九年级英语上册 chapter 5 memory listening,language,speaking,using english,writing教案 牛津沈阳版

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1、Chapter 5 Memory Listening,language,Speaking,Using English,Writing一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。教会学生学会用过去式来表述事件,为报纸投稿。(二)目标Listening This section is partly for fun, to give students a memory test. But it is also true that memory plays a

2、part in listening comprehension, and it is useful to train students in listening and remembering.Language and Speaking Using if & unless sentences to talk about possible actions and the results of those actions. Speaking time is to learn how to say sorry and excuses.Using English 帮助学生学习把整段的文字转化为笔记式文

3、本,可以更加直截了当地找到重点。也同时提高学生的总结概括能力。Writing Write an article for “memory corner”Take care with the tense of your verbsWrite five or six paragraphsGive your story a title.(三)重点和难点Listening We can devise more work yourself in the same way, or get students to make up test items for each other. Try to solve

4、the tasks, meanwhile understand what the tapescript says.Speaking Apologies and excusesSorry.I am so sorry.I am terrible sorry.Thats all right.Dont say that.Youd betterUsing English Making notes To show its meaning by drawing a diagram.Writing Write an article for the school newspaper, it can be abo

5、ut a real memory of your own, or you can imagine a memory.二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Listening l 有一种记忆是依靠听力来辅助完成的,以这个话题为切入,开始听力教学。l Pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,问题前置让学生带着问题去听,有的放矢。(recognize key words),根据上下文猜测可能陌生的词汇,提高判断能力。 l While-listening可以闭上眼睛,用心聆听。l Post-listening 小组活动,比赛。同时也可以增加一个听歌曲填

6、歌词的趣味活动。【链接1】牛津英语教学参考Page 83, Page84Speaking 这个if句型可以使用句子接龙的方式进行开放式训练例如:if I have money, I will buy a big car. If I buy a big car, I will travel around the world. 在86页上的练习,可以根据图片的提示进行选择。这样的设计更加直观。Using English 模拟情景进行句型操练。Play act, and play show.Try to use these sentences in a real situation.Writing 在写好的范文的基础上,进行改写,用自己亲身的于记忆有关的经历作为题材。要求如下:Write an article for “memory corner”Take care with the tense of your verbsWrite five or six paragraphsGive your story a title.同时,作为初三学生,可以不妨介绍一些不同文体的写作技巧。【链接2】链接1说明: 建议听说结合:在说的基础上,引入听的内容,要求学生掌握note-taking的技巧。Flash 见附件链接2 ppt 说明:写作技巧介绍:更多内容见ppt 【链接2】


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