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1、山东省淄博市沂源县三岔乡2016-2017学年八年级英语下学期开学检测试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择(20分)1 He never takes exercise and eats too much junk food. He is becoming than before.A.strong B.stronger C.weak D.weaker 2 They didnt go to the park yesterday - _.A.So did we B. So we didC. Neither did we D. Neither we did 3 Where will you

2、 go this Sunday?I plan to the park with my parents.A. go B. to goC. going D. goes4Liu Ying was very sad. Lets sing songs to _.A. cheer up her B. cheer her upC. give up her D. give her up5My brother used to up late, but now he is used to up early.A. get; get B. getting; gettingC. getting; get D. get;

3、 getting6Dr.Martin Luther King_on that dayEverybody felt sad for his deathAkilledBwas killingCwas killedDis killed7Betty will ring me up as soon as she_in ShanghaiAarriveBarrivesCarrivedDwill arrive8After we sat down, Father the menu and ordered my favorite dish for me.A. looked after B. looked like

4、 C. looked through D. looked for9China is almost as as the US, and it is the biggest country in Asia.A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. bigger and bigger10When did you start your math homework?One hour ago,but I_it yetAdidnt finishBfinishedChave finishedDhavent finished二、完形填空(10分) There are many problem

5、s between parents and their childrenSome parents dont understand their_,and many of them even argue with each otherIf I am a parent,how will I_my child?Well,I think there are many ways _,Ill encourage my child to do things he or she likesThe things should be good_him or herIf it is not good for my c

6、hild,Ill talk to him or her about the disadvantage of the thing in a_ _way Second,I will always take pride in everything good that my child_For example,if he or she gets good grades,Ill say something like_,“Well done!Im very proud of you”These words will make both my child and me very_ Third,I will

7、spend_time staying with my child than my parents did with meIll chat and go shopping with my child I am_these things will make parents and their kids get on well11Aclassmates Bkids Cfriends12Agive lessons to Bget along with Ctalk to13AFirst BNext CLater14Afor Babout Cbefore15Asilent Blazy Cpatient16

8、Awill do Bis doing Chas done17Ait Bthis Cthem18Ahappy Bstrange Csad19Alittle Bless Cmore20Aafraid Bsure Csurprised三、阅读理解(40分)Some people learn a foreign language easily. Others may not. How can you help yourself learn English? I think there are two ways to make English learning a little easier and m

9、ore interesting,First, you should build up confidence(建立自信). If you believe that you can, then you will learn. When you read or listen to something , you may not be able to understand it all. Dont worry. You can use a dictionary to help you. You can ask your teacher or friends to help you. Do not be

10、 afraid of making mistakes. You can learn from mistakes.Second, practice using English. For example, write a diary in English every day, and you will be able to write better. Speak English whenever you can. You may practice with your friends after class. Then you will be able to speak better.座位号: Re

11、member the famous saying, “Practice makes perfect.” The more you practice using English, the better you will learn it.21What is main idea of the passage?A. It is very important and useful to learn a foreign language.B. Some people learn a foreign language more easily than others.C. There are differe

12、nt ways to help you learn a foreign language more easily.D. You should build up confidence before you learn a foreign language.22What is the first way to help you learn English?A. Try not to make any mistakes. B. Try to build up your confidence.C. Try not to ask others for help.D. Try to make Englis

13、h learning interesting.23What is the second ways to help you learn English?A. Practice using English.B. Practice writing English.C. Practice speaking English.D. Practice listening to English.24What does “Practice makes perfect” mean?A. The more you practice your English, the less you will enjoy it.B. The more you practice your English, the more mistakes you will make.C. The more you practice your English, the better you will learn it.D. Perfection is practice.25What can you do when you meet some new words?A. We can use a diction


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