence.单词拼写1He

4、 gave us a(n)_ (随便的) glance as he walked by,but didnt stop.答案:casual2Our company has a(n)_(承诺) to quality and customer service.答案:commitment3Due to_(情况) beyond our control,the lecture was put off.答案:circumstances4They _(提倡) state control of all public services.答案:advocate(d)5There is a fault in the_

5、(电的) system.Youd better have it repaired soon.答案:electrical6The plan received_(普遍的) support throughout the country.答案:widespread.完成句子1Id like to thank you_.我愿代表我全家向您表示感谢。答案:on behalf of my family2I dont know how you_their endless quarrels.我不知道你是怎样忍受他们没完没了的争吵的。答案:put up with3I am not frightened _you

6、are here.只要你在这儿,我就不害怕了。答案:so long as4We have discussed everythingwhen to go,what to see_.我们都商量过了什么时候走,看什么等等。答案:and so on5. Time after time she was warned_.Its no use crying now.有人一次又一次地警告过她这样做的后果。现在哭也没用。答案:of the consequence of her actions6.This restaurant has become popular _that suit all tastes an

7、d pockets.这家餐馆出名是由于它的各种各样的食物适应各种口味和消费类型的人群。答案:for its wide range of foods7Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,_.去年毕业时已获得驾照的学生达到了20万人,平均每年4万人。答案:a(n) average of 40,000 per year8_?We have to teach her to care for others.为什么我们要忍受苏珊的自私行为?我们得教她关心别人。答案:Why

8、 do we have to put up with Susans selfish behavior.阅读理解Nearly half the people on the earth do not have safe water to drink.Friendly Water for the World is an organization,founded by Quakers,whose duty is to offer the opportunity of making use of lowcost clean water technologies and the information a

9、bout health to more people in need.They teach communities how to construct simple biosand water filters (过滤器),which remove nearly 99% of those things that may cause a disease.Friendly Water for the World also supports the setup of independently owned cooperatives (合作社),which are able to locally cons

10、truct more biosand systems for their villages.Many of these new small businesses and cooperatives are also run by women.After picking up the skills needed to build a water filter,communities can then help train their neighbors how to construct these biosand systems.This group has a strong commitment

11、 to world peace,and suggests that people produce the things that they need independently;they are now working on projects in Kenya,Burundi,India,Ethiopia,Afghanistan,Uganda,South Sudan,Zimbabwe and Honduras.The simple water filter was developed over twenty years ago in Canada,by Dr.David Manz,who pa

12、tented (获得专利权) his lifesaving invention and made it available to the world.A biosand water filter just costs around $50,and will last a family for many years.Earlier this month I met with one of the founders of Friendly Water for the World,David Albert.He explained how the organization came into bei

13、ng and shared some amazing personal stories about their work.He told me about a group of housewives who were now working together to bring clean water to their village,and many other amazing clean water successes from around the world.He says that it actually brings him great joy to collect money fo

14、r these important projects,and that he loves helping to direct human energy into such lifesaving activities.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了Friendly Water for the World这个组织的一些情况。1According to the text,Friendly Water for the World_.Ashows people how to make use of water wiselyBteaches people how to get safe drinking waterCprovides free clean water for poor peopleDaims at helping poor people become rich解析:推理判断题。由第一段中的最后一句They teach communities how to construct simple biosand water filters,which remove nearly 99% of those things that may cause a disease可以推知,



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